City of Cumming
December 2021
Christmas Parade & Festival This Saturday
Join us on Saturday, Dec. 4th for the Annual City of Cumming Christmas Parade & Fairgrounds' Festival! The fun starts at 5 p.m. with the Christmas Parade, which will begin at Forsyth Central High School and continue down Tribble Gap/Castleberry Road, through downtown Cumming, and end at the Fairgrounds. The Christmas Festival will be held at the Fairgrounds from 6-8 p.m. There are no parking or admission fees for the parade or festival. Tribble Gap/Castleberry Road will be closed to traffic beginning at approximately 4:30 p.m. on Dec. 4th and will remain closed until the parade is completed at approximately 6:30 p.m. Be sure to join us on Dec. 4th for all the holiday fun!
Other Holiday Events this Month
In addition to the Christmas Parade & Festival, other events in the City of Cumming this month include:

Christmas in Cumming Arts & Crafts Show - Friday, Dec. 10th, 4 p.m. to 10 p.m., and Saturday, Dec. 11th, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Fairgrounds' livestock barn. Admission is $1, with children 12 and under entering for free. Come out and shop for unique holiday gifts from 100 arts and crafts vendors.

Cumming Aquatic Center Parents Night Out - Friday, Dec. 10th at 6 p.m. Drop the kids off at the Aquatic Center for an evening of swimming, activities, and pizza while you finish that last-minute holiday shopping! Cost is $18 per child, ages 5-13.

Cumming Aquatic Center Half-Price Family Friday - Friday, Dec. 17th, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Enjoy 1/2 off regular daily admission fees in the indoor instructional pool and lap pool.

"A Christmas Carol" at the School Street Playhouse - Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 3 p.m. Dec. 2nd - Dec. 19th. Enjoy a new take on the holiday classic in this BK Productions' musical that shifts the Dickens' tale to 1920s Chicago.

Cumming Arts Center Festival of Trees and Art Exhibit - The all-new Members Art Exhibit is going on now. For the first time, this exhibit includes art from area high school students! Browse the Artisan Gift Shop for unique hand-crafted items, and check out the Festival of Trees' artist-decorated trees and wreaths. Come out on Sunday, Dec. 5th for photos with Santa from 1-4 p.m. Art Center (111 Pilgrim Mill Road) regular hours are Thursday-Saturday, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
City Center November Tenant Announcements
The Cumming City Center has begun announcing the businesses who will be joining our "family" through a special social media campaign: #familyfeature. As tenants officially sign their finalized lease agreements, they are featured on the City Center's Facebook and Instagram pages (@cummingcitycenter) with #familyfeature! In November, we welcomed two tenants: Lily Rose Co. and Fidelity Sciences, Inc.! To read more about these signings and others, click here. To see our new #familyfeature tenants on the days they are announced, be sure follow @cummingcitycenter on Facebook and Instagram!
Mayor Welcomes Cub Scout Pack 207

Mayor Troy Brumbalow met with members of Cub Scout Pack 207 prior to the November regular City Council meeting. The group also stayed for the opening of the meeting and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Troy enjoyed answering all the great questions from the Cub Scouts about his role as mayor! Thank you to Cub Scout Pack 207 for visiting us at City Hall and doing an excellent job in leading the Pledge at our meeting!
Cumming PD Honors Local Business
Mayor Troy Brumbalow and City Council joined Police Chief David Marsh in honoring a local business that provides training to area law enforcement officers during their regular November meeting. Chief Marsh recognized owner Junior Assuncao and trainers Mike Corcimiglia and Mujo Mehic of Ascension Mixed Marital Arts - Cumming. Chief Marsh explained that Ascension, which is located inside the Cumming City Limits in Tri-County Plaza, provides, at a greatly reduced rate, defensive tactics training for members of the Cumming Police Department, Forsyth County Sheriff's Office, and several other local law enforcement agencies in surrounding communities. Chief Marsh explained that this training is vitally important as it helps law enforcement officers be prepared with various options in addition to the use of deadly force. Defensive tactics training for law enforcement is not required by the state of Georgia, so if officers receive this type of training it is up to businesses such as Ascension Mixed Martial Arts to provide it.

During the November Work Session and Regular Meeting, City Council also:

  • Heard a report from Fairgrounds Director Tracy Helms on the success of the 2021 Cumming Country Fair & Festival.

  • Approved in a 4-1 vote, with Councilwoman Linda Ledbetter opposed, a change order for electrical work at the City Center, which was needed as a result of some spaces requiring a 400 amp panel as opposed to 200 amp panels.

  • Held a public hearing regarding the 2022 proposed budget, in which no one spoke in favor or against the budget. Council is scheduled to vote on the budget during their Dec. 7th Work Session.

  • Approved the renewal of 52 alcohol licenses for businesses that successfully completed their renewal process for 2022.

  • Held a public hearing regarding a rezoning request for approximately 78 acres between Pilgrim Road and Hwy. 9 from Single-Family Residential to Multiple-Family Residential for construction of a subdivision with a mixture of housing types. Several people spoke in favor and in opposition to the rezoning request. Council tabled a vote on the rezoning request to the Dec. 7th Work Session.

  • Heard a request from the Forsyth County Chamber of Commerce to consider an increase in the Hotel/Motel Tax to 8 percent in order to be more comparable to other cities and counties in North Georgia. No action was taken on the proposal.

  • Accepted the low proposal from Jasper Grading and Pipeline for installation of a storm drain pipe and building gutter connections for the Distribution and Collection Division Shop.

  • Accepted the low proposal from W.L. Griffin Company, LLC. for a wastewater pumping station on Spot Road; and accepted the low proposal from Mid-South Builders, Inc. for force main and gravity sewer on Spot Road.

  • Approved a motion to authorize Mayor Brumbalow to sign an intergovernmental agreement with Forsyth County on behalf of the City of Cumming concerning installation of an additional 900 HP raw water pump in the City’s Raw Water Intake Facility, which will be used by the County. The City will be reimbursed by the County for all costs associated with the pump's installation.

Unique Art Piece on Display at City Hall
City Hall will temporarily host a unique patriotic art piece. On display in the second floor lobby of City Hall, the piece, which is more than six feet tall and five feet wide, contains the Declaration of Independence, the first page of the U.S. Constitution and a depiction of the founding fathers signing the document, all hand-engraved into a bronze metallic sheet with a gold coating.

The piece was crafted by Sri Krishna Swamy, a documentation artist from India, who spent five years of his life creating the piece. Swamy, who passed away in 2017 at the age of 82, was inspired to create the unique work of art after visiting the National Archive in Washington, D.C. in 1998. He noticed, with dismay, that the words, after more than 240 years, had faded on the original parchment copy to the point of being almost unreadable. He then vowed to create an exact copy on a permanent brass plaque that would never fade, similar to metal engravings of the principles of Buddhism he had seen while visiting an institute of higher learning in India. While these etchings had been created more than 2,500 years ago, Swamy observed that there was no corrosion even to this day, and wanted to create something which would preserve the United States' founding documents in such a manner.

Swamy's son, Narayan Swamy, lent the piece to the Sawnee Association of the Arts earlier this year. It was displayed at the SAA's Cumming Arts Center for several months before being moved to City Hall, where it will be on display through the first of January. Swamy hopes to share the piece at other local governmental facilities and schools in the future as a way of reminding and educating the public of the importance of the United States' founding documents.
Holiday Closures

Cumming City Hall and all other non-essential City of Cumming facilities and departments will be closed in observance of the Christmas holiday on Thursday, Dec. 23rd and Friday, Dec. 24th, and in observance of the New Year holiday on Friday, Dec. 31st. We wish everyone a blessed and joyous holiday season!
Youth Council Meeting - Dec. 7 at 5 p.m.

City Council Work Session - Dec. 7 at 6 p.m.

Planning & Zoning Board Meeting - Dec. 21 at 5 p.m.

Regular City Council Meeting - Dec. 21 at 6 p.m.

All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance.

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