November is a time to be thankful, and we have MUCH to be thankful for! Let’s share thanks for our…
...National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) student leaders and their sponsor! They packaged nearly 150 sets of hats and gloves for the Erie Uplink fundraiser. Way to give, leaders!
...student athletes who spend their early mornings running for 100 mile club, who show their excellence in volleyball and basketball, and who continue to show great sportsmanship and respect for all through intramural sports. Congrats to our Boys' Basketball Team for finishing their season this past Saturday with a double win! We can't wait to see our Girls' Basketball Team in action.
...teacher/staff club sponsors and coaches who spend time outside of the school day sharing their passions and building relationships with over 300 Owls each week.
...donations and support in raising awareness of childhood cancer. Not only did our staff represent awareness (thanks to a generous t-shirt donation), but our entire school came together to go gold and offer donations to the Children's Cancer Therapy Development Institute.
...student artists and their wonderful art teacher who continue to shine in their art skills and learning, and who bring magic to our hallways. Don’t forget to check out Artsonia for some great family holiday gifts and memories. Mrs. White has uploaded over 1,200 art pieces this year alone! and community sponsors who believe in our school and our vision. They have not only given monetary support, but also help to advertise our school outside of our four walls. If you see them around town, make sure to introduce yourself and thank them for their support. counselor, Ms. Rebecca, who is a constant supporter of our students, staff, and families. She is a gift to us all, each and every day.
...successful and engaging Fall Fest, which brought over 500 people together for a family friendly community event. Additionally, we raised over $7,000 in book fair revenues that day and nearly $8,000 in ticket and food sales.
...first Halloween costume parade and annual classroom celebrations! We have the most amazing volunteers and what FUN events they both turned out to be.
...5th graders being able to attend Cal-Wood this year! They had the BEST of times and came together even more as a grade level and team, learning to work together while studying the great outdoors.
...parent donations that keep our teachers and staff happy and fed. Whether it’s a pizza lunch, surprise breakfast burritos, or snacks for the workroom, our family community does a great job keeping our educators well taken care of.
...and speaking of well taken care of…. Wow! Thank you for the outpouring of love and support for the Clieves Family.
Believe it or not, these “thanks” don’t even begin to cover the vast array of events, activities, donations, and support that we have had over the first quarter of the school year. Our families, our students, and our teachers/staff are THE best around, showing great empathy, building strong academic foundations, and creating a happy and welcoming environment for our students.
We are SO thankful for YOU!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, make sure to let your loved ones know how much they mean to you, and let’s all enjoy this time together at Aspen Ridge. We have MUCH to be thankful for!
Charla Salmeron, Head of School