Head of School Highlights
November is a time to be thankful, and we have MUCH to be thankful for! Let’s share thanks for our…

...National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) student leaders and their sponsor! They packaged nearly 150 sets of hats and gloves for the Erie Uplink fundraiser. Way to give, leaders!
...student athletes who spend their early mornings running for 100 mile club, who show their excellence in volleyball and basketball, and who continue to show great sportsmanship and respect for all through intramural sports. Congrats to our Boys' Basketball Team for finishing their season this past Saturday with a double win! We can't wait to see our Girls' Basketball Team in action.
...teacher/staff club sponsors and coaches who spend time outside of the school day sharing their passions and building relationships with over 300 Owls each week.
...donations and support in raising awareness of childhood cancer. Not only did our staff represent awareness (thanks to a generous t-shirt donation), but our entire school came together to go gold and offer donations to the Children's Cancer Therapy Development Institute.
...student artists and their wonderful art teacher who continue to shine in their art skills and learning, and who bring magic to our hallways. Don’t forget to check out Artsonia for some great family holiday gifts and memories. Mrs. White has uploaded over 1,200 art pieces this year alone! and community sponsors who believe in our school and our vision. They have not only given monetary support, but also help to advertise our school outside of our four walls. If you see them around town, make sure to introduce yourself and thank them for their support. counselor, Ms. Rebecca, who is a constant supporter of our students, staff, and families. She is a gift to us all, each and every day.
...successful and engaging Fall Fest, which brought over 500 people together for a family friendly community event. Additionally, we raised over $7,000 in book fair revenues that day and nearly $8,000 in ticket and food sales.
...first Halloween costume parade and annual classroom celebrations! We have the most amazing volunteers and what FUN events they both turned out to be.
...5th graders being able to attend Cal-Wood this year! They had the BEST of times and came together even more as a grade level and team, learning to work together while studying the great outdoors.
...parent donations that keep our teachers and staff happy and fed. Whether it’s a pizza lunch, surprise breakfast burritos, or snacks for the workroom, our family community does a great job keeping our educators well taken care of.
...and speaking of well taken care of…. Wow! Thank you for the outpouring of love and support for the Clieves Family. 

Believe it or not, these “thanks” don’t even begin to cover the vast array of events, activities, donations, and support that we have had over the first quarter of the school year. Our families, our students, and our teachers/staff are THE best around, showing great empathy, building strong academic foundations, and creating a happy and welcoming environment for our students. 

We are SO thankful for YOU!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, make sure to let your loved ones know how much they mean to you, and let’s all enjoy this time together at Aspen Ridge. We have MUCH to be thankful for!

Charla Salmeron, Head of School

Upcoming Events for Your Calendar

11/16 - Studio 5 Picture Retakes
11/17 - ARPS Board Meeting, 4:30pm
11/22 to 11/26 - Thanksgiving Break
11/30 - Middle School Open Enrollment Tour, 5:30pm

12/1 - Early Release, 12:15pm
12/7 - Colorado Gives Day
12/8 - New Student Enrollment Lottery
12/15 - ARPS Board Meeting, 4:30pm
12/20 to 1/5 - Holiday Break
ARPS Merch
Thank you for purchasing your ARPS Merch! As a reminder, you have until Friday, November 19th, to purchase your items. Click here to order today!

If you are having difficulty with your payment, please reach out to Erin Gallagher at 303.887.9479 or

Did you buy this as a holiday gift for your Owl? Be sure to email Mr. Cortes so we know not to deliver the items to them in their classroom. You can coordinate with Mr. Cortes to pick up the items at school.

Arriving Late to School...
Good school attendance often starts with smaller steps, such as arriving and leaving on time. At Aspen Ridge, some of the most important learning opportunities for students occur in the morning, when students participate in morning announcements, attend class meetings, and develop relationships with their peers. Students are considered tardy after 8:15 am. If you need to drop your student off late, we ask that you please wear a mask and sign your student in at the front office.
Sponsor Spotlight
Are you starting to think about your New Year's resolutions? Great news! Our sponsor, Fitness 1440, is running a special deal for Aspen Ridge families!

Sign up with them during this 2021/2022 school year to have your enrollment fees waived and to receive the green membership for the price of the white! That's total savings of $170!

Click here to learn more about Fitness 1440.
Spring Gala 2022
After missing out on the fun in 2020 and 2021, we're so excited to host our Spring Gala once again on Saturday, April 2nd, 2022 at Stonebrook Manor!

The Spring Gala is our school's biggest fundraiser of the year, and volunteers are an integral part of making it happen! Whether you have a lot of time, just a little, or can volunteer only from home, our school and community will benefit greatly from your support.

There are many moving parts involved with putting this gala together, and many different ways in which you can offer support. Do you own a business that wants to donate a silent auction item? Do you work for a business that would like to be a sponsor of the gala? Or do you want to volunteer to support gala logistics? We will be hosting an in person meeting at ARPS on November 17th from 2:00pm to 3:00pm. Join us to learn more about how you can help, and click here to sign up to volunteer!

Can't make the meeting in person? We will have zoom available for those that would like to attend virtually. Click here for the zoom meeting.

Please reach out to Andi Johnson at or
Sean Cortes at with any questions.
ARPS Open Enrollment and 22-23 Lottery
It's once again time for open enrollment, for school lotteries, and for new families to determine if Aspen Ridge is the right fit for them.

Tell your friends and neighbors that our lottery is right around the corner, and if you know of anyone interested in taking a school tour, have them fill out this form to come and learn more about Aspen Ridge.

We will have a special Middle School Open Enrollment Tour for ALL 5th grade families, and for all incoming 7th and 8th grade families on November 30th. This event will give you a day in the life of a middle school student, following a sample schedule to see what our middle school "looks like" in comparison to other schools, and why you should choose Aspen Ridge. Make sure to mark your calendars!

Attention ALL Aspen Ridge Families: Don't forget to save your spot(s) for any siblings who are planning to enroll for the 22-23 school year. Do you have a PreK student or Kindergartener starting next fall? Or another sibling in your household who is ready to become an Owl? Fill out the Intent to Enroll form and turn it in to Carrie Cantwell at the front office by December 3rd in order to save a spot for your child next year.

Please note that only students who are new to Aspen Ridge and current PreK 3/ PreK 4 students need to fill out an Intent to Enroll form at this time to be eligible for an open spot next year. All other current ARPS students (K-7) will roll over their enrollment spot into next year.

Please reach out to Charla Salmeron ( or Carrie Cantwell ( if you have questions about enrollment. #itsagreatdaytobeanowl
Winter Weather is Quickly Approaching!
How does Aspen Ridge determine delays in school start time and cancellations when bad weather is in the forecast?
  • Aspen Ridge will take the lead from the St. Vrain Valley School District when making the call to delay school start times or cancel school.
  • Because we are a smaller school responsible for our own plowing and snow removal, late start days are often called to ensure safety for all.
  • On occasion, Aspen Ridge will delay or close school when SVVSD does not. This is because we take into account that many of our families and staff members travel to get to school each day.
  • Before school is delayed or canceled, we will:
  • Monitor weather forecasts and predictions, and
  • Keep an eye on nearby districts and their closures
  • At Aspen Ridge, safety is our priority. If ever you feel driving conditions are treacherous or unsafe, we encourage you to do what's best for your family and call in an absence if warranted.

How will my family know if school is delayed or cancelled?
  • If school is delayed or cancelled, Aspen Ridge will post to Facebook and our website, in addition to sending out updates through email.
  • Constant Contact is our primary source of email communication. If you know of someone who is not receiving Aspen Ridge Parent Newsletters or information from the school, please email Carrie Cantwell ( or Charla Salmeron ( to have their email addresses added.

What is the difference between a delay in school start time and a cancellation?
  • When a delay in school start time is communicated, school will start 2 hours later than normal. Doors will open at 10:00am (instead of 8:00am), and classes will start at 10:15am (instead of 8:15am).
  • Lunch schedules will remain the same; class schedules and enrichment schedules will be abbreviated.

What if my child attends lessons or 100 Mile Club before school, and school is delayed?
  • If school is delayed or cancelled, ALL before school activities will be cancelled.
  • If school is delayed, all after school activities will continue as normal, unless weather conditions worsen.
  • If school is cancelled, no activities, including Owl's Nest, will be open for services.

How is "indoor" recess determined?
  • On any given school day, all recess times (before or during school) will be held outside unless the weather is 20 degrees or lower (including wind-chill).
  • Please make sure to dress your Owl in layers and bring snow boots and snow pants if it is snowing or if there is snow in the forecast.
  • If rain or cold, ongoing drizzle is present, students will remain inside for recess.
  • Wind will also be monitored to ensure that our students are safe playing outside.
  • At any given time, campus administration may move recess indoors if weather conditions are unsafe or not conducive to playing.
  • With colder weather comes a spike in Lost and Found items. Remind your Owl to check lost and found daily! All Lost and Found items are donated at the end of each quarter.

Will my child have to log on for asynchronous learning on days that school is cancelled due to the weather?
  • No. If school is cancelled due to weather conditions or dangerous travel, we hope that you will stay home, light a fire in your fireplace, and enjoy the time with your family.

Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions, and as always, thank you for your ongoing support! Happy weather watching!