Dear Friends,
Our goal since adopting the Ellicott City Safe and Sound plan in December 2018 has been to keep our residents and visitors safe, reduce the amount and velocity of flood water in Historic Ellicott City, and preserve the historic nature of our town. I was honored to be joined by Senator Katie fry Hester and Delegate Courtney Watson to break ground on the Quaker Mill Flood Mitigation Pond, a critical Ellicott City Safe & Sound project.
The Quaker Mill Pond, our second retention and conveyance project this year alone, will help mitigate flooding under our Ellicott City Safe and Sound Plan and will reduce peak flow rates from the site for the 100-year storm by approximately 30 percent.
Once complete, the Quaker Mill project will provide approximately 10-acre-feet of storage, which is the equivalent of nearly 3.3 million gallons of water or enough to fill a football field with 7.5ft of water. Construction on Quaker Mill Pond is anticipated to take approximately 15 months, weather dependent.
Read more about the project here.
Let's Celebrate Our Health
Howard County recently won the prestigious 2021 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health award, becoming only one of only four communities in our Nation. This honor is a testament to the hard work of our team and community to positively impact the health and wellbeing of all residents.
To commemorate this accomplishment, we joined together to raise the Culture of Health flag at the George Howard Building.
Vaccine Clinics - Including those for 5-11 y/o
Howard County has more than 31,000 residents ages 5 to 11, and getting this group vaccinated is another step towards ending this pandemic. We have been a leader in the state in our vaccination rates – with 95.6% of those 12+ with at least one dose and nearly 75% of our total population with at least one dose – and we are not stopping any time soon.
Vaccine clinics for our youngest, those between the ages of 5 and 11, are NOW available. For more information, and to register for an appointment, please click here.
Additionally, Howard County General Hospital is also offering vaccine clinics to residents. For more information on their efforts, please click here.
Get your Flu Shot!
It is National Influenza Vaccine Week, and the perfect time to get your annual flu shot, if you haven’t already.
Vaccination is particularly important for people who are most vulnerable to developing serious flu complications, including people with certain chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes and heart disease. According to the CDC, during the last flu season 9 out of 10 adults hospitalized for flu had at least one reported underlying medical condition. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are still prevalent and there is a rise of the Omicron variant. Getting the flu vaccine adds another important layer of protection.
Don’t throw away your shot! Contact your healthcare provider today to schedule your visit.
COVID-19 Testing
If you have:
- recently been to a large gathering or around someone who has attended a large gathering
- concerned that you've been exposed to COVID-19
- or are showing symptoms
I strongly encourage you to get tested as soon as possible. Please remember that it is possible to have COVID-19 and not have any symptoms.
For more information, please click here.
Join my Team for a Community Conversation
We want to hear from you!
Join my Constituent Services team on Monday, December 13th, at 5:00 p.m. at Mutiny Pirate Bar and Grille in Elkridge. This is the perfect opportunity to discuss the issues most important to you and ways to enhance our community, all while supporting a local businesses. No RSVP required.
Thank you, Delegate Pendergrass!
It’s hard to convey the retirement announcement of my dear friend and partner in public service, Delegate Shane Pendergrass. Shane has been a devoted representative of Howard County for decades: from a parent, community advocate and arts educator, to serving on the Howard County Council from 1986-1994 and subsequently elected to the Maryland House of Delegates in 1995.
For more than 25 years, she has served on a variety of committees and subcommittees and eventually became Chair of the House Health and Government Operations Committee. She has championed issues related to health disparities, advocated for the individual autonomy of ones healthcare choices and most recently, she was appointed by House Speaker Jones to serve on joint COVID-19 Response Legislative Work Group.
Shane has served her constituents and all of Howard County for nearly 40 years and we are better because of her effective leadership and commitment to our community. She has been a mentor, friend and an exceptional example of what it means to be public servant. While I am saddened by her departure, I look forward to continuing our partnership through the 2022 General Assembly legislative session and the duration of her term.
Committing to Safer Streets for All
Our existing infrastructure served as a barrier that prevented people from enjoying all that Historic Savage Mill has to offer, with insufficient curbs, sidewalks and ADA accessibility in many parts of the area. So we got to work.
Just last week, we cut the ribbon on our newly finished Complete Streets project in Savage. This nearly $2 million multi-phased project added 5,145 linear feet of curb and gutter, 3,635 linear feet of concrete sidewalk, 660 feet of pervious sidewalk and 44 new ADA ramps. Completing the Savage Complete Streets Project connects the Savage community by providing safe and accessible walkways for pedestrians around Historic Savage Mill.
The project improved pedestrian access and safety, and installed traffic calming measures at several locations throughout Savage, including: a mini-roundabout at Foundry and Washington Streets; curb and sidewalk improvements along Washington Street between Fair and Williams Streets; curb and sidewalk along Commercial and Foundry Streets between Baltimore and Washington Streets; and curb and sidewalk along Baltimore Street from Fair Street to Savage Guilford Road.
Congratulations Chief!
Congratulations to our Department of Fire and Rescue Services’ (HCDFRS) Chief Louis Winston, who was officially sworn in as the County's Fire Chief this past Monday. The Chief was surrounded by his family, friends and colleagues as he took his official oath of service.
Chief Winston is a long-time respected and admired member of our combination fire department. He is a collaborative leader who has risen through the ranks during his 30-year career and has the necessary experience to carry on the traditions of HCDFRS, while shaping and preparing it for the future. I have complete confidence in his ability to lead a department that is a model and national standard for excellence.
Toys for Tots
It's that time of year!
Toys for Tots has provided free toys to thousands of children in Howard County. This year, I'm reminded of our family members, friends, and neighbors who may be struggling from the effect of the last year. I encourage residents, who are able and willing, to please donate a toy to help a local child in need for our 6th annual Howard County Toys for Tots Distribution.
Unwrapped gifts can be dropped off at any of our Toys for Tots box locations as listed below. Together, we will create a brighter, merrier holiday for our children and families in need.
Finding the Light
This past year has brought many continued challenges, but it has also brought so many moments of light. One of the sayings of Hanukkah, “A little bit of light dispels a lot of darkness,” really stuck with me this year. It’s so important to find that light, and as a community, multiply it.
As Hanukkah comes to a close, I’m grateful for our friends at the Jewish Federation of Howard County and the Chabad Lubavitch of Howard with their affiliates Chabad of Ellicott City, Chabad of Greater Laurel MD, and Chabad of Clarksville for hosting a series of Hanukkah celebrations across the county. I’m also thankful for the many synagogues and congregations across Howard County who work every day to bring our communities together.
As we look ahead to a new year, may we all continue to find the light and help it shine bright
A little Bit of Madness
It’s always a great time in Historic Ellicott City to celebrate Midnight Madness. I joined my wife Shani, Senator Katie Fry Hester, Delegate Courtney Watson, and other elected officials to embrace the holiday spirit. We’re so grateful for partners like our friends at Howard County Recreation and Parks, Ellicott City Partnership, Visit Howard County, and our Mt. Hebron High School Students for helping us kick off the festivities.
We’re so appreciative of our amazing small businesses who are helping us bring in the holiday joy like – Sweet Cascades Chocolatier, The ClayGround Studio & Gallery, Southwest Connection Native American Jewelry/ Gifts & Homemade Fudge Shop, Discoveries of Ellicott City, and Poppy and Stella. This holiday season, let’s shop small and support our local businesses!
Illuminating Savage with the Holiday Spirit!
There is nothing quite like Savage during the holidays. I had a wonderful time with Councilwoman Christiana Rigby at the Annual Bollman Bridge Lighting and the community tree lighting at Baldwin Common. Thank you to Savage Mill, Susan Garber and the Savage Community Association, Howard County Recreation and Parks, and the Hammond high Band for helping us spread the holiday cheer across Savage.
Both of these events are amazing traditions that we look forward to every year. Thank you to our community who came out to celebrate the holiday spirit. I encourage residents to continue visiting our small towns and shopping local this holiday season!
Welcome back Glenwood Library!
It was an exciting day in Glenwood! I was happy to join Howard County Library System CEO/President Tonya Aikens and Senator Katie Fry Hester for the ribbon cutting of the newly renovated Glenwood Branch Library. Our Library system continues to provide incredible resources for our residents and visitors.
I encourage all to check out the amazing amenities and renovations today! Watch this video for a behind the scenes look.
The CARE Line
We know the last year has been tough of many in our community, including our children and families. The Howard County Department of Community Resources and Services - Office of Children & Families offers FREE services to families and caregivers concerned about their child’s social and/or emotional development through the CARE Line.
These services can help families and caregivers manage challenging behaviors, and provide social and emotional development coaching and consultation. For more information, call 410-313-CARE (2273) or email
Welcome Restorative Counseling & Wellness Center!
It was amazing to join Restorative Counseling and Wellness Center for the opening of their office in Ellicott City. This exciting business expansion provides our residents with quality mental health services in a compassionate setting. As we continue on the road to recovery, we welcome this center as a valuable community partner.
Congratulations to Nicole DeChirico and Dionne Jimenez and thank you for making Howard County your home and creating more job opportunities.
Building a Better World, One Scout at a Time
I’m always happy to join our Boy Scouts for a great conversation. I joined Boy Scouts Pack 333, Den 6 for an engaging discussion on the role as County Executive, how local government operates, and entrepreneurship opportunities for our youngest.
Thank you to Den Leaders Chris and Megan Hayden for their work to help our youth build a better world. I’m certain that our next generation of leaders will make a positive impact for generations to come.
Welcome Anthony Management Group
I was elated to attend the grand opening for Anthony Management Group LLC. They were one of the businesses who benefit from the Maryland Innovation Center’s incubator space at the Kenneth S. Ulman Innovation Hub, which helped them bring their idea to market.
By working together, we can foster an environment where our small businesses can grow and thrive. Congratulations on this new endeavor, and we wish you many years of success!
Learn more about the Anthony Management Group here.
Budget Office
First Resident’s Budget Hearing for the Fiscal Year 2023 Scheduled
Next Monday, December 13th, I invite you to join me vat 6:00 p.m. for my first Resident’s Budget Hearing for the Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) budget cycle. This year’s budget hearing will be held virtually and can be watched live from the County Council’s streaming website; the hearing will be listed under “Upcoming Events.”
Residents can sign-up ONLINE to speak at the hearing by going to Speakers must sign-up individually, and one person may not sign-up for several testifiers. Additionally, individual testimony is limited to three minutes and group testimony is limited to five. Speakers who have a document or record they wish to submit with their testimony are asked to email the file to, with “BUDGET TESTIMONY” in the subject line.
From the same link, residents will also have the option to provide online budget testimony; however, residents are reminded that internet testimony is considered public information and, as such, is subject to the Maryland Public Information Act.
If you have any questions and/or problems registering for the Budget Hearing, please contact the Budget Office at 410-313-2077 (voice) or use Relay at 7-1-1, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Department of Community Resources and Services
Age-Friendly Howard County Action Plan 2021-2024
Howard County residents of all ages and backgrounds working together, giving of their time, talents and energy to make their community better, will be the foundation of a successful Age-Friendly Howard County. This January 2022, I invite all our residents to learn how, where and when they can help implement the action steps to make Howard County a great place in which to grow up and grow older by reviewing our Age-Friendly Action Plan to find out how you can get involved.
Simple Tips for Healthy Eating this Holiday Season … and All Year Long
This holiday season, our Department of Community Resources and Services’ (DCRS) Office on Aging and Independence (OAI) is offering up some simple tips to help you stay on track with your health and wellness goals, all while enjoying the holiday season. Tips include:
- Bringing your own dish to the holiday party so you have a go-to food that you know is made with healthy ingredients.
- Don’t skip meals. Skipping a meal or meals to “save up” for a holiday meal will only cause you to be ravenous when you arrive, which will lead to overeating.
- Start with vegetable appetizers to take the edge off your hunger before the meal is served.
- Fill up a napkin (instead of a plate) when snacking at a party, so that you don’t overfill it.
- Take a small plate of foods that you enjoy and then move away from the buffet table to socialize with friends and family.
- Choose foods from a variety of food groups at your holiday meal, including vegetables, lean protein and whole grains. Fill up on fiber rich foods (like fresh fruits and vegetables) instead of sweets.
- Wait 20 minutes before you go back for a second plate of food; give your body time to decide if it’s still hungry for more.
- Liquid calories count — limit calories from sweetened beverages and alcoholic drinks. Choose sparkling water or calorie-free, flavored waters instead.
- With a little planning, you can make this holiday season enjoyable and feel good about your health, too!
Traveling, eating out, attending holiday gatherings and hosting visitors can make it especially hard to stick with your regular routine; however, OAI hopes that by following these simple tips you will be able to stay on track to achieving your health and wellness goals.
Virtual 50+EXPO
DCRS’ Office on Aging and Independence (OAI) is a proud sponsor of the Beacon Virtual 50+EXPO, an online event which features an interactive website with information and resources geared to older adults. Now through January 31st, visitors can access content on demand 24 hours a day from Log on anytime to visit more than 100 exhibitors and sponsors, including OAI's Bronze-level sponsors, Lorien Health and Maryland Vascular Specialists; engage with speakers; attend online classes; and enjoy a wide variety of entertainment.
Recently, I announced that the County has received an unmodified (“clean”) opinion on financial statements issued for Fiscal Year 2021. An unmodified opinion certifies that our financial statements fairly present the financial position and respective changes in financial position in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted nationally.
The past year has been filled with uncertainty and unknowns, especially when it comes to the financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Receiving an unmodified opinion and the improvement in our County’s overall financial position affirms the fiscal stewardship and responsibility we have demonstrated throughout the past year. I want to thank and acknowledge our entire finance and budget teams for their guidance throughout this challenging fiscal time. As we set our sights on our economic road to recovery, our fiscal practices remain healthy, flexible and sound.
This unmodified opinion further builds on our nationally recognized reputation for our sound fiscal management practices, which have garnered the Government Finance Officers Association’s Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for 45 consecutive years.
To read more about this announcement, click HERE.
Howard County Health Department
Request COVID-19 Vaccination Records
Misplaced your COVID-19 Vaccination Card? Never fear! You can easily request your vaccination records the Maryland Department of Health’s “Maryland MyIR” website. Maryland MyIR is a free website service that allows residents to view and print copies of their official vaccination records directly from ImmuNet, Maryland's immunization information system. ImmuNet is used by healthcare providers to securely maintain vaccination records for Maryland residents of all ages.
Department of Housing and Community Development
Financial Aid Available for Those Needing Assistance to Pay Past Due Rent and Utility Bills
If you are in need of rent relief and utility assistance, the County has received an additional $7.7 million in grant funding from the U.S. Treasury’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP). Assistance is available for Howard County residents experiencing a loss of income, reduction in earnings, medical illness or had to care for family due to COVID-19. The funding can be used to pay past due rent and utility expenses for up to 18 months. Residents that have received assistance previously are eligible to apply for additional assistance from this funding up to a total of 18 months assistance. Our Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is encouraging all residents with COVID-related household income losses to contact one of the non-profit providers as soon as possible to bring rent and utility accounts current and avoid eviction. For details on how to apply, visit DHCD’s "COVID-19 Housing Information" website.
This latest funding is in addition to the previous $9.7 million in grants from the ERAP I announced back in March, which as of October 1st, has assisted 719 households in need.
For homeowners, while this additional funding only supports rental and utility assistance, last month I announced $2 million in American Rescue Plan funding to assist struggling homeowners and prevent foreclosures in Howard County. Homeowners that have fallen behind on their mortgage payments are also encouraged to visit DHCD’s "COVID-19 Housing Information" website for details and an application.
Office of Human Rights and Equity
The Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Commission Video Audition Casting Call
The Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Holiday Commission is seeking Howard County student performers to participate in its annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Celebration on Sunday, January 16, 2022. The Commission is looking for actors, dancers, singers, poets, MCs and more. If you are a county elementary through high school student and would like to participate in the Commission’s upcoming MLK celebration, I encourage you to submit a three-minute video to, along with your signed application form (available on the Commission’s website), by no later than 5:00 p.m., Monday, December 6th.
International Human Rights Day
Our Office of Human Rights and Equity (OHRE) invites you to join them this Friday, December 10th at noon for a virtual event to commemorate International Human Rights Day. The event will focus on “reducing inequality, advancing human rights” and will include a discussion with Howard County Health Department Health Officer Dr. Maura Rossman, Howard County State’s Attorney Richard Gibson and PFLAG Board Secretary Kiana Fok, led by OHRE Administrator Yolanda Sonnier. I encourage you to tune on Friday to learn more about the importance of human rights here in Howard County.
Kwanzaa Celebration
I invite you to join our Office of Human Rights and Equity’s (OHRE) and the County’s Department of Recreation & Parks on Tuesday, December 28th at 6:00 p.m. at the Owen Brown Interfaith Center in Columbia, for a Kwanzaa Celebration. With inspirational speeches and musical performances, we will explore the creativity, self-determination and faith of Black people during this annual holiday celebration. If joining us in person, we ask that your please register as seating is limited; however, if you will be joining us virtually, you can watch the program live on OHRE’s Facebook page.
Online Shopping Tips to Keep in Mind this Holiday Season
This holiday season, Howard County Police Department (HCPD) is offering up these shopping safety tips to protect you from online scammers and "porch pirates."
- Only shop on secure, reputable websites. Beware of deals that seem too good to be true on websites you do not recognize. Also be cautious when opening unfamiliar e-mails advertising deals as they may be phishing attempts.
- Once your purchases are made, track shipments and request to receive notification when they are delivered. Request that the delivery service leave the package in a less-obvious location, like a side or back door, that cannot be seen from the sidewalk.
- If you are not home when the package arrives, ask a trusted neighbor to take the package inside until you get home. Or, if permitted, have the shipment delivered to your work.
- Consider installing a doorbell camera to be notified whenever someone comes to your door.
Finally, as always, report suspicious activity in your neighborhood to HCPD by calling 911 or the non-emergency number at 410-313-2200. Your one call could help your neighbors from being victimized.
Department of Public Works - Construction Report
To learn about DPW projects currently underway, visit Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s (SHA) “Project Portal” website.
Department of Public Works’ Bureau of Environmental Services
Heads Up Historic Ellicott City, Upcoming Change to Saturday Trash Collection for Holidays
With Christmas and New Year’s falling on a Saturday this year, DPW’s Bureau of Environmental Services will be sliding Saturday trash curbside collection forward one day instead of back for residents in Historic Ellicott City and nearby communities who normally receive Saturday trash collection. That is, Saturday, December 25th collection will take place on Friday, December 24th and Saturday, January 1st collection will take place on Friday, December 31st. There will be REGULAR Friday trash, recycling, food scrap and yard trim collection for all other residents who normally have Friday collection on Christmas Eve. The Alpha Ridge Landfill will also be open on the 24th; however, it will close at 2:00 p.m. on Friday. The Landfill will be closed on Christmas Day.
Know Before You Throw Campaign Wins TIVA Peer Award
Congratulation’s to the Bureau’s Recycling Division and Tonal Vision LLC on their receipt of a Public Service Announcement – Bronze TIVA Peer Award for its “Know Before You Throw: Shop Smarter for the Planet!” video.
The Bureau’s “Know Before You Throw” campaign focuses on creating awareness of recycling and disposal options for everyday items. The campaign’s award-winning educational video promotes sustainable shopping by encouraging Howard County consumers to take into consideration an item’s packaging and whether it is recyclable when shopping. Consumer can learn how to make educated, environmentally-friendly choices with everyday purchases by visiting the Bureau’s “Sustainable Shopping” website.
The woman-owned video and music production company, Tonal Vision LLC, accepted the Bronze award on behalf of both parties for its production of the Bureau’s public service announcement.
Three Special Household Hazardous Waste Days Scheduled for Early 2022
While the Bureau’s regular Saturday Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) schedule has ended for the season (to resume the first Saturday of April), the Bureau will host three SPECIAL HHW collection days this winter: Saturday, January 8th, Saturday, February 5th and Saturday, March 5th. One these three days, County residents can properly dispose of HHW items at the Landfill. For more information on this program and what is accepted/not accepted, visit
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle This Holiday Season
Have a greener holiday season with these low-waste holiday tips:
- Choose homemade or consumable gifts over store-bought
- Request minimal packaging when purchasing gifts
- Decorate a large houseplant instead of buying a new tree
- Shoe boxes and shipping boxes can be decorated and used as gift boxes
- Wrap gifts in brown packing paper, newspaper or scarfs instead of buying new wrapping paper
- Use last year's cards as this year's gift tags
Recycle your holiday tree through our Merry Mulch program
Non-foil wrapping paper, cards & boxes can be recycled in our curbside collection program
- Broken holiday lights can be recycled through mail-in and drop-off programs
Department of Recreation and Parks
Registration Now Open for 2022 Winter Activity Guide
Online, in-person, mail-in and over-the-phone (410-313-PARK) registration for Howard County Recreation and Parks' (HCRP) 2022 Winter Activity Guide is NOW OPEN for Howard County residents. With new and returning special events, programs, sports leagues, adult classes and so much more, HCRP offers something for everyone in your family.
Online registration for non-Howard County residents begins this Wednesday, December 8th at 6:00 p.m., with mail-in, phone and walk-in registration the following day.
Recreation & Parks’ First-Ever Reindeer Games
Families come join Recreation & Parks’ for its first-ever Reindeer Games this Friday, December 10th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Roger Carter Community Center. Geared towards children six to 11 years old, come play games, dance, create a craft, drink hot chocolate and maybe even win a prize during this enchanting evening. While the event is FREE, preregistration is required to participate. Attendees are also encouraged to bring a canned food to donate to the local food bank.
Holiday Train Gardens are Coming to a Museum and Community Center Near You
The train garden at the Baltimore and Ohio Ellicott City Station Museum will feature train models set up throughout the museum, including in the museum’s year-round exhibit in the Freight House. This free event is open to all ages from November 26th through January 2nd, during museum hours.
After visiting the Baltimore and Ohio Ellicott City Station Museum’s train garden, I invite you to stop by the train display at our Gary J. Arthur Community Center, brought to us by train enthusiast Dennis Moore. This year’s layout features four, continuously operating trains through an 8 x 8 foot scenic garden. Visitors of all ages can enjoy an interactive exhibit of accessories and sounds. This train garden is also free to all and open during the center’s operating hours from November 29th through January 7th.
We Want Your Input!
Our Department of Recreation & Parks is seeking your input Howard County for its Land Preservation, Parks and Recreation Plan (LPPRP), a comprehensive plan produced every five years that guides the department on key issues, trends and plans for managing and enhancing the systems of preserved public lands, parks and recreation facilities. To learn more about the LPPRP or to provide your input, click HERE.
Transportation Demand Management Plan for Downtown Columbia Survey
As part of the development of its Transportation Demand Management Plan for Downtown Columbia (DTC), the Office of Transportation is working with the Downtown Columbia Partnership to survey those who live, work and play in DTC. The purpose of the survey to develop a better understanding of the transportation needs and assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on travel patterns of those who live, work and play and this area. Your responses will help Transportation design new transportation options and strategies to address current needs as well as into the post-COVID period. To take the survey, click HERE.
Proposed Bike Lanes on Harpers Farm Road Public Meeting - POSTPONED
The Office of Transportation's Harpers Farm Road proposed bike lanes public meeting scheduled for tomorrow, December 7 th has been POSTPONED. Please stay tuned to the project’s website for updates.
For questions and/or to speak to someone further regarding this project, please feel free to contact Transportation at 410-313-4312 or email