F4K works to alleviate childhood hunger

and promote literacy

on the lower/outer Cape

by bringing together

the Church of the Holy Spirit

and local communities

to provide free meals and free books

for children and teens

in the summer when schools are out


July 12, 2023

We're making more than 650 lunches a day!

Do you like helping

to prepare our meals?

Want to help more often?


Think you might be able to

add some food preparation time

before or after packing or driving?

During the weeks when all 12 sites are up and running, we could use a little more help preparing the food. From now through August 11 we would like a few more volunteers for ...

  • EARLY FOOD PREP: 7:30 am - 9:30 am
  • LATE FOOD PREP: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Already signed up for Late Food Prep? You'll notice we've extended the time one hour. If you could stay until 1:00 pm, that would be great!

Go online here - Food Prep/Pack Volunteer 

to sign up to help prepare the meals.

Extra slots have been added.

Need Help Signing Up?

Jot a quick email to Laura Froeschner, our Program Manager at 


She'll answer any questions you might have and she can help you sign up.

We know hunger is solvable.

It's more than growing enough food.

It's getting the right nutrition to the people who need it.

-Bread for the World

Childhood hunger is a

hidden reality on Cape Cod.

We are thrilled

you would like to help make a difference

by supporting Food 4 Kids

with your time and treasure!

Thank you!

This institution is an affirmative action /

equal opportunity provider

Visit the Food 4 Kids Website
Facebook  Instagram
Visit the Church of the Holy Spirit Website