New Life in Christ Church Weekly Update - November 4, 2022
This Sunday: November 6, 2022
9:00 am Contemporary | 11:00 am Traditional
Both services will meet in the Life Center

Message: "Puttin' on the Feed"
Scripture: Mark 6:30-44
Pastor Mike Loomis
Reminder: Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 6.
Turn your clocks back one hour before bed Saturday night!
24/7 Prayer Vigil - Begins Sunday
In the midst of all that has happened God is asking us to come and spend time with him, to soak in his presence, and to pray for our families, friends, neighbors and community. With this in mind, we have decided to do a week of 24/7 prayer* in our prayer room at church. We want to invite you to sign up for an hour or two to come encounter God in this place!

*Note: we currently have 24/7 security on campus.
Foster Care Christmas Luncheon
The Foster Care Christmas Luncheon will be held on Saturday, December 3rd in the Life Center. We have 136 kids registered for this event! Please help us to make this a special Christmas for these children by providing them with gifts. If you are willing to purchase a gift for under $25, please stop by the table in the Life Center on Sunday before the 9 and 11 am services. Please attach the card to the unwrapped gift and return it to the Life Center by November 20.

Thank you so much for helping us bless these children.
The Case for Christmas
The Harmony Bible Class will begin a new 4-week study on Sunday, November 13th by best-selling author, Lee Strobel, “The Case for Christmas.” Lee investigates the story of Jesus’ birth and provides compelling evidence as to why we can know the Bible’s accounts are true. He examines what the scene of Jesus’ birth would have actually looked like, the Bible’s mind-boggling claim that Jesus was born of a virgin, and how prophecies about the Messiah in the Old Testament were fulfilled in Christ. You will discover the evidence points to the fact that Jesus was who he said he was: the divine Son of God.

Join us Sundays in Room 9 at 10:15 am following the Contemporary Service.
Surviving the Holidays 2022 - November 15
Have you or someone you know experienced the death of a loved one? No matter how long it's been, grief can make the holidays a painful time, but there is hope. Our GriefShare program is once again offering an encouraging seminar to help those dealing with grief survive the holidays and discover new reasons to enjoy them again. We want to encourage you to sign up for this 2 hour seminar today, and join us for the morning or evening session on Tuesday, November 15th at 10 am or 6:30 pm in Room 9. Seating is limited, so reservations are required. For reservations or information, please call or text Melodie Austin at 941-661-0842 or you may email her at

Reservations must be made before Tuesday, November 8th.
Blood Drive - November 20
The Big Red Bus will be on campus Sunday, November 20 from 8:30 am - 1:30 pm. Donors receive:
  • $20 eGift Card
  • OneBlood Plush Blanket
  • Chick-fil-A Coupon
  • Wellness Checkup including blood pressure, pulse, temperature, iron count, and cholesterol screening.

Online appointments are encouraged.
Salvation Army Bell Ringers Needed
We will be returning to the Airport Road Publix to ring the bells for the Salvation Army from November 26th to December 23rd.

Sign-up sheets will be available on Sunday between the worship services at the Gazebo. You can also email and someone will contact you to sign up.
Thanksgiving 2022 - Volunteers Still Needed!
This year, our Community Thanksgiving Dinner will be a bit different, as we are only preparing meals for shut-in deliveries. There will be no pickups.

We will need:
  • 20-25 fully cooked turkeys to be delivered to the Life Center (NOT Lenox Hall this year) between 8-10am on Thanksgiving morning, November 24
  • 20-25 volunteers
  • Food items: large cans of yams, large cans of green beans, large boxes of turkey stuffing, large boxes of instant mashed potatoes, pumpkin pies. (no whip cream needed this year)

If you are able to volunteer on Thanksgiving Day and/or are willing to cook a turkey, please contact the Dinner Coordinator, Sherri O'Connell: or call 941-916-4050

Please drop off food donations by Sunday, November 13 to the Life Center kitchen.
Thank You, Bargain Boutique!
We want to extend a very special "Thank You" to the dedicated volunteers who staff the Bargain Boutique and the support they give our church campus, ministries and community!

Be sure to stop by and visit the Bargain Boutique on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 9am-2pm.
Tuesday Night Small Groups
Please join us on November 8 and November 15 at 6:30pm in the Life Center for fellowship, study and prayer. All weeks are self-contained -- come to one, or come to all!
Music Ministry Updates
Greetings Everyone,
The Chancel Ringers rehearses on Wednesdays at 6:00PM and plays at the 11:00AM service once a month. If you are interested in joining our handbell group and can read music I want to talk to you!
The Chancel Choir rehearses on Thursdays at 6:00PM in the Historic Sanctuary and sings Sundays at the 11:00AM Service. The Chancel Choir is open to anyone interested – no audition is necessary.

Please contact me for more information or questions.

Soli Deo Gloria!
David Bellows
Director of Music Ministries

This Sunday’s Music – All Saints' Sunday, November 6, 2022 - 11:00 AM Service
Prelude: There Is A Happy Land – G. Shearing
Jerusalem, My Happy Home – G. Shearing
Opening Hymn: 711 For All The Saints
Offertory Anthem: On Eagle’s Wings – D. Wagner
Doxology 95
Closing Hymn: 469 Jesus Is All The World To Me
Postlude: Tuba Tune in D Major – C. S. Lang
A Word from Worship
Greetings New Life Church friends and family --

First, let me thank everyone who has supported me with prayer. I have truly felt an amazing sense of kindness, love safety, and protection as I approached my most recent surgery. And now, here's a disclaimer; that surgery took place this morning so I am probably still under the effects of anesthesia, etc so please forgive anything that doesn't make sense! I am doing well, in spite of initial post-op discomfort. The update is (because I'm asked) that the largest screw/hardware was removed and the infected area cleaned out. Our prayer is that the bone structure in that toe is stable enough and that now with multiple antibiotic coverages the infection will clear -- and then I can go out dancing again! Oops- I think that's the pain meds acting out! I am so blessed to be part of this generous and beautiful church family. 

Most of us have had to deal with life situations at one time or another. Mine has been serious health issues; others might be relationship problems or financial problems. The list goes on, but no matter what our difficult situation is, we can choose how to respond to it with His help. Many times the circumstances are completely out of our control. It is what it is-- and what it is - is really tough. In days gone by, I used to try to figure it all out on my own - try something new, a new attitude, or a new strategy. When that wasn't a long-term fix, my disappointment and frustration made me lose hope. I'm only human, so I still get feelings of frustration or loss, but now, I know to turn to God in prayer and I don't have to stay in those places of despair, because I know God is at work in this, and I always have hope.  1Timothy 4:10; "This is why we work hard and continue the struggle, for our hope is in the living God, who is the Savior of all people and particularly of all believers." I always say I was a slow learner but no matter our age, I believe prayer is something we can do not only for ourselves in bad situations but to share with others. I choose to have hope and I choose to share it with others. I chose to pray with my nurse before surgery this morning. I never thought I would ask someone that, but she said she was touched. Thank you, Heavenly Father. I believe that if we share this with other people, we will be a great blessing to them. Galatians 5:22-23 "But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."
Thank you for blessing me. 

Don't forget-- for the time being, we have two worship services on Sunday; at 9 am and 11 o'clock in the Life Center. Thank you for your patience as we continue to work in makeshift offices etc.

A huge Thank You to all the volunteers who have tirelessly been working daily at whatever needs doing. Thanks also to those who have checked on members, or neighbors who might need help.  It's a big help for the office staff.

I'm praying for you!

Rosie Young
Worship Coordinator
Operation Christmas Child
Have you picked up your Operation Christmas Child Shoebox yet? If not, shoeboxes will be available after each service in the lobby of the Life Center now through 11/6. Shoebox Labels have been placed on the outside of each shoebox for your convenience for you to ‘Follow Your Box’. The matching code (from the outside label) is inside the shoebox. Inside each shoebox is the “How to Pack a Shoebox” pamphlet with suggestions and helpful hints. This pamphlet also contains a pre-addressed, stamped envelope to MAIL the $10 donation for each shoebox gift to help with shipping and other expenses. You can also donate online, and instructions are in the pamphlet on using the nine-digit code online to activate ‘Follow Your Box’. If you pack more than 1 shoebox gift, donate once for the combined total (write one check) to cover all of them. Please remove tags and packaging from items and write a personal note to each child perhaps with a photo. Don’t forget to mark the ‘Boy or Girl’ and Age Category boxes on the Shoebox Label. PLEASE DO NOT PUT ANY CHECKS OR CASH INSIDE THE SHOEBOXES.  Please return Shoebox Gifts on Sunday, November 13th .  If you need more time, the last Sunday to turn in Shoebox Gifts is Sunday, November 20th. Can’t make it either Sunday? No problem!  The Shoebox Gift Drop Off Center at New Life will be open from 10 a.m. – Noon November 14-20th.  Thank you for participating in this important ministry to reach children around the world with The Good News!
We welcome everyone to help us reach our goal of 30 Online Boxes before November 13, 2022.

Not a shopper? No problem! This is for YOU! Enjoy this 'shoebox shopping experience' without leaving home! Children in over 170 countries will receive shoebox gifts this year.

Please be a part of blessing them with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Enhance their joy!
Church Name Tags
When you come to the church campus, please wear your New Life Church name tag. This will help Samaritan's Purse security identify that you are with the church. Thank you!

If you do not have a church name tag, you can order one HERE.

Some of the name tags that have been ordered are in, and will be in the foyer of the Life Center this Sunday before and after worship.
Samaritan's Purse Assistance
Samaritan's Purse Disaster Relief Base Camp has teams of volunteers ready to help with:
  • Chainsaw Work
  • Yard Debris Cleanup
  • Removing water damaged interior areas
  • Temporary roof tarping

Residents needing help can call: 941-290-8648
To volunteer call: 941-290-8650
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9am - 4pm
(941) 639-3842 |
Sign up to receive text messages & daily devotions by calling the church office.
All past issues of The Bridge are available on our website HERE.