Zelphia’s mantra is this: What you eat, how much you eat, and when you eat. Something she’s repeated to herself over the past 2-3 years to keep at the forefront of her mind. It’s that rubber band around your wrist reminding you of something you don’t want to forget. Zelphia has diabetes, and it’s critical to her health, her life, that she pays attention to how to stay healthy.

Caring for others has been a big part of Zelphia’s life. When her father died several years ago, she took it upon herself to become her mother’s full-time caretaker and moved her into her home. Working housekeeping jobs that offered no insurance, Zee knew that her health was suffering, but couldn’t afford to see a doctor. At the same time, she realized that to adequately care for her mother, she had to keep herself healthy. She had long struggled with diabetes and recognized the signs. After fighting, unsuccessfully, to manage her condition alone, she knew she needed to seek a doctor’s help. An acquaintance mentioned Saint Vincent Clinic, and Zelphia scheduled an appointment.
Untreated diabetes can lead to serious health problems—hyperglycemia, high blood pressure, hypertension, heart disease, stroke—any one of which is dangerous. Her first visit to Saint Vincent involved a thorough check-up. Dr. Jana Zaudke confirmed Zee’s fears—her blood sugar was high, as was her blood pressure. Zelphia began with daily medication to regulate her levels and at the same time began a regimented strategy about eating. What, when and how much. Amazingly, over a period of months, she dropped 40 lbs(!) and was able to go off her diabetes medications. Her A1C levels dropped from 9 to 7, and finally to 5.8! This was no easy feat and took serious attention and dedication. “It’s something I knew I had to do. I wanted to get healthy, I just needed help. I found it at Saint Vincent.”

Zelphia’s life has turned a page. Her storybook ending includes marrying this year. Her new life partner understands and supports her caregiving role with her mother. In turn, she has helped him embrace her mantra of conscious eating. She feels stronger and more in control of her health and her life. She attributes this to the care and compassion she found at Saint Vincent Clinic.
“Everyone is amazing at Saint Vincent Clinic.
They all treated me with kindness.”  

Michele Surber
Executive Director
Caritas Clinics