City of Solana Beach
March 7, 2025
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SANDAG Moves Proposed San Diego LOSSAN Rail Realignment Forward to Environmental Review | |
Last Friday, the SANDAG Board of Directors approved the advancement of the proposed project goals, objectives, and five alternative alignments—including a no-build option—into the environmental review process for the San Diego LOSSAN Rail Realignment project. The former Alternative A was not recommended to move forward as an alternative for detailed analysis; however, the Values Analysis Study and all alternatives will be part of the record for the preliminary analysis and this approval. As part of this process, refinements to the five proposed alignments will continue based on public input and Board direction. | |
Community members, along with local, state, and federal agencies, will have additional opportunities to provide feedback during key environmental review stages and are encouraged to stay engaged on this important regional infrastructure project. The next opportunities for public comment will be when the Notice of Preparation is posted, anticipated to be completed this Spring. So that you can stay involved, the City will continue to provide updates in our newsletter to the community and businesses about this project, as well as the SANDAG planned - and funded - San Dieguito Bridge Replacement and Double Tracking and Fairgrounds seasonal platform installation anticipated to start construction early 2026. | |
Climate & Resiliency Junior Commissioner Opening | |
Are you a high school or middle school student - or have one in your household - who is civic minded, has great ideas, and wants to take part in making our City more resilient and sustainable? Here is your chance! The City is recruiting Junior Commissioners to join the Solana Beach Climate and Resiliency Commission. Apply to become a Junior Commissioner and become a part of the climate solution. In this role, you’ll participate in monthly public meetings to help guide the City’s Climate Action Plan, implement local policies, and work with government officials to provide meaningful youth perspectives on climate solutions. Applications are due Thursday, March 27th. Apply today and join the movement for a more sustainable future! | |
Coastal Rail Service Suspended for
Two Weekends in March
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The North County Transit District (NCTD) will suspend all coastal rail services between San Diego and Oceanside for two weekends in March to perform routine railroad maintenance and major infrastructure work. The first coastal rail line closure will occur this weekend, Saturday, March 8th, and Sunday, March 9th, and the second will occur Saturday, March 22th, and Sunday, March 23th. Customers are urged to plan ahead and make alternative travel arrangements. | |
How excited are you for warner weather and later sunsets? It's almost time to “Spring Forward” to Daylight Savings Time which begins this Sunday, March 9, 2025. Remember to set your clocks ahead an hour before going to bed this Saturday night (or at 2:00 AM on Sunday). This, of course, does mean you will lose an hour of sleep, but it also means the sun sets later in the day! | |
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day at Games Day
Thursday, March 13th, 12:00 PM
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Join us for a special St. Patrick's day celebration at the upcoming Solana Beach Games Day on Thursday, March 13th. This monthly community event is held every second Thursday of the month from 12:00-2:00 PM at La Colonia Community Center. Come enjoy a variety of games, including Mexican Train, Just One word game, Deep Sea Adventure, Scrabble, Lotería, American Mah Jongg and other games! Join us for this monthly series created to add fun and foster connections throughout the community. Bring a friend and help spread the word! | |
SBCC Lecture: Kintsugi Pottery & Rediscovering Joy
Tuesday, March 18th, 5:30 PM
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Discover the beauty of Kintsugi, the Japanese art of mending broken pottery with gold, at this month's lecture with Alex Welsh on March 18th at 6:00 PM at the Solana Beach Library’s Cove Auditorium. Rather than hiding the cracks, Kintsugi enhances them, making each piece even stronger and more beautiful than before. This is more than just a technique, it’s a powerful practice that teaches resiliency. Alex will share how we can embrace imperfections and rebuild our own lives. This free event is co-sponsored by Solana Beach Community Connections and Friends of the Solana Beach Library. You don't want to miss this! | |
Wildfire Prevention Workshop
Saturday, March 22nd, 9:00 AM
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Join us for a Wildfire Prevention Workshop hosted by the Solana Beach Fire Department on Saturday, March 22nd, from 9:00 to 11:00 AM in the City Hall Council Chambers. This informative session will provide valuable insights on defensible space, home hardening, and best practices to help safeguard your property from wildfire risks. Whether you're a longtime resident or new to the area, this free, community-focused event is a great opportunity to learn from local fire experts and ask questions. | |
Current Employment Opportunity | |
Come join the City of Solana Beach Team and discover how you can make a difference. The City is currently recruiting for the following positions: | |
Visit the City’s Career Page to learn more and to submit your online application! | |
City Council Meeting & Agenda | |
The next regular City Council meeting is Wednesday, March 12th at 6:00 PM, in the City Hall Council Chambers, located at 635 S. Highway 101, Solana Beach. All meetings are also subject to cancellation. Please refer to the City's Public Meetings page for updates, meeting schedules, directions on submitting a public comment, or for more information.
March 12, 2025 Agenda:
- A.3. Community Grant Program - Fiscal Year 2025-26.
- A.4. Sewer and Storm Drain Replacement Project.
- A.5. Reclassifications/Organization Update – Engineering Department.
- B.1. Public Hearing: 705 Barbara Ave., Applicant: Watkins, Application: DRP23013, APN: 263-091-07.
- B.2. Public Hearing: 615 N. Granados Ave., Applicant: DMIG 615 North Granados LLC, Case: SMAP23-002, DRP23-011, SDP23-015, APN: 263-082-17.
- C.1. Sewer Rate Study for FY 2026-2030.
- C.2. FY 2025/26 Street Maintenance and Repairs Projects.
How to Submit Public Comments
Written Comments:
To provide written input on an agenda item, email the City Clerk at clerkoffice@cosb.org.
- Use the meeting date in the subject line and include the agenda item number.
- Written comments must be submitted at least two hours before the meeting.
- Please note written comments will not be read aloud during the meeting but will be shared with the Council and added to the public record.
Verbal Comments:
To speak during the meeting, submit a speaker slip to the City Clerk before the meeting starts or before the relevant agenda item is announced.
- Each speaker is allotted 3 minutes per topic.
- Individuals can receive up to 6 minutes if time is donated by another attendee, or up to 10 minutes for group discussions. For public hearings, time donated by two attendees allows up to 15 minutes for a speaker.
For additional details, visit the City’s website or contact the City Clerk at clerkoffice@cosb.org.
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