Economic Development E-Newsletter | September 28, 2022
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ICYMI: SelectBlinds relocates headquarters to Chandler
SelectBlinds, an online window treatment company, has leased a 50,000-square-foot office/warehouse space in West Chandler at the San Tan Tech Center. The space will serve as SelectBlind's new headquarters, house its inventory, and allow all departments to be brought under one roof. The Valley-based company currently has more than 100 employees and plans for 250 to 300 employees to eventually work out of the space.

"From tech, accessibility, culture and restaurant standpoints, Chandler seems to be the place," said CEO Satya Sivunigunta. "At the end of the day, we're a people company. I needed to be in a place where I can attract the best talent. To me, that's why Chandler made sense."

Seeking science-oriented organizations to participate in the Chandler Innovation Fair
The City of Chandler is inviting science-oriented companies and organizations to participate as exhibitors in the Chandler Innovation Fair on Saturday, Feb. 25, 2023, in Downtown Chandler.

Now in its 12th year, this free event offers unique opportunities for attendees to explore the discoveries of science engineered in their own backyard. Chandler companies participate by setting up interactive demonstrations to engage with the community about what they do and future career choices.

The Chandler Innovation Fair is sponsored by Intel, Northrop Grumman, First Things First, and Waste Management. The City is again partnering with Chandler Unified School District's (CUSD) Innovation Fair, which brings about greater district participation.

Chandler ranks among top cities where Hispanic and Latino Americans fare best economically
Chandler ranks eighth nationally for cities where Hispanic and Latino Americans fare best economically. The SmartAsset study analyzed data for 147 cities across six metrics, spanning topics including income, homeownership and education.

The Chandler Contigo Festival is currently celebrating this segment of our population's rich history and continued impact in Chandler. A number of featured events will be held throughout Hispanic Heritage Month, which started on Sep. 15 and ends on Oct. 15.
MFG Day: promoting the importance of manufacturing throughout the month of October
National Manufacturing Day is coming up on Friday, Oct. 7. MFG Day is an initiative to inspire the next generation to start careers in modern manufacturing through a series of focused events that promote manufacturing to students, parents and educators on the first Friday of October and continuing throughout the rest of the month.

Manufacturers play a critical role in Chandler's local economy, employing more than 25,000 people. In recognition of this, we will be using our Economic Development social media platforms to share information on some of the manufacturing companies and noteworthy projects in Chandler.

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