September 2022
It's that time of year again! We are recognizing the accomplishments of the CU Maurice River volunteer team at the Annual Business Meeting which will be followed by a presentation from US Fish and Wildlife’s Beth Freiday. Join us in person at the RRCA in Millville (22 N. High Street).
On Wednesday, November 9th, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Board President Jane Morton Galetto will review CU Maurice River achievements in 2022. Over the last twelve months, volunteers have been working away busily to power many of CU Maurice River's conservation projects. These include wetland vegetative cover mapping, ReTurn the Favor, bluebird monitoring, Feed the Scientists, osprey nest maintenance, community science, outdoor education programming, natural resource interpretation, administrative duties, improvements at wildlife gardens, and so much more.
Join us in thanking them and celebrating their commitment to Down Jersey's environmental health. The President's Volunteer Service Award will be presented to those who have volunteered 100+ hours over the last year. This event will be held in person at the Riverfront Renaissance Center for the Arts in Millville. Please register below. 
USFWS Beth Elizabeth Cuzio Freiday
 After the Presidential Awards, Elizabeth Freiday, Private Lands Coordinator at US Fish and Wildlife Service based in Washington, D.C., which assists in helping to protect private lands by corporations and property owners, will conclude CU Maurice River's 2022 speaking series on wetland protection and restoration within the Wild and Scenic Maurice River. The wetlands along the river are in large part owned by residential and commercial property owners, while State and non-profit entities preserve other lands. Beth will speak about new technologies and approaches to wetland management and introduce us to examples of successful restoration projects led by riverfront property owners. She will also expound on the resources that are available to help landowners grow their stewardship and protect the wetland meadows they treasure. 

CU Maurice River would like to extend a cordial "thank you" to Newfield National Bank for sponsoring the events where we honor and thank volunteers for their dedication to local conservation. Thank you Newfield National Bank for being part of that team!
Mohawk canoe club
Mohawk Canoe Club Grant
CU Maurice River was awarded a $15,000 grant by the Mohawk Canoe Club to create an interpretative ArcGIS StoryMap that shows access points, provides insight on water trail conditions, interprets the system’s outstanding values, and promotes river stewardship. This StoryMap will empower new users to access more water trails and make more informed decisions before setting off in their kayak or canoe. This interactive tool will also serve the experienced paddler who would like to learn more about the natural history of the waterways they treasure. It will include paddle trails throughout the Maurice River watershed with a particular focus on the Wild and Scenic designation. Volunteers to help with mapping, writing, editing, scouting, photographing and more would be welcome! If you would like to help with this exciting new project, please email
November to December
The holiday season is right around the corner, which means the Holiday Match is also upon us. Get ready for CU President Jane Galetto’s emails filled with her zany humor, love for Down Jersey, and holiday spirit. She is committed to making her favorite campaign fun because she believes that giving should be a “sizzling good time!” And again this year, a member has decided to challenge Jane with a dollar-for-dollar match, dangling a $25,000 carrot in front of her! 
March 4th, 2023
While still far away, there is a lot to do! Over the winter months, the CU Events Committee will start preparing auction items and organizing the details of the dinner. If you would like to help this group, email to let Jane know you wish to be part of the team. Also, the Committee will be accepting lightly-used donations. Call the office if you want to donate items to the auction. 
Buck Moon Paddle 2022 Sunset
Raise the River
July 13th - 17th, 2022
The goal of CU Maurice River’s "paddle-a-thon" fundraiser, Raise the River, was to increase participation, connect more people with the outstanding resource values of the Wild and Scenic Maurice River, and raise funds to support CU Maurice River's conservation and outdoor education work. The fundraiser consisted of four paddles including the full moon outing on Union Lake, Millville, to Burcham Farm, the Manumuskin, and Cumberland Pond. True to the CUMR philosophy, we also threw in opportunities to socialize over a potluck meal or around the fire. 43 paddlers joined us on water trails.
Cumberland Manumuskin Raise the River paddle karen sue
 This was a new fundraiser, and the second edition of Raise the River was a success in many ways. 17 attendees were new to CUMR. Our paddlers made a total of 62 runs, and in addition, we were super fortunate to have 7 youth paddlers who brought their infectious energy and spirit with them. In all, these paddlers raised over $8,000 to help CU Maurice River continue protecting the river.
Al and Sam's Canoe and Kayak remain strong supporters of Raise the River. They donated prizes for the highest fundraiser and orchestrated with CUMR to get as many people on the water as possible. NJ Paddler and South Jersey Paddler groups were also very helpful in promoting Raise the River to their members. SNJ Today alerted people to this opportunity by running RTR ads. A big thank-you to the companies and organizations who offered sponsorships, including STS Sheet Metal, Al and Sam's Canoe and Kayak, Union Lake Sailing & Tennis Club, and Silva Law. 
Fall Fundraiser 2022 Mary Ann Russell Suzanne Olah
Fall Fundraiser
September 29th
The CU Maurice River Events Committee organized an Autumn Dinner for members, business sponsors, and friends at the Union Lake Sailing Club. The atmosphere was casual, the mood jovial, the sunset simply stunning, and the food delicious – thank you to all the volunteer chefs for the special treat! Beyond the ticket cost, CU supporters donated by purchasing pumpkin centerpieces, original glass art, an auction basket, and handmade walnut cutting boards. All these artworks and crafts were donated by the artists Skitch Manion, Jasmine Steinacker, and Jane & Peter Galetto. Our partners at the Levoy Theater also contributed by gifting two sets of tickets to shows.
CU Maurice River staff would like to extend a hearty thank-you to the Events Committee, the artists, the set-up crew, the business sponsors, the chefs, and the guests. Together you raised over $10K in support of our mission.
Dom J Manalo Photography Purple Martin Spectacular
The picture above was captured by Dom J Manalo Photography
Click the link to see more of Dom's work.
Purple Martin Spectacular
August 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th
In August, CUMR staff and naturalists led the Purple Martin Spectacular with bluebird stewardship expert Allen Jackson at the head. Once again CUMR contracted with Captain Mike who took us out for a sunset cruise on the Bonanza II. Four dates were offered and each night we set off with a full boat. We set sail from Bivalve, meandering upstream to the purple martin staging site, where hundreds of thousands of birds were roosting together in the phragmites before migrating south to Latin America. CU Events and Membership Manager Sunnie Banks put together an impressive spread, including homemade desserts, for the voyagers. 
ACUA Tuesday on the Fly
July 5th - Tuesday on the Fly, ACUA Treatment Facility Tour, and Estell Manor Park
Participants on this 'Tuesday on the Fly' walk donned their hard hats and gained access to the Atlantic County Utility Authority's Treatment Facility and wind farm. Our tour included a look at what makes wind turbines work as well as the step-by-step process of treating over 40 million gallons of wastewater for eastern Atlantic County.
July 23rd – Fourth Saturday Walk
A small group walked Millville’s Green Acre nature trail, the Maurice River Walking and Bicycle trail, on this summer day. The attendees were treated to a family of warbling vireos as well as a yellow-billed cuckoo.
SJWLT Rain Gardens
 Aug. 2nd -Tuesday on the Fly, SJLWT Rain Garden Tour
Participants were joined by SJLWT on a guided tour of four rain garden projects that the organization installed and manages in Salem County. Each garden was designed with a different water-saving technique in mind. While some were new installations, others were well-established and thriving with life. Pollinators and birds were plentiful at each stop.
Aug. 20th – CU Saturday, Grasslands Tour at Flora for Fauna
CU Naturalist Karen Williams gave participants an all-access tour of her residential property and native plant nursery, Flora for Fauna, in Woodbine. Those in attendance were able to see firsthand how meadows and grasslands are a rich habitat for wildlife. This outing placed a particular focus on learning more about grass species as well as the birds and pollinators that rely on them.
Aug. 27th - Fourth Saturday Walk
Starting at 8:30 to beat the August heat, this 4th Saturday walk at Waltman park explored the blooms and birds that visit this urban oasis during the summer. CU Naturalists Tony Klock and Mary Watkins led the way, pointing out all the signs of nature and interpreting “spots” that sparked the group’s interest.
Sept. 13thTall Pines State Preserve
This walk was originally scheduled for 9/6, but that date was canceled due to inclement weather. The group explored the first half of Tall Pines, but exploration was limited due to thick vegetation and high grasses in some spots. This was many people's first time visiting the preserve.
Sept. 14th - Bi-Monthly Meeting
This membership and business meeting marked CUMR’s return to in-person presentations! Yay. After CU Staff updated the audience on recent events, Ted Nichols of the NJDEP Fish & Wildlife Department presented the research and management practice his team implemented to control Canada goose populations along the Maurice River from 2001 to 2017.
Sept. 17thPat Sutton Garden Tour
Sadly, this event was canceled due to the negative impacts that summer’s drought had on native gardens and the pollinator populations throughout the area.
bumble bee pollinator
Jeff Johnson
July 21st – Community Science Project, Pollinator Count at the Neighborhood Wildlife Garden
Volunteer citizen scientists received a crash course in population research by participating in a pollinator 'bio-blitz' at the Neighborhood Wildlife Garden and the rain gardens at the First United Methodist Church.
Sept. 8th, 9th, 15th, and 16thWildlife Garden Workgroups
Thank you to all the volunteers who helped weed the garden beds at WheatonArts. They are looking incredible now due to your dedication to the stewardship of public spaces. While some grasses had already dropped seed, we were able to remove the majority of plants before they reproduced. This year there were a lot fewer grasses than the year before. We hope that next year there will be even fewer – especially as we plant more natives to crowd out the unwanted exotics.
 Sept. 24th - Waterways Clean-up
Volunteers were able to clear Waltman Park of trash during the countywide International Waterways Clean-up, sponsored by the Cumberland County Improvement Authority. Fifteen bags of rubbish were collected along with a bicycle, bike tires, and a few pillows.
Waterways clean up
Sat. Oct. 1, Festival of Fine Craft
Help CUMR connect more people to its mission and lead outdoor education activities by volunteering at our booth.
Tues. Oct. 4, 9:00 a.m.
Tuesday on the Fly 
Explore Palmyra Nature Cove Park with Joe Moore
Thurs. Oct. 6, 9:00 a.m. Garden Experience
Join Kimberly in the gardens for a final clean-up.
Sat. Oct. 8, 8:00 a.m. CU Saturday
CU Naturalist Bert Hixon takes us to Cape May Point State Park to witness the Southbound Migration and other autumnal treats.
Thurs. Oct. 20, 6:30 p.m. CU Social
Before you start raking up the leaves, check out this wildlife gardening presentation
Leave the Leaves by Pat Sutton.
October 21 at 6 p.m. Family-Friendly Friday: Jersey Devil Hunt- Russell Juelg gets spooky at this Halloween favorite in the Pinelands. Campfire, s’mores, eerie folklore, original Piney songs, and a night-time hunt for the Jersey Devil in the deep, dark woods…
Fri. Oct. 21, RRCA Associate Artist Show
featuring works by adult students of the Barn Studio. Join Sunnie as a representative of CUMR.
October 22nd AWESOME! It’s AUTUMN.
9:00 a.m. Waltman Park Walk
2:00 p.m. Fall Foliage Paddle
6:00 p.m. Potluck & Campfire

Tues. Nov. 8, 9:00 a.m.
Tuesday on the Fly
Visit John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge in Philadelphia.
Sat. Nov. 5, 8:30 a.m. CU Saturday
Hit birding hotspots along the Maurice River’s Raptor and Waterfowl Route with CU Naturalists and World Series of Birding Fish Hawks Jim Blumenstein and Tony Klock.
Sat. Nov. 12, 9:00 a.m.
Volunteer Workgroup
Make a difference by helping to clean up open spaces. Email Joe to register.
Sat. Nov. 19, 9:00 a.m.
CU Saturday- Let’s take a hike!
This is CU Maurice River’s last official nature walk of 2022. Who better to close out the year than CU President Jane Morton Galetto? REGISTER HERE!
That’s a wrap for 2022!
Thank you to all of the volunteer naturalists, educators, and other leaders who have made this year a success
and super fun.

Please keep an eye on your email for
CU Maurice River’s 2023
Calendar of Events,
and on your home mailboxes for
the first events postcard of the new year.

Before the changing of each season, CU Maurice River members receive a
postcard-sized events mailer in their mailbox. It lists all upcoming activities
and volunteer opportunities for the next three months.
Would you like to start receiving this card?
Join CU Maurice River today or stop by the office to pick one up.

(See the fall 2022 postcard below.)
Fall events mailer 2022
Fall events mailer 2022
ART IN THE WILD: A Nature Journaling Summer Camp
Wednesdays and Thursdays throughout August
Nature walk kids youths nature journaling
Nature Journaling 2022
Nature Journaling group 2022
Sean Nature Journaling
kids nature walk journal kimberly spiegel

CU Maurice River partnered with WheatonArts and Cultural Center to host a program that marries science, art, and outdoor appreciation into one educational program, Art in the Wild: Nature Journaling. This summer activity consisted of four outings to nature areas on Wednesdays. They included the Maurice River Walking and Bicycle Trail, Parvin State Park, the Bluff’s Preserve, and the WheatonArts Nature Trail. While on the walks CU Environmental Education and Outreach Coordinator Kimberly Spiegel taught the children how to look closer and put names to what they were observing. Parents were invited to attend as well, and many did. Some even started their own journals!
Linda Robinson Nature Journaling 2022
On Thursdays, the participants joined Linda Robinson for studio time where they would capture the creatures and plants that had caught their imagination the previous day. For studio time, Kimberly gathered “models” from the WheatonArts Circle Oasis Garden, brought them into the classroom, and imparted information about anatomy, life cycle, habits, and more. Each week had a topic like six-legged creatures, feathered friends, and blooms and blades. On the final day, the children completed their final project - a drawing of a plant, insect, or bird that visits the WheatonArts pollinator gardens. Their pieces will be converted into signage and installed in the Circle Oasis. So stay tuned for an update on when the signs will go into the gardens!
journals in a circle

Elevate: Summer Enrichment Program
August 9th
Elevate 2022
Volunteers Kathy Geiger Christine Brown Elevate 2022
It was a blazing hot 100 degrees but program participants and volunteers still had a great time! For nearly 20 years, CUMR and Word of Life Church have been partnering to connect summer camp attendees to the Maurice River. The four traditional activities were led by volunteers: Paint a Landscape, canoeing, motor boat, and learning about birds and plants in the garden. There were 30 attendees from the church, 18 volunteers, 5 rescue squad members, and two staff that worked together to make the day a success and – as always – super fun!
Family-Friendly Fridays
Family Friendly Friday Stream Creatures 2022
Aug. 26th, Stream Creatures
CU Maurice River gained four new family memberships from this event. Everyone had a blast learning about aquatic life from Kimberly. It was a small but mighty evening of outdoor exploration. The children found a young eel, a tadpole, several species of minnows, two dragonfly nymphs, one damselfly nymph, water beetles, water boatmen, and numerous scuds. CUMR’s new Stream Ecology Kit was very helpful in teaching the kids how to ID all the little critters they found in the stream!
September’s Family-Friendly Friday was canceled due to inclement weather.
Sept. 16th, Bayshore Ecology - This event was canceled due to inclement weather.

March 29th and 30th, 2023
 We are hoping that 2023 is the year that Wild About Cumberland will be back in full force! CU’s Karla and Kimberly have been meeting with the Bayshore Center at Bivalve to organize the details, getting the pieces together to breathe this program back into existence after the pandemic. More updates to come. If you would like to volunteer, please email
Sept. 30th – Alliance for NJ Environmental Education’s Autumn Conference
Kimberly and Karla traveled to Duke Farms on Sept. 30th to participate in ANJEE’s outdoor education workshops. The two attended sessions about how to teach school age children about birds, nature journaling, conservation in city planning, insects, sit-spotting, and more. Both Kimberly and Karla left feeling inspired, better connected, and with many new ideas to be incorporated into programming.
CUMR’s Kimberly and Karla have been growing their partnership with the Boys and Girls Club of Vineland over the last year. These staff members have recently been providing guidance on the installation of a pollinator garden at the group’s facility in downtown Vineland. CUMR plans on assisting with planting in the spring of ’23 as well as providing guidance to help the project along.
Dragonfly Sampling 2022
Aug. 4th – 6th - Dragonfly Mercury Sampling.
Community scientists took to two Wild and Scenic streams in Vineland and one in Millville to collect dragonfly larvae. Over 50 samples were collected during the three-day exercise. They were then packaged on dry ice and sent to the University of Maine for analysis. Data from the Maurice is included annually in a national study on mercury deposition trends.

Winter Raptor and Waterfowl Study
As Clay Sutton and Jim Dowdell concluded their last year of surveying the winter raptor and waterfowl populations on the Maurice River, Clay and Dr. Paul Kerlinger were beginning to work on drafting papers analyzing the vast archive of data that has been collected over the years. Tom McKee’s help has also been essential to this effort as he is working to produce supporting maps. 
Sept. 23rd - Vegetative Change Analysis Mapping
A group of volunteers paddled the Manumuskin River with Gerry Moore of the USDA to evaluate the health of the sensitive joint vetch population and determine whether this plant community is migrating.
Pete Dunne Mauricetown 2022 Book Signing
 Sept. 10th, Mauricetown Outdoor Artist Day
 CU Maurice River assisted the CCIA and Mauricetown Historical Society in organizing this community festival that highlights both the natural and cultural resources that define the Wild and Scenic Maurice River Watershed. CU Environmental Education and Outreach Coordinator Kimberly Spiegel set up a speaking series for the event that included CUMR’s Lisa Garrison, Bob Moore, and Pete Dunne. Program Manager Joe Moore led two walks: one at the Bluff’s Preserve and the other on the Manumuskin Trail. And a huge thank you to Tony Klock, Mary Watkins, and Wendy Walker for hosting a viewing station.
Sept. 18th, Gloucester County Waterfest
Gloucester County Waterfest for 2022 was postponed from June to September. This year there were approximately 300 visitors in attendance. CU Ambassadors connected with 75 people directly. They also gathered a whopping 20 new email contacts and one new member. Great job, team!
Ambassador at Delaware River Days in Camden 2022
Sept. 24th, Delaware River Fest
 CU Environmental Education and Outreach Coordinator Kimberly Spiegel along with CU Ambassador Anne Wrede took CUMR’s mission to the Camden community as part of the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary and CDRW festival, celebrating the Delaware River and watershed while also connecting the broader community to conservation groups.
September 2022- June 2023. Cumberland County Leadership
Karla was invited to participate in the Cumberland County Leadership Program that is organized by The Authority. The two-day introductory session took place in September. The program aims to develop, promote, and inspire community leadership skills and encourage a deeper understanding and appreciation of Cumberland County. 
National Park Service's Wild and Scenic Partnership Program –
CUMR has been contracting with the National Park Service on implementing aspects of the Maurice River Wild and Scenic Rivers Management Plan since c. 2004. Prior to this, we were awarded NPS Partnership grants beginning in 1996. Proper administration of the Wild and Scenic River Management Plan remains a cornerstone of our work. Congress increased funding for Wild and Scenic Rivers for the next fiscal year and CUMR will be receiving more monies. In the third quarter of 2022, CUMR continued work with the River Manager, Paul Kenney, to meet new reporting expectations and modify formats successfully. At the end of July ’22, CUMR and NPS finalized and signed the Modification for 2022-2023. 
NJ Conservation BluePrint
CU Maurice River has been working with SJBC partners to organize a South Jersey stakeholders’ meeting that will be designed to gather input from communities on how this data-driven mapping tool for conservation can better meet the needs of the Bayshore Area.
September 15th, Pollinator Garden and Community Labyrinth
CU staff met David Steinberg, a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, at the WheatonArts gardens where he came to volunteer. There we discussed a revitalization project they are installing in Runnemede. Staff provided input and shared their know-how with this group in order to help them make a difference via public wildlife gardening in their own watershed.
CU Maurice River has been awarded $25,000 through TNC’s small grant program in order to have a feasibility study for removal rendered. These monies are expected to be accompanied by a $35,000 USFWS grant for the same project. CUMR continues to coordinate with the stakeholders and environmental consultants.
Wetland Restoration within the Wild and Scenic Maurice River
CUMR continues to build awareness of the phragmites problem on the river, research ecological solutions, and engage partners in wetland conservation. This work has prompted a variety of meetings with Wild and Scenic municipal leaders, state and federal government agencies, and many non-profits. The continued dedication of CU Trustee Emeritus Tom Mckee and environmental consultant Princeton Hydro is much appreciated.
Horseshoe Crab Management
CU Maurice River submitted a comment to the Atlantic Marine Fisheries Coalition to urge them to maintain the current ARM management for horseshoe crabs along the Delaware Bay.

South Jersey Bayshore CoalitionCUMR continues to coordinate the meetings of SJBC.
Wild and Scenic Coalition - CU Maurice River has been attending the Coalition’s meetings; these have been helpful in connecting our team with available resources as well as updating us on current activity within the program.
Delaware River Watershed Coalition CUMR continues to participate and contribute to this organization.

NJ DEP Division of Fish and Wildlife, Endangered and Nongame Species Advisory Committee Meetings- CU Maurice River continues to hold a seat on this committee.

Delaware Bayshore Council CU Maurice River has been functioning as the interim SJBC representative on the Bayshore Council while Rob Ferber of NJ Conservation Foundation settles into his new position and garners more working knowledge of Down Jersey.
CU also continues to serve on the Aquaculture Stakeholder Committee for the State and Federal conservation measures that involve the oyster harvest and its impacts on shorebirds. This is specific to the federally endangered red knot and its migration on the Delaware Bayshore.

On July 31st, 2022 Doreen Homan officially retired from her position at CU Maurice River.  She was with the organization for well over 30 years. While she is definitely missed, we are benefiting from her mentorship and volunteerism at fun’raising events. Doreen dedicated over three decades to applying her high level of administrative skill and knowledge to conservation. It goes to show that environmentalism requires people of all backgrounds to be successful.
TRAINING Wild and Scenic Webinar SeriesAs part of their training, CUMR staff has been attending a Wild and Scenic Webinar Series.

CALENDAR – Staff is currently working on scheduling the 2023 calendar. If you have any ideas for outings, workshops, or presentations, please email info@CUMuariceRiver.orgRemember to check our calendar online at in January for updates to events and volunteer opportunities. Also, expect your Winter Events postcard at the end of December.

National Park Service - Administrative reporting to the National Park Service is an aspect of our functioning beyond the actual carrying-out of the contracted deliverables. Financial and Programming Performance Reports will now be submitted semi-annually. Staff worked with NPS to implement new reporting procedures.

Membership, Volunteer, Participation, and Financial Tracking - The programming and administrative staff continue to track many aspects of CUMR activities, including but not limited to NPS billing, volunteer hours, participation/attendance, volunteer recruitment, bookkeeping, membership donations, corporate support, birth, deaths, illnesses - all the details that make us a community.

Social MediaCU Maurice River’s Facebook page is more active than ever! You can view videos, see pictures from outings, read volunteer stories, and much more. By following CUMR and liking our posts, you not only stay better connected but you also help us get more information out to more people in the community.


Address Changes -
Please keep us posted about any changes in your email or mailing address.
Our communications contain a helpful stream of reminders
and updates that you won’t want to miss.

Membership and Renewals –
Please help us by ensuring that your membership is up to date
and/or invite a friend to join.
Membership is set at $20 for individuals and $30 for families,
although our average annual donation is approximately $75.
Mail your check to PO Box 474, Millville, NJ 08332, or join online at

If you are interested in learning more about the monthly giving program, please reach out to, or (856) 300-5331. A special thanks to all those 

A special thanks to all those who give,
the equally important gift of your time.
We couldn’t do this without you!



Membership and Special Events

Programs and Projects

Office Phone
(856) 300-5331

Jane Morton Galetto
Board President

Karla Rossini
Executive Director

Joe Moore
Program Coordinator

Sunnie Banks
Membership and Events Manager

Kimberly Spiegel
Environmental Education
and Outreach Coordinator
CU Maurice River is an Xspero participant.
Download the Xspero application on your smart phone and let 20% your gift card purchase go to CUMR!