Committed to
Protecting, Connecting and Restoring Arizona's watersheds and fisheries.
"I am not against golf, since I cannot suspect it keeps armies of the unworthy from discovering trout."
~ Paul O'Neil
Message From The President
Welcome to the September 2021 Newsletter,
It’s back to school and end of Summer for most. Fall is in the air, or will be soon, and in the Phoenix valley, we’re celebrating one of the wettest monsoons in years. The surrounding hills and highway right of ways are awash in a brilliant display of color: Mexican poppies carpet the desert and everywhere you look the desert is green. We certainly welcome this wonderful gift from mother nature, and hope it is a harbinger of a wet, wet, winter that restores the streams, lakes, and aquafers and begins to turn around the long-term western United States drought.
Speaking of back to school, the Arizona Trout In the Classroom program is gearing up for the 2021-22 School year. We just learned the eggs will arrive during the first week of November. So, look for a TIC Workshop in October. More about TIC later in the newsletter.
We plan a great year, and look forward to you joining us for our various activities and conservation opportunities. Please watch our schedule for upcoming activities.
Our team continues to make great strides in our quest of protecting, reconnecting, restoring, and sustaining the cold-water fisheries of Arizona. But we need your help! Check out the articles in our newsletter outlining how you can help take action; whether it is by opposing the Pinion Mine, supporting the Good Samaritan Legislation, or by volunteering for Trout In the Classroom.
We plan a great 2021, and look forward to you joining us for our various activities and conservation opportunities. Please watch our schedule for upcoming activities.
Help Wanted Needed!
Tired of doing crossword puzzles and 10,000-piece jigsaw puzzles? Then consider volunteering for a position with your chapter board. We currently are looking for a STREAM Keeper leader, and a board member at-large. If interested, contact any board member, or me.
Here are some of the articles in this month's Newsletter.
- Your Zane Grey Chapter of TU has a new Instagram! Follow us here!
- Arizona TU (@trout_unlimited_arizona)
- Contact Us to Plug in as Volunteer
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Your Opinion Matters
- Public Policy – Infrastructure Bill, Hydro Electric Dams, and More
- FFI Women Connect Event
- Virtual Book Club: Sleeping Lady
- Conservation: Abandoned Mine Cleanup via Good Samaritan Pilot Program
- Trout in the Classroom - Returning to Schools!
- USFWS to Continue Funding Sport Fish Stocking Program
- Other Angling organizations
- ZGTU and affiliates calendar
- Follow ZGTU on Social Media
We’ve gone virtual!!!!
Please join us for our monthly meeting:
Look for our September board meeting announcement.
Until then,
Tight Lines.
Alan Davis
Yes! You DO belong in the DEI discussion!
Several TU members have stated, “I fully support diversity, equity and inclusion, but I don’t feel I have anything to contribute to that.” In reality, you might be one of the most valuable contributors of all! No matter how you identify, you have useful knowledge and experiences to share. By adding your voice—your sincere voice—to this discussion, you help become part of the growth of the TU organization. Privately, people have said they felt like they are being attacked as part of the problem and that people are “out to get the white guys.”
We need to hear from you. And the payoff is huge: stronger chapters because of larger memberships, more volunteers, and easier leadership succession.
Trout Unlimited is better because of you! Please think about joining the conversation and lending your honest feedback to this discussion. Trout Unlimited volunteers are invited by the Hewlett Foundation to participate in a FREE online Brown Bag Conversation and/or a two-hour workshop to advance DEI. Bina Patel of Saathi Impact will be facilitating these workshops. Many TU staffers have worked with Ms. Patel in the past and highly recommend her courses.
Space is limited, so register today and submit your questions and comments when you register.
We are better because of you—so please join in the conversation!
Infrastructure bill passes Senate: Learn more on how it benefits trout and cold water fisheries HERE
Two of the three Hydro Electric Dam proposals on the Little Colorado River watershed had been withdrawn by Pumped Hydro Storage LLC. The Tribes are still concerned about the 3rd dam proposal. Learn more HERE
Black River EA Biological opinion from USFWS is due by 9/1. Learn more HERE
Steve Kandell, Director of TU's Angular Conservation Program is presenting on the 30x30 + 20 initiative at our October 12th meeting, contact Tom Osterday at publicpolicychair@zanegreytu.org if you'd like to join.
The AZTU Public Policy Committee (PPC) hosts a virtual meeting on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 until 8:00 PM. If you are interested, please contact Tom Osterday at publicpolicychair@zanegreytu.org
Women's Virtual Book Club:
Book - Sleeping Lady by Sue Henry
Next conversation: Thursday, SEPTEMBER 16th, 6 PM
Join us whether you've read the book or not!
Call In: 712-432-0220
Access code: 4632017
Social Media:
Check out the Instagram page for
500,000 Abandoned Mines in the US - WE HAVE A PROBLEM !
(In consideration of a broken link, we are re-running this important story.)
Many of us are familiar with Good Samaritan legislation in regards to helping someone in need, but a pilot permit system for Good Samaritan Groups to clean up Point-Sourced Mines could use your attention. Please take a few minutes of your day to view this informative presentation by Ty Churchwell - TU Staff, Durango, CO, Nikki Julien - Arizona Wildlife Federation, and Nathan Rees - TU AZ Angler Conservation Program.
Trout in the Classroom Returning to Schools!
Summer vacation for students and teachers is nearly over and preparations have been challenging for returning safely with various COVID-19 guidelines.
Trout Unlimited volunteers and the Arizona Game and Fish Department have also been planning for the upcoming school year.
The Arizona TU Council and AZGFD have just announced the program is planned to be conducted for the school year 2021 - 2022.
We are reviewing the Chemicals and equipment needs with all schools in August and September to properly prepare for the upcoming school year.
THIS JUST IN: The annual fall workshop for new teachers and volunteers is expected to be a virtual workshop (Zoom) scheduled for early October. We expect the Eggs to be delivered in late November.
We hope this will give teachers time to organize classes and make decisions for their school.
This school year the Arizona TU chapters will be supporting an estimated 35 schools statewide. ZGTU expects to support 20 of the schools.
Also, there are several openings for new schools to join the program. If you know a school or teacher who would like to know more about joining the TIC program, please request they submit their contact information (email, phone number and school) to info@aztic.org or, contact us through the new
Volunteers are needed in many different roles and the amount of time is very rewarding and minimal over the school year. More information on the TIC program, how to sign-up as a volunteer and for newsletters can be done by sending an email to info@aztic.org.
Make sure to follow our Instagram at this location!
USFWS to continue funding to support Arizona’s sport fish stocking program
Agency issues finding of “No Significant Impact” after Environmental Assessment process.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) as part of the Environmental Assessment of its proposal to continue to fund, in part, the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s (AZGFD) sport fish stocking program over the next 10 years.
The FONSI decision means that the Service can continue funding to support AZGFD’s hatchery operations and fish stocking activities that provide recreational opportunities for anglers.
Read the full article here.
Looking for a Fishing Opportunity?
Below is a list of fishing organizations in Arizona. Feel free to join, explore, visit their websites or attend a meeting to find out more information:
Arizona Flycasters Club
Sunnyslope Community Center | 802 E. Vogel Ave. Phoenix, AZ
Fly-Fishing Social Event night - 2nd Thursday of each month. Great speaker and awesome raffle. Donations support our Community outreach partners from Veterans to Youth activities.
Desert Fly Casters
Check website for details.
General meeting 2nd Wednesday of each month. There may be some exceptions so check website for details.
AZFISHBOOK offers a variety of social activities. Listed below are some of the activities available.
Check out the AZFISHBOOK Groups at:
Looking for buddy to fish with?
Signup for AZFishBook Newsletter:
Join Trout Unlimited Today!
Your Conservation License Plate Supports TU Programs
The Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife Conservation (AZSFWC) license plate fund is derived from the sale of wildlife conservation license plates and member organizations as well as non-member organizations are eligible to apply for those funds.
The Arizona TU Council and Chapters have received funds over the past seven years in support of the Annual Native and Wild Trout Conferences and the Trout-In-the-Classroom programs.
The next time your registration comes up for renewal, choose the conservation license plate option at registration to show your support for conservation and our projects.
Combined Calendar
AZ Trout Unlimited & Chapters, Arizona Flycasters Club and several other area fishing and conservation calendars
You may access our calendar here.
Zane Grey Trout Unlimited
Protect. Reconnect. Restore. Sustain. Conserving coldwater habitat in the desert southwest.