Weekly eNews
September 10, 2021
"Be Doers of the Word" – A New Sermon Series on James Begins September 12!

The opening chapter of James encourages us to “be doers of the word, and not hearers only.” What does faith look like in action? Join us for a sermon series on the Epistle of James, which focuses on practical spirituality, as we explore how to put our faith to work in community.
Come Tour St. Andrew's this Sunday

The Invite, Welcome, Connect committee invites all newcomers (and people wishing to learn more) to join us on Sunday September 12, for a tour of St. Andrew's. Following the 10 a.m. service, join us on the lawn for coffee, doughnuts, and lots of information. We will set out from there to learn more about our campus and all the activities that find a home at St. Andrew's. Please contact Lynda Sanecki (lsanecki894@gmail.com) or Pat Stultz (patnjoes@gmail.com) for more information.
Children's Ministry Starts Sunday

This fall we're committed to listening to and supporting our families safely. Beginning September 12, we will offer Children’s Ministry Sundays during 10 a.m. worship. PreK through 5th grade will be invited to process outside (weather permitting) for a story, community building, and play, and then return to their families for communion. There will also be children’s bulletins and activity bags. Nursery is available weekly by request (please read Nursery Note, below). And we are launching special Celebration Sundays, featuring family-friendly worship and a service activity after church for children of all ages!
Nursery Note!

Beginning September 12, nursery is available weekly by request. Please send your request, by Tuesday for the coming Sunday, to Susan in the parish office, at parishsta@gmail.com or 336-275-1651, ext. 1.
Going Up?
Widening Our Welcome and Inclusion of All God’s People

There are several changes coming to our St. Andrew’s Church Campus, but the most exciting is the installation of a VPL that will make Herman Hall handicap and wheelchair accessible. While our older facility certainly presents challenges, we are working hard to make the different spaces of our communal life more welcoming for all. This is consistent with our mission and ministry in Christ.

Question: So ... what is a VPL?
Answer: A Vertical Platform Lift, or VPL, is a type of elevator. And at St. Andrew's, a VPL will provide wheelchair and handicapped access to Herman Hall through a hole in the floor. Yes, you read correctly! In several weeks, everyone will be able to get to Herman Hall.

Question: Where will the VPL be located?

Answer: The new lift will be located between the closet near the church front entrance and the room directly below it on the basement level (the room currently used by the acolytes). Several possible locations were considered, and this location was determined to be the best available.

Question: What was that shout you heard?

Answer: Those were the cheers of all the people who have been unable to participate in activities in Herman Hall because stairs are a struggle and all those who have carried materials up and down the stairs over the years. The VPL can be used to move gift baskets and similar items between floors.
Stay tuned. Updates on our VPL will be coming soon. In the meantime, join us in saying "Thank you!" to the anonymous donor who made a generous gift specifically for the purchase and installation of our new VPL. 
Join Us for Worship
Sundays at 10 a.m.
In-Person and Online

Everyone is welcome. Masks are required for all in attendance. We will continue to offer worship online with a livestream of Sunday’s service. This Sunday, we joyfully welcome back Rev. Ginny following her recent surgery and recovery.
Youth EYC Kick-Off is September 26

Our Episcopal Youth Community, or EYC, will kick off on September 26 at 5:30 p.m. If you are in middle school or high school, we’re really hoping you’ll join us for this year’s activities. We have things planned that will entertain you, challenge you, teach you, and constantly remind you that God loves you (and so do we!).
Abundant Life is this Tuesday, September 14

Our next date to prepare food for Abundant Life is September 14. St. Andrew’s provides food for this ministry on the second Tuesday of every month. If you would like to contribute to the food donations, please contact the Rev. Barbara Cooke at bjcooke58@gmail.com to coordinate.
Fall Formation at St. Andrew’s

Throughout the summer, St. Andrew’s was hard at work planning fall ministry activities, but the recent surge in COVID cases has caused us to reevaluate how to start these parish activities safely. We will continue to gather for masked, in-person worship, but are pushing back fall start dates on some ministries. We have altered our Sunday morning children’s ministry so we can gather outside and will begin EYC in late September. This year, we have added Celebration Sundays (see above). On these special days in our liturgical calendar, we will celebrate our life together in God by focusing on intergenerational worship and service. 

Our adult formation offerings are grounded in small groups. We have a number of ways you can grow in faith this fall. Please see our mid-week offerings below. Look for additional ways to engage as disciples of Christ in feeding the hungry, welcoming the stranger, and being transformed by God in the weeks to come. Walk in love.

Celebration of New Ministry Rescheduled to October 10
We look forward to celebrating Rev. Ginny Bain Inman on the occasion of her installation as Rector of St. Andrew’s. The Celebration of New Ministry for Rev. Ginny has been rescheduled for October 10, with details coming soon. Meanwhile, if you would like to be part of the special gift giving opportunity for our new rector, visit https://abundant.co/standrewsepiscopalch/give. (Note: Please select “New Ministry Gift” as the fund for your gift. This option is at the bottom of the listed funds.) Checks may be mailed as well, with “Celebration of New Ministry” as the memo. Contact Shelley Kappauf (shelleykapp@gmail.com, 336-404-0177) with questions.
Deck the Halls Returns

Save the date! Deck the Halls is returning to St. Andrew's on Saturday December 4, 2021. There will be lots of familiar faces and activities as we come together to "Share the Love." In the coming weeks you can learn more about the festivities—some old favorites and new additions. Keeping COVID always in mind, this will be a year of challenges. Please contact Lynda Sanecki lsanecki894@gmail.com) or Virginia Haskett (vbhaskett@yahoo.com) to learn more.
Order Ahead from the Corner Market

Did you know that the Corner Farmers Market has an online ordering option? If your schedule is tight on Saturdays, or you are limiting in-person interactions, you can consider this additional option. Learn more at Shopping | Greensboro Corner Farmers Market (cornermarketgso.com) or go directly to the online shopping platform at
Thank You for Supporting St. Andrew's

Your ongoing financial support is needed and appreciated. You may give a new gift or continue your pledge in any of these ways: 
  1. Donate online.
  2. Mail a check to St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 2105 W. Market St., Greensboro, NC 27403.
  3. Click the “Give Online” button on our website at https://standrewsgso.org/support-us/
  4. Text STAEC (stands for St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church) to 73256. 
  5. Download the “Abundant Giving” app on your mobile device. Search for St Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Greensboro.
Reminder about Gifts of Stock
If you plan to make a gift of stock to the church, please contact Ray Marsh first. He will coordinate how best to set up these transactions so as to minimize processing fees that could diminish the impact of your gift.  
We Pray for...

Those on our Parish Prayer List: Mary Stalter; Anna Stalter; Ella Janssen; Judy Wells; Norma Bullock; Moira Ermentrout; Bruce Adkins; Charles and Rebecca Goodrum; Dee Dee Fulton; Judy Stancil; Maria Wilmoth; Barbara Sherer; Leslie; Johnetta Shablack; Dorothy Cook; Jenna Cottrill; Jimmye Olivey; Karen Hall; Don Lowe; Jamie Smith; Larry Phillips; Paula Pile; Sandra Witherspoon; Val Swan; Dick Montgomery; Mike; Jeff Cummer; Linda Shablack; Sarah Ames; Scott Lee; Dale Brinley; Libby Eberhard; Charles Kelshaw; Camille; Poppy and her parents; Jim and Ali Ostridge; Patrick and Margaret Miller; Page Davies; Julie Jennings; Nancy Brown; Barbara Van Cleve; Frank and Sandy Tatem; Gia Yunker; Karen Moth; Amanda; Ann Hardin; Debbie M.; Jacqui Butcher; Doug Sanecki; John and Gisela Smith; Galen Hill; Mary Lou Strohl; Heather; Rob James; Ed Morea; Glenn Strohl; Cindy Shane; Jean Phelps; Jeanette Lowe; Sally Brannan; Rev. Ginny Bain Inman

Those Serving in our Military: Wes Durham, Tom Stauffer, Paul Zeigler, Stephen Johnson, Benjamin Phillips, Kenneth Gearhart, Alex Reyes, Raymond Harrison, Catharyn Nosek
The Departed: The Rev. Harrel Johnson

Births: Emma Blakely Hemminger, daughter of Jake and Savannah Hemminger, on August 24; Caroline Windermere Courtright, daughter of Drew and Alice Courtright and granddaughter of Cheri and Mark Courtright, on September 3; Lyla Grace Moore, daughter of Taylor and Sarah Hite Moore and granddaughter of Rob and Marcia Moore, on September 3

Birthdays: Adam Frahm, Danny Frye, Linda Heller, Susan Hensley, Jill Lowe, Vince Morton, Judy Platt, Tommy Testa, Tim Wilcox
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
website: standrewsgso.org email: parish@standrewsgso.org phone: 336-275-1651