Faith Academics Service

December 10, 2024 ~ Newsletter

One Community One Family

Dear Christ the King Catholic School Families,

Yesterday, we celebrated the holy mass of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary as a holy day of obligation in our church.  Father Paulson and our fifth graders led us wonderfully during this special mass.  In addition, the feast day of our Lady of Guadalupe is celebrated this Thursday, December 12th.  

Mary is “full of grace” through God, as a beautiful example of our faith’s mysteries and truths -- as Mary was free of original sin from the moment of her conception.   In the Gospel of Luke Chapter 1: 26-32 we witness the prophetic miracle of Christ’s annunciation and birth:  "In the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the House of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. He went in and said to her, ‘Rejoice, you who enjoy God’s favor! The Lord is with you.’ She was deeply disturbed by these words and asked herself what this greeting could mean, but the angel said to her, ‘Mary, do not be afraid; you have won God’s favor. Look! You are to conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you must name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Highest. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David."

This Advent Season as we await the miracle and birth of Baby Jesus, we are inspired by the beautiful example of Mary our Holy Mother. Mary is full of grace, gentle, peaceful, wise, compassionate, and faithful. Mary’s place in God’s will and plan is so incredible as the birth of Christ and His salvation are cornerstones to our faith journey.

This week’s theme of the second week of Advent is peace.  May peace go with us and before us, as we await the miracle and coming of the birth of Christ and enjoy our Christmas Program this Thursday at 7:00 p.m.  Mrs. Ginny Halstead and her leadership Christmas program team are to be commended for their creativity, spirit, and intentionality.  Mrs. Halstead has done such great work as our music/art teacher this school year.  Mrs. Halstead, her team, our faculty and staff, and students are to be commended for their commitment and care to such an amazing program.

May the Advent virtues of hope, peace, joy, and love continue to surround us all as we honor God and the holy family of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus, and witness our students participate in this very special program as children of God.

God bless you all,


Mr. Joseph M. Silveira, Ed.D.


Christ the King Catholic School


Dear Heavenly Father, the Holiday Season is upon us. It is a time of cheer and joy. Let us remember to celebrate with one another and to support one another. Guide us to listen in the silence and to feel Your loving support. May we all have a Merry Christmas and understand the true meaning of giving. Please hear the intentions in our hearts for our CTK community.

 If you have special intentions please email Mrs. Meran here so we can include them in our next newsletter.

Virtue of the Week


Humility in the eyes of a child - the quality of being humble, which means not thinking you are better than others.

Important Dates

Wednesday, December 11 - 7:20am Advent Goodies, CTK Spirit Wear, Ice Cream Sales Grades 1 - 8, 2:15pm Dismissal

Thursday, December 12 - HL - BCR's, 7:00pm Christmas Program

Friday, December 13 - 8th Grade Dance at St. Francis

Saturday, December 14 - 10:00am First Reconciliation (Last Names A-L), 11:00am First Reconciliation (Last Names M-Z)

Monday, December 16 - Christmas Tree / Candy Cane day, Wear Red, Green or White with Non-Uniform Free Dress

Tuesday, December 17 - Wear your Favorite Christmas Socks and/or Santa Hats with Dress Uniform

Wednesday, December 18 - 7:20am Advent Goodies, Wear your Favorite Christmas Pajamas or Spirit Wear to School, Ice Cream Sales Grades 1 - 8, 2:15 Dismissal

Thursday, December 19 - 8:00am St. Boniface, Wear your Favorite Festive Christmas Sweater with Non-Uniform Free Dress, 12:00pm Dismissal, No Club After School

Friday, December 20 - Christmas Break Starts

Wednesday, December 25 - Merry Christmas CTK!

Monday, January 6 - Happy 2025! Welcome back, Classes Resume

December Events

Volunteers Needed

Want to help out with Choice Lunch? It's a fun way to get your volunteer hours. Shifts are available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Click here to sign up!

Advent Goodies



Please join us for Advent Breakfast Goodies on Wednesday, December 11th and 18th from 7:20am-7:50am. Enjoy muffins, donuts, and delicious warm beverages including hot chocolate and cider. All sales will take place in front of the Church. Breakfast goodies range from $1 to $2 per item. Money generated from the Advent Breakfast Goodies will be used to purchase Scrip for Saint Vincent de Paul Christmas dinner baskets.

St. Boniface

Project for St. Boniface Parish in San Francisco December 2024

The San Francisco Police Department is coming to town! For 34 years, CTK School community has been involved in this project. Each year St. Boniface Parish, near St. Anthony’s Soup Kitchen, in San Francisco enlists our help to share our gifts with the many less fortunate children and adults in the St.Boniface parish community. This is the 15th year that the San Francisco Police Department has been able to pick up and deliver all the gifts to St. Boniface Parish. On Thursday, December 19th at 8:00 a.m. they will arrive to pick up the gifts. We are very excited and grateful to have their help and support again this year! All are invited to attend. To try and get the most even distribution of gifts as possible, a suggestion is that each student brings a gift as if they were buying it for themselves. A 7-year-old boy could bring a toy appropriate for a 7-year-old boy, etc. Families are of course welcome to bring multiple gifts for boys and girls of all ages, as well their parents. Please have your child/children choose one or more gifts for a Boy, Girl, Infant, Man, or Woman. Please write on the tags here whether the gift item is clothes, toy, or other and specify the size/age on the tag. Label the Man or Woman’s gift with size and type of item also. (This helps with the gift distribution at St. Boniface.) If you need more tags, we have extras in the school office. The gifts need to be brought to school wrapped and labeled with the attached paper gift tags. (Please be sure to have the tag secured with tape). Send your gifts with your student/students on Thursday, December 19th at 8:00 a.m.

Thank you so very much!


Upcoming dates for Mass Choir:

December 11th - Wednesday 2:25 caroling practice until 3:20 (if kids need to leave early, it's ok!)

December 12 - Thursday (optional) "Christmas Carol Welcome" singing at 6:00-6:30 at the patio outside the church. 

December 13 - Friday NO MASS

December 18 - Wednesday NO CHOIR PRACTICE 

Thank you, choir families for the support you've given your students this semester!  

Christmas Program


Your awesome children and I are so excited to be preparing our 2024 Christmas Program, “Simple Gifts.” The program will premier for an open dress rehearsal on Tuesday, December 10th at 1:00 PM. Our main performance will be Thursday December 12 at 7:00pm. Doors open at 6:30pm. Space is limited at the main performance, and we suggest Grandparents and other loved ones consider attending the Tuesday dress rehearsal instead, where seating is plentiful.

Click here to see a detailed description about what your child needs to wear for the program.  

Please, no photos, videos or phones during the program. Cameras and phones distract the children and other audience members, and people moving about during the program cause others to miss out. New this year, there will be a photo backdrop area outside of the church before and after the program. This will be your opportunity to commemorate the occasion with as many photos and videos of your child as you wish! In addition, we will have our program live-streamed and it will be available live (for those who are unable to attend) as well as after the program. Password information will be provided closer to the program dates.

I am thrilled to be creating this program with the students as we bring joy, give kids a sense of agency, and celebrate Jesus!

Love, Mrs. H.

Hot Lunch

CTK Auction

Auction Volunteer Roles are still available. 

Please consider joining the fun in the spirit of service.

For Donations, Baskets, and Project Coordinators click here to sign up

For day of volunteering, clean up and other auction jobs click here to sign up

Father Daughter Dance

Save the Date

March 29, 2025

More Details to come


Milestones & Blessings

We would like to congratulate the Amso Family and welcome Adam Joseph Amso. He was born on November 10th at 1:07pm and weighed 6lbs 8oz.

We're looking forward to the CTK class of 2039! 


Click here for a copy of our Scrip delivery calendar

Our school submits orders by 8:00am on Monday mornings and the cards are delivered the following week. If you would like your Scrip order delivered in your Tuesday Family Envelope, please click on the link here to sign the Scrip Waiver form. 


Please complete the form here if you are requesting reimbursement for school activities (for example, PTG events). After requests are reviewed and approved, your reimbursement will be ready within 7-10 business days. 

Family Service Hours

Thank you to everyone that has signed up to help our teachers and school! Your time and commitments help us to have the best school year possible. 

When you are finished with your volunteer service, remember to fill out the google form that records your Family Service Hours. You can find the form here. This form can be completed after each volunteer opportunity or your earliest convenience so that your hours are recorded and not forgotten! 

As a reminder, each family is responsible for 17 volunteer hours during the school year in the following categories: 

Fundraising - 5 hours

Festival - 4 hours

Personal Choice - 8 hours 

All hours must be logged and recorded by May 31, 2025. If you have any questions regarding totals or accumulations please reach out to Kim Anderson at


At the 9:00 a.m. mass, children will have the opportunity to join a special Children's Liturgy. They will listen to the readings of the day in an interactive, child-friendly way so they can better understand God's Word and strengthen their faith.

CLOW details

Time: Sundays at 9:00 a.m. Mass

Ages: Kindergarten - 4th Grade

No registration necessary. Children will be called forward at the start of mass, and will return to the church to present the Gifts and sit near the Altar during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. They will return to their families during Peace be with You.  CLOW is optional, children may participate if they'd like, or remain with their families throughout mass in the church. Questions? Please contact Heidi Nuti.

Parish News


Have you considered becoming Catholic but are not sure how to proceed? Possibly married to a Catholic or have children in Christ the King School – and interested in sharing their faith? Or possibly just looking to clarify your own faith journey?

Investigate our RCIA program, which facilitates your consideration of baptism or conversion. Learn more by emailing Tom Bobich at

CTK Parish Newsletter: Please click here for the December 5th Parish Newsletter

CTK Parish Prayer Line: Please email prayer requests to Rosa Grand via
Quick Links!

Partners in Faith December Issue: Click Here

Parent Student Handbook: Click Here

School Supply List Grades K-8: Click Here

Club Registration Form: Click Here

Walk to School Form: Click Here

Student Medication Form: Click Here

Hot Lunch Orders: Click Here

Off Site Events: Click Here

Virtus Safe Environment TrainingClick Here to access the online training site and Click Here for instructions.

Diocese of Oakland Volunteer Application form: Click Here

TB Assessment Form: Click Here

CTK Parish Prayer Line: Please email prayer requests to Rosa Grand via