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3HO's Yogic Living Newsletter

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Think about everything you can give thanks for—all your blessings and all your challenges. Can you discover the hidden gifts, even in the most difficult moments? How can you make it a part of your practice to appreciate everything in your life? Living with an attitude of gratitude opens doors to opportunities we can't imagine.

3HO invites you to explore the incredible gifts that come into your life when you create a habit of gratitude.

Attitude of Gratitude Meditation


This mantra is said to attract prosperity and dispel negativity. It’s fast and effective and brings in what is needed. You need to be who you are—your authentic self. When you think or talk negatively, it is said that that negativity negates who you are. Cultivate the attitude of gratitude. The attitude of gratitude is when you are grateful for every breath of life. Tap into your ability to uplift yourself through this meditation.

POSTURE: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine, chin in, chest out, belly in. Physically and mentally straighten your spine, so the channels can be clear.

MUDRA: Bend the elbows down by the sides and cross the forearms over the diaphragm area, parallel to the floor, right on top, left underneath. Grab the right elbow with the left hand and the left elbow with the right hand. Comfortably lock your hands so that you have the elbows in your hands.


Meditation for Gurprasad

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This meditation includes a very restful posture. The pressure against the rib cage meridian points gives relaxation. Allow all the blessings of life to flow to you; ask for whatever you need; know yourself to be blessed; feel the boundless flow of spirit.

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. With your upper arms close to your sides, bring your hands to the level of the heart with the hands side-by-side and cupped.

Eyes: Eyes are one-tenth open and focused on the tip of the nose.

Mental focus: Fill your heart and soul with all the bounties of nature. Simply meditate on the boundless flow of the Universal Soul, and feel a deep inflow of spirit.


Gratitude A Celebration of Life

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The frequency of gratitude is really a celebration of life. For instance, a bird shows its gratitude by chirping, a dog by wagging its tail, and a bee by buzzing. If you notice, all of life on this planet Earth is forever celebrating life. We humans express our celebration of life through the frequency of our hearts.

It is easy to lose touch with this deep sense of gratitude since many of us have experienced so much loss these last few years. Many have lost friends, spouses, family members, jobs, money, home or health.

Dreams didn't work out as we expected and left us with a profound sense of emptiness. When the mind fixates only on the losses, it makes it impossible to reach this frequency of gratitude that lives deep within our own hearts.


Hearty and Delicious Potato Leek Soup

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By: Dharam Atma Kaur                            

This soup is so flavorful and delicious! I've refined the recipe over many years. My daughter has always loved this soup and begs me to make it, even to this day. I recently made a batch and gave her half. She was in heaven!

The secret ingredient is the Deliciously Dill seasoning (Spice Hunter)! It makes a good soup taste absolutely incredible.



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