Over the years, we've guided numerous customers through blockage issues and serviced all types of clogged pumps. We've seen all sorts of precipitate, substances we might describe as Crusty, Stringy, Sticky, Slimy, and Gooey.
In one particular case we affectionately named the substance "Flubber" because it seemed to have a life of it's own.
In general, the conditions causing clogged pumps and discharge pipes can simply be the result of the environments the pumps live in and may be unavoidable. There are some things that can be done to help minimize down time after installation and several things to consider during the design phase that can be effective in preventing or minimizing clogs as well.
Pre-Construction Prevention
Proper cell design
Proper pump sizing
Post-Install Solutions
Adhere to proper landfill operation
Regular pump cleaning
Routine sump/pipe jetting
Apply a biodegradable descaling agent
Larger wheels on sump drainers (more clearance above silt)
Larger or slotted pump screens
Add sacrificial anodes to pumps
For help keeping leachate flowing through your pumps and pipes call 1-800-443-7426 or send us an email at info@epgco.com
To consult with an Applications Specialist call 1-800-443-7426 or email us at info@epgco.com
Articles on Landfill Clogging
Here are a few articles from industry professionals and publications on the subject. Statements and opinions in these articles belong to the respective authors and may not reflect EPG's stance(s) on the subject matter.