
The Weekly Word at Western Boulevard Presbyterian Church

Thursday, November 3, 2022

The Importance of Voting

I remember the first time our daughter, Erin, had the chance to vote. She was a senior in high school and was eligible to vote in the 2018 primary election. That election was held in May where we lived, and we voted at a school that was a couple of blocks from our home. We agreed that after she got out of school that day, she and I would walk over and vote together.

It was uplifting and joyful to see her excited for taking this next step into adulthood and being a citizen. She had done her research on the candidates, and after casting her ballot was insistent on getting one of the “I Voted” stickers she could wear the rest of the day. The smile on her face was broad and wide. While I’ve always taken this responsibility seriously, seeing her vote for the first time made me proud that we have this right as a citizen of this country.

I know it gets tiresome seeing all the political ads and mud-slinging that seems to go hand-in-hand with modern political campaigns these days. But I hope we will never forget what a privilege it is to cast our free vote as a part of our democracy. Not only that, but what a great responsibility it is for us. We all have different political views, to be sure. But if we chose not to participate at all, then we are abdicating a right that so many in our world are not privileged to have.

I am grateful that we open our doors at WBPC to be a polling site on Tuesday, November 8. May all of us take the time to be prepared when we cast our vote in this election. And may we not take this opportunity for granted, but instead may we joyfully give thanks for the ability to participate in our country’s democracy.

With a full and grateful heart,



Worship Service – 10:30am – Click HERE for the bulletin.

@The Table Worship – View the pre-recorded service at the link here

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Click HERE for all the education offerings for 2022-23.


Join us this Sunday for our next youth group gathering at 6:30pm! Dinner will be provided! 


Biblical Justice Forum (BJF) is continuing our study of the book White Too Long by Robert Jones. Sandy Irving will be leading chapter 5 (Mapping: The White Supremacy Gene in American Christianity) on Nov 7 at noon. You are welcome to join at any time. 

Click HERE for the Zoom link. 


WBPC’s Safe Child Policy requires that we have at least 2 adults at each youth fellowship activity, including youth fellowship meetings on Sunday evenings. In the past, we have had a team of Volunteer Youth Chaperones who have supported our Youth Advisor – typically we have 4 people who rotate serving one Sunday per month. Right now, we only have 1 adult volunteer, so parents have been filling that gap. We’d love to have church members who DO NOT have a child in youth group participate more fully. This is a wonderful opportunity to develop relationships with our youth. The adult volunteer doesn’t have to do anything other than be there (no program planning). We also would welcome those who just want to help provide a meal on a Sunday night this fall. Please sign up to help as you are able via the sign up genius or by emailing our new Director of Christian Education & Community Engagement, Terrence Rogers (youth@wbpresbyterian.org).



Thank you for your generous response to our Stewardship Campaign for 2023! We had a wonderful response to our Dedication Sunday on October 23. If you haven’t had a chance to submit your financial pledge for 2023, please feel free to place it in the offering on Sundays, to mail it to the church office, or to send it online via Realm. We will be sharing updates on our progress toward our goal of $504,000 in November!

Click here for the current pledge campaign status. 


For 18 years, your Stephen Ministry team has organized and led a "Celebrating Our Saints" worship service to celebrate and reflect upon the "job well done" by our saints in Christian discipleship. The service will honor both departed members of the church who have ascended to Heaven, as well as those who are still with us and contributing to the work and ministry of our church in significant ways. We hope you can join us for the morning worship service that day to rejoice in all who have faithfully served the Lord!


Ever wonder what our youth group does on Sunday evenings, mission trips and retreats? Come hear their story and see some highlights of all their adventures from 2021 and 2022. The presentation will be led by the youth so you will be hearing firsthand the lessons learned, funny stories, and how they have grown in Christ. Dinner will be a taco bar (meat and veggie) with all the fixings!

This will also be another opportunity to meet our new Director and Christian Ed and Community Engagement, Terrence Rogers! Please come and help welcome Terrence to WBPC.

We will also continue collecting toiletries for the Raleigh Women’s’ Shelter so please bring a few items to donate such as:

· Toothbrush/Toothpaste,

· Soap,

· Wash Cloths,

· Deodorant,

· Feminine Hygiene Products,

· Comb/bush

As always, please bring donations, food or money, for the Urban Ministries Food Bags.

We are also in need of volunteers to bring desserts and help with cleanup. Please indicate your willingness to volunteer on the Sign-Up Genius or on the Friendship Pad.

Dinner will be start at 5:45 pm. If you are not comfortable dining in, feel free to join us at 6:30 for the program. Additionally, to-go plates are available if you just want a grab-and-go dinner.

Please RSVP if you plan to join us for dinner by Monday November 7th by indicating number in your party on the friendship pad, using the sign-up genius linked HERE, email the Fellowship Committee at fellowship@wbpresbyterian.org or calling the church office at 919-851-4713.


We have all experienced loss in our lives, whether it be the death of a loved one, living through the pandemic, economic stresses from lost jobs, or the recent trauma of gun violence in our city. You are invited to this special event led by Dr. Cheryl Kirk-Duggan, where in music, art, and spoken word we will seek healing and wholeness through the grief we have experienced. An offering will be collected which will support Urban Ministries of Raleigh. The event will take place in the Sanctuary at 3:00pm, with a reception to follow in the Fellowship Hall. 


Montreat is offering a conference just for you the week of January 2 – 5, 2023. If you are interested in attending, please email youth@wbpresbyterian.org. Click here for more information.

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Click HERE to view the Financial Update from October 2022.


When you go to bed on Saturday, November 5, be sure to set your clocks BACK one hour, so that you don’t show up for church an hour early!


We're starting back with children's worship bags this Sunday and all communion Sundays. They will be in the Narthex in a basket for children to pick up. Please take home what you have colored and return the rest to the basket after worship.


Frank Mansell will be out of town October 24-November 6, as he and Debbie visit their daughter, Heather, who is studying abroad in Paris this semester. If you have a pastoral emergency during this time, please contact the church office, John Bayne with the Deacons (919-649-0449), or one of our Stephen Ministers. 


Every election matters. This year we will be electing a US Senator, US Representatives, State Representatives and Senators, Judges, School Board members, County Commissioners, City Council members, Mayors and more.

The first step is making certain that you are registered at your current address. You can make sure by clicking this link: Verify your voter registration is up-to-date, or register to voteat this link.


If you are considering separation or divorce, don’t try to go through it alone. Connect with a DivorceCare group either in person or online. You’ll find caring people who understand the issues you face and practical counsel for decision making and managing stress. Contact DivorceCare HERE or speak with a Deacon or Elder for a list of several groups that meet in The Triangle area, churches or online.


If you have a prayer concern, please contact Frank Mansell (frank@wbpresbyterian.org), Marcia Bennett (sen1969@hotmail.com), or Betty Dean (betdean@nc.rr.com) and request that it be added to the Prayer Chain. Please note that any confidential prayer requests will not be added to the Prayer Chain. Please let us know if you are nor receiving prayer updates and you had signed-up, and we will work to reconfirm you are on the mailing list.

CALENDAR OF EVENTS: November 6- November 13 


Sunday, November 6

9:30am Sunday School 

10:30am Worship Service 

3:00pm Will's Eagle Court of Honor (Sanctuary)

4:00pm Cub Scouts (Fellowship Hall, downstairs, parking lot) 

6:30pm Youth Group (Fellowship Hall) 


Monday, November 7

12:00pm Biblical Justice Forum (Zoom) 

7:00pm Scouts (Sanctuary) 

7:00pm Property Committee (Parlor)

5:00pm Election Set Up (Fellowship Hall)

Tuesday, November 8

4:00pm AventWest Children’s Mentoring (Fellowship Hall) 


Wednesday, November 9

9:30am Wednesday AM Prayer Group (Fellowship Hall) 

5:45pm Wednesday Night Live (Fellowship Hall)

6:30pm Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

7:30pm Handbell Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary) 


Thursday, November 10

6:30pm Stephen Ministers (Parlor)

6:30pm Bible Study (Zoom) 

6:45pm BSA girls (Youth room) 


Sunday, November 13

8:45am Breakfast (Fellowship Hall)

9:30am Sunday School 

10:30am Worship Service 

12:00pm Session Meeting (Parlor)

3:00pm Arts Program on Grief (Sanctuary)

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Please refer to the Calendar if you have questions about meetings. If you want to reserve a room, please email admin@wbpresbyterian.org. If you have photos from Church events this year, please share them with us. You may upload your pictures directly to our shared Church album by clicking HERE.

If you would like your birthday included on the monthly birthday list, please update your personal information on Realm or contact the church office.


Click HERE for November birthdays!

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