Week of November 22, 2021, With St. Martin's
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The Leaflet for this week's service can be found by going to
A Blessed Thanksgiving Day to You All

As we pause this week to offer thanks and gratitude for all of God's blessings in our lives, I wish to express my thanks to God for being ever-present with us during this first year of my tenure with you as your rector. The pandemic has certainly brought us challenges, but those challenges have only re-enforced the resiliency, strength, and love of the good people of this parish. It has been a wonderful year- and my family and I are blessed to be here with you.

Thank you all for your hospitality and welcome, your patient understanding and willingness to adapt to new situations, and your commitment to St. Martin's parish. I thank God for each of you every day. May God continue to bless you and our parish. May we continue to grow and thrive and flourish as a haven of love and hope in our community.

Peace and all blessings,
Father Rob+
2022 Pledge Update
Thank you to all who have sent in your pledge cards. We currently have $137,456 pledged for 2022. Our membership has been amazing with a 56% increase in pledges this year. If you have not pledged yet, please think about doing it this year. Making a pledge helps the vestry with its budget. 

Here is the link to make an online pledge:
St. Martin's is
"Adopting" a Family
and other Outreach News
First, for those of you who may not have heard, St. Martin’s has “adopted” a family of six who was devastated by tropical storm Ida. The Church is working through HOME (formerly IHN) to make it possible for this family to celebrate Christmas and receive Christmas gifts. They have lost everything and it is our goal to provide clothes and toys for the four children as well as other items needed by the family. Last weekend a giving tree was placed in the church and 29 of the 31 “ornament” gift tags were taken proving once again how generous the parishioners of our Church are. 
There is a list taped to the window by the tree and also on the bulletin board suggesting items the family could use such as soap, laundry detergent, shampoo, etc. Their home is in such bad shape that we cannot take donations of furniture or kitchen items, etc. at this time but it is our hope that as the father repairs their home, we will be able to help them with other items. If anyone has an electric blanket, that would be very helpful as the nights are getting cold and they have no heat. Donations may be placed in the red bin, under the table, in the narthex.
I want to thank you for taking the tags and also for your response to our gently used coat drive last Sunday. Kathy Shanklin was able to deliver a trunk full of adult clothes to Cathedral Square Senior Citizen’s Housing in Hamilton. In addition, the response to our Facebook page and Neighborhood Watch posting by Christine Kellam was great. We provided new coats and used clothing to FISH plus we had four bags of gently used clothing and new clothing for our adopted family. In addition, some snacks and blankets were provided by a church neighbor and another neighbor has offered to cook Thanksgiving dinner for the family. Everyone’s generosity has been overwhelming.
For those who may not have had the opportunity to select a gift tag, additional ones will be placed on the tree next Sunday. Also, if you would like to donate but are unable to shop, Outreach is collecting cash donations and will do the shopping for you. Please give any financial assistance to Fr. Rob or Len Cacciatore.
All gifts are to be returned to the church on or before December 19th. You may wrap the gifts or return them unwrapped and volunteers will wrap them for you. Just remember to attach the “ornament” tag you took from the tree to the package.
On December 19th, we will be having a fellowship pasta dinner where we will be wrapping gifts and Father Rob will bless the gifts.
Adult Forum
We will gather in the Lady Chapel from 9:30-10:00 am
November 28 - Praying in Color (Creative Prayer)
Refresh of St. Martin's Website
Good news! Diane Lester has given our website a brand new look. Please check it out at
Appalachian Service Project
There is the possibility that we will be able to participate in an ASP trip in the summer of 2022. If you would be interested in participating, please let Father Rob know as soon as possible. If you are interested, please contact Fr. Rob.
Upcoming Dates
November 28 - First Sunday of Advent
December 5 - Saint Nicholas Visitation Fire Pit Get-together, 4 p.m.
December 12 - Women's Group Christmas Party with Cookie Exchange
December 19 - Pasta Dinner with Wrapping of Presents for our Adopted Family and Greening of the Church
December 24 -
4 p.m. Family Service: Carols and Communion
8 p.m. Festival Sung Mass of Christ with Incense, Holy Communion with Carols
December 25 - 10:30 Christmas Day  (No 5:30 pm Mass) Lessons and Carols with Communion
December 26 - 10:30 am (No 8:15 am Mass)

Sunday Evening Zoom Meetings during Advent

Advent is the time for quiet preparation of our hearts for the coming of the Lord. In this busy season, it is important to allow time for reflection and peace.

Each Sunday of Advent, beginning November 28, join us at 7 pm via Zoom for a few minutes of fellowship and the sharing of blessings, thanksgivings, and prayers followed by a short Compline service. The Compline service leaflet can be found on the website. Here is the Zoom link:

Altar Guild
The Christmas Season is nearly upon us! Last year we did not decorate the church for this wonderful season, but this year we want to make sure the sanctuary is as beautiful as it has always been.
The poinsettias and greenery that adorn the Altar and Sanctuary at St. Martin’s during the Christmas season enhance the beauty and holiness of our Church and remind us of the spirit of love and joy that this time of year represents.
This year we are inviting all parishioners to donate towards the costs of these adornments and to participate in the “Greening of the Church” on December 19 after the 10:30 service.
Please place your donations in the offering plate or send them to the Church Office (1350 Washington Valley Road, Bridgewater NJ 08807).
Make checks payable to St. Martin’s Episcopal Church and please specify “Christmas Flowers” in the memo section of the check. You can also donate online at
Thank you for your support of St. Martin’s and the Christmas Flower Fund. If you have questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
St. Martin's Altar Guild
Prayer Requests
  • Marilyn has requested prayers for Andrea, Stephanie, and Alex.
  • She also asks for prayers for her granddaughter, Kelsey.
  • Prayers answered: AnneMarie's father, Vincent, is out of the hospital and back to work
Please send your prayer intentions to Philip at
RITE 13 in December
Rite 13 will not be meeting on Sundays in the Lady Chapel after Mass. Instead, Rite 13 youth are encouraged to attend the St. Nicholas Day celebration at the Kellams (Sunday, Dec. 5, at 4 pm), and to help wrap gifts, or help green the Church on Sunday, Dec. 19. We will gather again in the Lady Chapel on Sunday, January 2, after the 10:30 am Mass.
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road,
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Call Us: 908-526-1350
Contact information for Fr. Rob or