McKeon Student Research Grant
Deadline: March 10
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The 2025 McKeon Student Research Grant Program awards grants to encourage high school and undergraduate college students to undertake summer projects relating to environmental research topics in the Hudson Valley.
DEC Community Reforestation (CoRe) Grant Program
Deadline: March 12
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$15 million is available for municipalities, nonprofits, and State agencies through the Community Reforestation (CoRe) Grant program for tree planting projects that expand, restore and create forested natural areas that serve urban populations.
Youth-Led Climate Action Projects
Deadline: March 28
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Partners for Climate Action has partnered with Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Youth Climate Action Fund to provide grants for young people, ages 15 – 24, to design and implement urgent climate actions in the Hudson Valley.
Green Innovation Grant Program
Deadline: April 11
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The Green Innovation Grant Program supports projects across NYS that utilize unique EPA-designated green stormwater infrastructure design and create cutting-edge green technologies. Competitive grants are awarded to projects that implement one or more of the following green practices: green stormwater infrastructure, energy efficiency, water efficiency and environmental innovation.
Clean Water State Revolving Fund
Deadline: April 11
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Planning grants help communities prepare to apply for financing through EFC's Clean Water State Revolving Fund. They fund the development of an engineering report, which is required to be eligible for financing.
Greenway Communities Grant Program
Deadline: May 2
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Greenway Communities are eligible to receive funding to develop plans or projects consistent with the five Greenway criteria: natural and cultural resource protection, economic development, public access, regional planning, and heritage and environmental education.
DOC NOAA Coastal Habitat Restoration and Resilience Grants for Tribes and Underserved Communities
Deadline: May 12
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This funding opportunity supports opportunities for tribes, and/or tribal entities, and underserved communities to engage in coastal habitat restoration activities. Funding will prioritize capacity building, engagement, and restoration project activities that enhance resilience of tribes, tribal entities, and underserved communities and have the potential to lead to habitat restoration in coastal, estuarine, marine, and Great Lakes areas.
Funding Futures: Together We Decide
Deadline: May 23
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Partners for Climate Action will train four Funding Futures Fellows on how to work with their communities to set ecological goals and find funding for them. Funding Futures Fellows are concerned folks who are from or have partnered with a tax-exempt organization and have a Letter of Support from their Town Board.
Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF)
Deadline: Rolling through May 30, 2025
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The Clean Water State Revolving Fund provides NYS eligible applicants with financial assistance for planning, design, and construction projects for publicly owned treatment works, stormwater/non-point source projects, construction, repair, or replacement of decentralized wastewater treatment systems that treat municipal wastewater or domestic sewage, or emerging contaminates.
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF)
Deadline: Rolling through May 30, 2025
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The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund provides NYS eligible applicants with financial assistance for projects including investments to upgrade or replace infrastructure, address noncompliance with federal or state health standards, prevent future violations of such standards, and provide the public with safe drinking water.
Septic System Replacement Fund
Deadline: Rolling; county dependent
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This program provides funds to counties to help homeowners replace cesspools and septic systems that are adversely impacting designated water bodies. Eligible projects include replacement of a cesspool with a septic system, installation, replacement, or upgrade of a septic system, or installation of enhanced treatment technologies.
Source Water Buffer Program
Deadline: Rolling
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Approximately $5M was made available by the Clean Water Infrastructure Act in 2017 to support the purchase of conservation easements and the implementation of buffer systems to protect the water quality of NYS’s aquifers, watersheds, reservoirs, lakes, rivers, and streams.
Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) Program
Deadline: Rolling
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EPA announced $6.5B in New Funding Available for Water Infrastructure Projects and released notices of funding availability for the agency’s Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) Program and the State Infrastructure Financing Authority WIFIA (SWIFIA) Program.
FY 2023 Disaster Supplemental Grant Program
Deadline: Rolling
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Through this Disaster Supplemental Program, EDA will award investments in regions experiencing severe economic distress or other economic harm resulting from Hurricanes Ian and Fiona, and of wildfires, flooding, and other natural disasters occurring in calendar years 2021 and 2022.
Fordham University’s Flourishing in Community initiative
Deadline: Rolling
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The FIC Grantmaker is offering funding, technical support, capacity development, programs, and research opportunities to projects led by community organizations, nonprofits, and other entities championing environmental justice initiatives in New York.
Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program
Deadline: Rolling
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The EPA’s Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program aims to make it easier for small, community-based organizations and other eligible sub-recipients to access federal environmental justice funding for projects that identify, document, address, and respond to conditions related to environmental and/or climate injustice.
Peter and Carmen Lucia Buck Foundation’s Land Capital Grants Program
Deadline: Rolling
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The Peter and Carmen Lucia Buck Foundation and Land Trust Alliance work together to offer a land capital grants program that will provide PCLB grants to allow land trusts to complete projects in PCLB’s geographic focus area. The program prioritizes lands that exhibit biodiversity, connectivity, climate resilience, water quality and human benefits.