I'd like to begin this newsletter by sharing with you Dr. Urška Žugelj's introduction to the Slovenian translation of Hold On To Your Kids. She is a professor of attachment in Europe and I am thrilled that she truly gets what I was trying to say in the book. I am convinced more than ever that the peer orientation construct is absolutely critical to making sense of what is happening in the pandemic and post-pandemic world. I hope to say more about this soon. I am indeed encouraged that the book, written 20 years ago now, is having a resurgence with added translations (thirty-one in total) and more requests for interviews now than throughout the entire last decade combined. And a heart-felt thank you to Urška for her insightful and compassionate introduction to the book. - Gordon

Editor's note: For those unfamiliar with the term "peer orientation", or who haven't read Hold On To Your Kids, you may wish to view this two-minute video which introduces the construct.




“Oh, the comfort – the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person – having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together; certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then, with the breath of kindness, blow the rest away.”
Dinah Maria Mulock Craik, A Life for a LIfe

Can you think of someone in your childhood who made you feel connected, offered closeness that soothes, made you feel that you matter and are loved? Was there someone who understood you, was genuinely interested in you, and made you feel known and accepted just as you are? Maybe you are one of the lucky ones who had or still has such a person. It is also quite probable that you have not yet met such a person, or maybe this person came in later stages of your life. Let us, just for a moment, tap into the feeling of such closeness and unconditional acceptance. This is a place where we can rest, explore and play. This is, as Gordon Neufeld says, a place where true development unfolds.

What happens when Gabor Maté (Slovenian readers already know him as the author of the book When the Body Says No) seeks counsel for raising his children with clinical and developmental psychologist Gordon Neufeld? It is the beginning of a friendship with a speck of rivalry. Rivalry on who is to offer the knowledge to broader audiences: the student or the teacher. Luckily, rivalry grew into cooperation that resulted in a unique book on parenting. A book that offers a deeper dive into parenting, raising children, and development. A book that touches us at the core. CLICK HERE TO READ THE REST OF THIS EDITORIAL...

What's included with a Scheduled Online Class registration?
In addition to a weekly live class with a Neufeld faculty member, you receive a 4-month study pass (or 8 months for Intensive courses) to our Virtual Campus featuring Dr. Neufeld's video material, discussion forums, study guides, supplementary resources, and much more. Participants view Dr. Neufeld's recorded presentations prior to the scheduled support session with a faculty member. 

Class recordings
Not able to attend the live class due to a scheduling conflict? No problem! Classes are recorded so you can catch up later in the week when it works best for you.

Just added!

Science of Emotion

Anchored by Jule Epp

Tuesdays from 10:00 to 11:00 am Pacific

March 7 to April 18, 2023

$200 | Runs for 7 weeks

10% early-bird discount until February 28, 2023

Use PROMO CODE 773004

DVD SPECIAL 50% OFF - Purchase the Science of Emotion DVD with course registration for $37.50 (regular $75.00)


Making Sense of Adolescence Part II:

Adolescence and Sexuality

Anchored by Robin Brooks-Sherriff & Lisa Weiner

Mondays from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Pacific

March 20 to April 17, 2023

$150 | Runs for 4 weeks

10% early-bird discount until March 13, 2023

Use PROMO CODE 728004

DVD SPECIAL 50% OFF - Purchase the Adolescence & Sexuality DVD with course registration for $25.00 (regular $50.00)

Prerequisite: Making Sense of Adolescence Part I


Just added!

Making Sense of Therapy

Offered by Tamara Strijack

Thursdays from 9:00 am to 10:30 am Pacific

September 7 to December 14, 2023

$750 | Runs for 15 weeks

Prerequisites: Intensive I, Intensive II, Science of Emotion, and the Play Series (Play 101, Play & Attachment, Play & Emotion)

Completion of Intensive III and Making Sense of Adolescence Part I is also recommended, but not required.


New dates!

Intensive II: The Separation Complex

Note: This course has been postponed from February 2023 to September 2023.

Anchored by Genevieve Schreier

Thursdays from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Pacific

NEW DATES: September 28, 2023 to February 8, 2024

$750 | Runs for 17 weeks

Prerequisite: Intensive I


Watch for registration to be launched in our mid-February newsletter!

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