November 2021
What's on our minds?
Brain Health
New Resources Support Healthy Brains
In partnership with Wisconsin DHS, WIHA has been collaborating on a Building Our Largest Dementia (BOLD) infrastructure project to share strategies for maintaining good brain health.

As part of the project, WIHA created two new brain health fact sheets - one on brain health for healthy aging and one on diabetes and brain health. We encourage you to share these resources with workshop participants and others in your community. These resources can be downloaded (at right) or you can find them on the WIHA website -  

We were pleased to have Kathleen Smith and Kristen Felten from Wisconsin DHS as guests at our October Office Hours to discuss the BOLD project. If you missed Office Hours or just want to re-watch the event, click on the link below.
Click on the images above to view and download these documents.
Just a Heads Up!

WIHA will be sending a holiday letter to past workshop participants with an opportunity to support our health promotion programs this December. We wanted our program providers to be aware of this should you get a question from someone in your community. Please contact Kris Krasnowski if you have questions.
WIHA Program News
Attention Stepping On Facilitators!
Program Update Training Coming in 2022
Great news! The updated Stepping On curriculum is almost here and details for the update training will be arriving in your inbox in the coming week.

Stepping On facilitators who were trained or recertified in 2021 are eligible and required to take the update training to continue to deliver the program. Facilitators who were not able to hold a virtual workshop within the 90-day required timeframe from their training will have to recertify for virtual delivery during the update trainings in 2022 to be able to offer the program virtually. The update training allows any eligible facilitator to offer the program in person going forward.

If you are planning in-person workshops in 2022 but are struggling to find guest experts, you can now have the some guest experts attend live, but virtually, as long as you are able to project their video and audio for discussions. Those experts include the vision, community safety, and medication experts as well as the past participant. The physical therapist must attend all 3 sessions in person for in-person workshops.  Please keep in mind that this should be a last resort. Experts should still engage in a discussion format, continue to conduct brainstorms at the appropriate times, and should not use Powerpoints, just like they should not use them for in-person workshops. If you want to bring in guest experts this way, please be sure to set up a time with them to do a trial run using the virtual platform.  

Questions? Please contact us at
If you held a workshop in 2021, please be sure to send us your Attendance Log and Data Packets before the end of the year! Questions? Contact Ela Young.
Registration Open! Leader/Facilitator Training
Training dates have been set and registration is open for 2022 Leader/Facilitator trainings. It's a great time to shore up your program capacity by having new program Leaders trained. If you are interested, please register as soon as possible. Click the link below to visit our Leader/Facilitator Training page.

Stand Up Facilitator Training Special
We have extended our special offer for the Stand Up and Move More Facilitator Training. The cost for February and March 2022 facilitator trainings will be $100 per person. The price will raise to the standard $250 fee for all subsequent trainings.

Contact Erin Eggert with questions.
Attention Healthy Living with Diabetes Program Providers!
Who's Up for a Challenge?
We want to make sure that people with prediabetes and diabetes have access to all of the information and programs that they need to improve their health. So we're offering a special challenge for Healthy Living with Diabetes program providers! From November 2021 – April 2022, Healthy Living with Diabetes Program Provider organizations who hold a 7th session with information on Diabetes Self-Management Education & Supports (DSMES) will be entered into a drawing to WIN a free leader training voucher for the 2022 calendar year! That’s up to a $550 value, depending on which program you choose to redeem your prize. You may use the voucher on any WIHA program in 2022.  
The drawing will be held on May 2, 2022.  Attendance logs with documentation that you held the 7th session must be turned in by April 30 to be entered into the drawing. If you have questions, contact Jill Renken.
Be Active Tips

Physical Activity for Lifelong Success (PALS) program providers and others who want to encourage physical activity now have some new "tips" graphics to use in newsletters, on social media or in other communication.

Check out all the tips at the link below OR download Tip #10 at right.
Questions? Contact the WIHA staff lead for the program in question:
Thank You, WIHA Leadership Circle!

Have a colleague who would benefit from receiving information from WIHA? Let us know and we'll addthem to our subscriber list.

Email Kris Krasnowski.

Thanks for all you do to support healthy aging in your community. If you're interested in making a contribution to the work of the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging, please visit the link below.