Lion of Judah Teaching Docudramas

There are giants in the land. Big ones. Every one of them casts a shadow on our pasts. Worse yet, on to the future of those that fear them. For some, their fierce presents overshadow the hopes of daring to dream a dream.

 I was recently led to study the back story of Galatia, their people, and the church that Apostle Paul started – seeking to find why Paul called them “foolish people.” What I found was not only alarming, it revealed a prophetic factor that is seen in modern church culture.

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The Flesh Hates Authority

The flesh of humanity hates submitting to authority. No question that we live in a culture of permissive rebellion against...

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The Father

The present culture refuses to view God as a father figure. They have turned Him into a love-fest god who overlooks...

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The Flesh Hates Absolutes

The flesh is damaging to the absolutes of God’s Holy mandates. Worse yet, people who are controlled by the deeds of the...

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I Hate My Flesh

History reveals that we live in the most self-centered culture in world history to date. The sense is that whoever is so in love with...

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Flesh & Human Identity

Discover how humans form their identity in and through their deeds of the flesh. Global identity confusion comes from a people...

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Deeds of The Flesh Defined

The Galatian church today is known for one step forward and two steps backward. Not only the Galatian group but all authentic...

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The Judas Generation

Lying helps people escape the uncomfortable reality of self-inflicted betrayal. Liars are professionals at...

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Giant Called Jealousy

We are about to slay the final Giant of Galatians. Next, we attack these Giants' "gang members." 

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The Giant Called Failure

In this docudrama, we front the problems that come with those trapped in a cycle of failure. Learn more.

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Giant Called Procrastination

Nobody enjoys being called lazy. However, that is exactly what we are when we delay the mandates of Jesus. 

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Giant Called Doubt

Doubt is as common as humanity. However, doubting Jesus Christ has eternal consequences. Furthermore, doubting...

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Giant Called Discouragement

Walk in the hope, rest, and peace of Christ amid life's most difficult circumstances. We hit this GIANT right between the eyes.

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