March 5, 2025


8:00 AM Faith@8, an eclectic, loving, and loyal group of community.

*Enter on the West Lafayette side of the church and proceed up to the Upper Parish Hall.*

10:30 AM Choral Holy Eucharist Rite II

In-Church and on Zoom

Sunday Zoom Worship

7:00 PM Intimate Taize service in the chapel of the church.


8:00 AM Peace and Justice Morning Prayer on Zoom

Tuesday Zoom Worship

To add, modify or delete a prayer request, please send an email to the church office at


Ash Wednesday Neighborhood Service – March 5

Memorial Episcopal will host this year’s Neighborhood Ash Wednesday Service on Wednesday, March 5, at 7:30 PM. The service will include the Imposition of Ashes, and our neighbors from Brown Memorial Presbyterian Church will join us in worship.

Weekly Stations of the Cross

Join us for a contemplative journey through the Stations of the Cross as we walk through the neighborhood each Friday at 3:00 PM led by John Seeley. This longstanding tradition invites us to reflect on Christ’s passion and presence in our community. All are welcome to walk with us in this time of devotion. Printed bulletins will be available for the Good Friday Stations of the Cross.

Usher Volunteers Needed for “The Celtic Mass and Other Works from the British Isles” Concert - March 30

We are looking for volunteers to serve as ushers for The Celtic Mass and Other Works from the British Isles concert. This beautiful evening of music will transport audiences through the rich traditions of the British Isles. Ushers will help welcome guests, distribute programs, and assist with seating. It’s a wonderful way to support the event while enjoying the concert!

If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact Justine Koontz for more details.

Zoom Worship

Lenten Suppers

Join us on Friday evenings—March 7, 14, 21, 28, and April 4, 11—for Lenten Supper Church, a time of fellowship, worship, and reflection. with Holy Eucharist woven through a simple pot-luck meal. Upper Parish Hall will be open at 5:30. Supper at 6PM with Eucharist. Then, we will have a short reflection on a writing of Martin Luther King. We will end 7:00 ~7:15PM.

All are welcome as we begin the Lenten season together in prayer and reflection.

When: Sunday, March 23, 2024

Time: Follow Worship Service

Where: Memorial Episcopal Church Sanctuary

Mark your calendars for our Annual Meeting! This is a vital opportunity for us to come together as a congregation to reflect on the past year, make key decisions, and plan for the future. An agenda and additional details will be shared soon.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Join Us Weekly!

Wrestling with the Word: Adult Formation Resumes!

Join us for Wrestling with the Word, an engaging and thought-provoking adult formation series led by Pan+. Together, we will dive deep into Scripture, exploring its relevance in our daily lives and wrestling with its meaning in a supportive and open discussion.

📍 Location: Memorial Episcopal Church, Bolton Hill

📅 Sundays at 9:15 AM – Bible Study in the Upper Parish Hall

💻 Zoom Group Session: Every Friday at 12:00pm.

Come with an open heart, a curious mind, and a willingness to engage in meaningful conversation!

Meeting ID: 891 4873 1527

Passcode: 594750

Zoom Link

Please note that the weekly Zoom link is listed on the website calendar for your convenience.


God’s Rainbow Service and Ministry at Memorial Episcopal church will be a ministry of advocacy and justice for the LGBTQ+ community. It will be a way for the Episcopal Church to deepen its relationships within the LGBTQ+ community. The twice-monthly service will be grounded in Episcopal Liturgy, with time for discussion of community issues and some table fellowship. 

We will meet at 5PM on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month in the upper parish hall, entrance on West Lafayette.

We hope that all, whether members of the LGBTQIA+ community or allies, can find their place in this ministry at Memorial Episcopal Church!


If you are willing to serve with labor or foodstuffs, please contact Rev. Gibson. This Saturday, March 8 at 5 p.m.

Contact Information for Rev. Gibson

Call/Text: 443-392-8324


Become a donor for weekly flower donations!

Join us in celebrating and honoring special occasions with altar flowers by registering to donate flowers. Flowers on the altar are a beautiful way to offer praise and glory to God while commemorating significant moments in our lives. Whether you wish to remember a loved one, express thanksgiving, or acknowledge a milestone, dedicating flowers to the altar is a meaningful gesture.

Flower Donation Sign-Up Form

If you are interested in donating flowers for the altar for Sunday Worship Service on any of the following days listed on the Sign Up Form, please click the link below to add your name to any of the weeks listed. Please note that multiple donations can be made on the same day.

After you have signed up for a day on the form, proceed to the Donate Now link to make your tax-deductible contribution by selecting "Flower Donation" from the drop-down menu option.

Donate Now
Sign Up Form

New Update:

Streamlined Process for Requesting E-News Announcements!

You can now request an e-news announcement using our new e-newsletter announcement submission form.

Whether you’re sharing details about an upcoming event, volunteer opportunity, or important community news, simply fill out the form with all the relevant information. This updated process ensures your announcements are efficiently included in our weekly communications:

General Announcements:

Published in the Wednesday e-news at 3 p.m.

Worship-Related Announcements:

Published in the Friday e-news at 10 a.m.

To submit your announcement, click the link to access the form to provide the necessary details, and the Parish Administrator will take care of the rest!

If you have a graphic design request, please submit your form two weeks before the desired publication date.

Thank you for helping us keep the community informed!

Submit eNewsletter Announcement

Need a parish directory? Request one here!

e-News 2.0 | Memorial Episcopal Church | 410 669 0220|

