The Union Church in Waban
Worship - 10:00 a.m. In-person and Online
This Sunday we will gather in-person and online to worship with joy and gratitude. Pastor Amy will lead us in worship and share a message about what it means for us to be a people of the table, as we reflect on what it means that Jesus is the bread of life.
We are excited to share our new Prayer Station with Pumpkin Prayers this Sunday. Please add your prayers to our Pumpkin Patch! Our children are invited to a Sunday School time outside with Olivia (weather permitting) following the passing of the peace.
YOU ARE INVITED - Following Worship this Sunday!
Gather after worship and after our outdoor reception together and then join us for:
To join Sunday Worship on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 832 2059 8969
Passcode: 458322
Dial in only: 1 646 558 8656
The bulletin is available HERE
To connect to Sunday Worship or to any of our online offerings,
Welcoming Our New Interim Minister!
Interim Senior Minister Called to the
Union Church in Waban
After five months of prayerful discernment and an exhaustive national search the Union Church in Waban has called Reverend Wendy Vander Hart to be our Interim Senior Minister. Accepting the call, Reverend Vander Hart will lead our congregation in this time of transition and guide us on our current journey to clarify our vision as church, explore new directions in our ministries, and prepare us to call our next settled pastor.
Reverend Vander Hart is uniquely qualified and well suited to lead UCW at this time. She most recently completed a successful term as Senior Interim Minister of the First United Church of Christ in Northfield Minnesota. Previously, closer to home, she served as Associate Conference Minister for the Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ. In this position for 13 years, she provided expert assistance and support to local churches in transition.
Reverend Vander Hart resides in Arlington with her spouse Joanne and cat Elsie. In her free time, she enjoys the spiritual discipline of golf, taking long walks each morning and playing a competitive game of Scrabble. Reverend Vander Hart will join us beginning October 19th. We are truly blessed to be entering into this sacred covenant with her and are ever so grateful to God working with and through our devoted Interim Search Committee: Liz Caronna, Brian Heffernan, Dan Heffernan, Jim MacDonald, Alison McCarty and Rob Purser.
Upcoming Sundays & Gatherings
10:00 a.m. Worship - Coming Up in October!
We hope you will join us online or in-person following Covid safety guidelines! Come, and find reconnection, renewal, hope, and joy as we gather together:
Blessing of the Animals
Sunday afternoon, October 17th at 1:00 p.m.
Our furry, scaly, feathery friends were there for us all through the challenges of last year, and this year is full of transition for them too! Let's come together to celebrate and bless them - outside the church near the picnic table. (Rain date tbd.)
Sunday, Oct. 17th - 10:00 a.m.
Worship with Guest Preacher Rev. Christine Keddy
We will be blessed to have Rev. Christine Keddy, Director of Missions & Elder Care Coordinator for The American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts as our preacher.
Sunday, Oct. 24th - 10:00 a.m.
We'll also welcome Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Mary Day Miller
We are very excited to welcome our new Interim Minister on this day, and hope you will join us. We will also be blessed to have Rev. Dr. Mary Day Miller, Executive Director of the American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts joining us to share her preaching and leadership on this day.
This Sunday
Exploring Our Faith - off and Running!
EOF is off to a great start and we're excited for the year ahead!
Our EOF Calendar is coming together and can be found HERE. Our next gathering is on October 17th at 2:30pm (after the Blessing of the Animals).
Sunday School and Kids
Sunday School - This Sunday
Our younger kids are invited to join our Children's Ministry Staff member Olivia for Sunday School this weekend! Olivia will bring the kids to the playground (weather permitting; Littlehale, if not) after the passing of the peace, and will work with kids on their "Pumpkin Prayers" for our new Prayer Station in the Sanctuary! Since it is a long weekend, all ages are invited to share Sunday School together.
Youth Ministry
Welcome Families! Happy Fall! We hope the transition back to school and all of the other fall activities are going well. While it continues to be a time of uncertainty with Covid, we are starting to plan fall activities for our youth at church. We hope folks are feeling more comfortable getting together and that we can gather for a few activities this fall. We will try and be outside as much as possible or inside masked. To be respectful of the transition for everyone this fall, we are planning fewer events, one instead of two each month. And some events will be a combination of youth groups. We can’t wait to get our youth together and hope they can join us!
October 24th - 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Middle Schoolers mark your calendars for an awesome afternoon at this beautiful animal sanctuary. Meet Maxine the Llama, Dudley the bull , Handsome Paul the turkey, and a whole host of other animals who have been rescued. We'll have a tour of the farm, be able to help with the animals, and then have time for reflection and maybe an ice cream or snack before heading home. Be on the lookout for an invite this week!
Fall Youth & Families Calendar Now Available!
Adult Formation and Gatherings
Wednesday, October 13th at 6:30 p.m.
We are starting up this gathering of women at Union Church to begin on Wednesday, October 13th to be held in person at Union Church in the coffee hour space at 6:30 p.m.
Wellspring is a designed to be a time of reflection, support, and prayer for women of all ages. All are welcome to join in and share our concerns, our joys, and our prayers for our families and our community. If you are interested in joining in, please email Amy McMahon at:
Masks are required at this gathering. We are also not able to eat inside the church at this time, and so please be sure to grab a bite to eat before we gather.
Java Gents
Thursday, October 14th at 6:00 p.m.
We will resume our online gatherings with a Zoom meeting next Thursday, October 14th, starting at 6:00 pm. Check your e-mail for the Zoom connection/link from Buz ( as the date approaches.
JAVA Gents is the informal get-together of the men of the UCW congregation (and community). The group aims to provide friendly fellowship and mutual support to the men. We will enjoy a lively and supportive discussion of timely topics as well as personal goings on in our lives. Newcomers are always welcome. Please contact either Jay (, or Buz ( if any questions or to be added the Java Gents mailing list.
Hope you all can attend.
Jay and Buz!
UCW Book Group
Tuesday, October 26th at 7:00 p.m.
Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed by Phillip Halle
Please join us on October 26th at 7:00 p.m. for our next book group meeting. This month we will be reading Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed by Phillip Halle - the story of the village of Le Chambon and how goodness happened there. You will find a zoom link and sign-in information below. If you have any questions, please reach out to Alan Cody (
Meeting ID: 832 4667 4155
Passcode: 431699
Dial in: 1 646 558 8656
Tea Time
Tuesdays at 3:00 p.m.
This Tuesday, we'll take a break from Bible Study, but gather with Pastor Amy for conversation and prayer, and a look at the weeks ahead. We hope you'll join us!
Meeting ID: 847 2838 1864
Passcode: 837512
Dial in: 1 646 558 8656
Greater Boston Interfaith Organization
GBIO Action: Boston Mayoral Assembly
Wednesday, October 27th, 7:00 - 8:30 pm on Zoom
We need to SHOW UP strong, flex our collective citizen power, and remind the final two candidates that we mean business and want to know for sure that we can count on their YES COMMITMENTS. You can…
We will press the candidates to give details on commitments they previously made to fun initiatives for: affordable housing and rentals, public housing maintenance, and meeting the needs of formerly incarcerated citizens. For more information, contact Kathy Malone (
Scripture Reader Sign-Up
Whether you are joining our Sunday worship online or in person, please consider signing up as a Scripture Reader for any of our upcoming services.
Scripture Reader Sign-up: HERE
Pastoral Care Connections
During this time of transition, please know that your church is here for you. Please don't hesitate to reach out to Rev. Amy Clark Feldman by email at, or call/text her cell phone at 617-938-8112.
Host Reception - Sign-Up
Hosting Reception after Worship so meaningful this year. This year guidelines are a little different e.g. individually wrapped snacks keep it simple and in lieu of coffee, lemonade or something that can be served easily is preferred. Please follow the link below to sign up or for mare information.
Book Buddies
We are continuing our Book Buddy program with elementary school children in Lowndes County, Alabama. Many of you are already involved in sending a new book to your Book Buddy each month. If you want to continue to send books please just let me know you are doing that so I can keep you in the loop on Book Buddy news.
Some of you would like to have a new Book Buddy. We will focus on third graders this year. We will have 10-15 students from each of the three schools who will need a new Book Buddy. The principals at the three elementary schools suggested we have all new Book Buddies mail books for their child to the school address. The principals will take a picture of the child with the new book each time you send it so you will know your book arrived safely. Plus you will get to see a picture of your Book Buddy with the new book! Please volunteer to be a Book Buddy! The kids love having a new friend, and a new book each month!
Common Cathedral - This Sunday!
October 10th - 25th Anniversary Celebration! Join Pastor Amy and the Common Cathedral community at a special Outdoor Worship Service in celebration of Common Cathedral’s 25th Anniversary. Lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m., followed by worship with Rev. Debbie Little, founder of Common Cathedral
Together we will reminisce, break bread, and CELEBRATE this vibrant community. To register with a suggested donation of $25, or to find our more, visit:
Boston Marathon: It's also not too late to support Rev. Laura Shatzer, who many of us remember and worked with in her role as a pastor at CityReach, as she runs the Boston Marathon in support of Common Cathedral! Laura's running page is below. Please consider supporting Laura and our wonderful partners at Common Cathedral with your prayers and/or gift. The link to Laura's running page can be found HERE. Be sure to cheer her on on Monday!
Our Covenant
We, the members of The Union Church in Waban, true to our founding principle of being an inclusive church, covenant together to nourish and to sustain in our common life and practice a fully welcoming and affirming church for all persons. Welcoming all persons who seek to join with us in a commitment to love God and our neighbors, affirming the inclusive love of Jesus, we are open to all, without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, nationality, ability or economic circumstance. We invite all to full participation in our worship, membership, leadership and life of this church.