Following is the current blasting schedule:
Week of 12/7: 3 blasts
Tuesday 12/7
Wednesday 12/8
Thursday 12/9
Week of 12/13: 4 blasts
Monday 12/13
Tuesday 12/14
Wednesday 12/15
Thursday 12/16
Week of 12/20: 4 blasts
Monday 12/20
Tuesday 12/21
Wednesday 12/22
Thursday 12/23
Scheduled blasts will occur between 1-1:30 p.m. The actual blast will last only a couple of seconds.
This schedule assumes no unforeseen rock conditions or events that could delay the drilling and blasting process. We will notify neighbor of any needed changes.
Blasting safety reminders
Horn safety signals will sound 5 minutes and 1 minute before the blast and at the conclusion of the blast.
If you are near the construction site and hear a horn signal, please be aware blasting activity will occur shortly and follow instructions of site personnel or any additional signage that may be posted.
Update on excavation for Tank #2
Excavation for Tank #2 is proceeding ahead of schedule. So far, the contractor has been able to rely on excavators (diggers) to remove the underlying soil and rock for the second tank. As we reach the final 10-20% of excavation, additional methods may be needed depending on the type of rock encountered. We are hopeful that blasting might be avoided for Tank #2, but if the rock becomes too hard, a short period of blasting or mechanical excavation with an impact hammer might be necessary.
Within the next few weeks, the contractor will be able to determine the methods necessary to complete excavation for Tank #2.