
Yogic Living Newsletter

September 2022 - Volume 1

“I wanted to believe in magic, so I began to meditate.” - Miss Amanda 

Kundalini Yoga is often described as elevating, and most of us are familiar with the so-called Kundalini “high.” The bliss that results from the practice comes from a very real increase in frequency, in which we oxygenate the system, strengthen the nerves, and secrete feel-good hormones into the bloodstream. Yet Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of awareness, and the goal is not to seek an experience but to cultivate presence and Loving Awareness itself. 

As we explore prosperity practices in this week’s Yogic Living, it’s important to remember that we are not practicing to “achieve” abundance, fulfillment, or any external result. We do, however, celebrate Kundalini Yoga for its ability to purify our vessel and open us up to that which is already ours! 

May you be blessed with fulfillment and abundance! 

Circling Your Psyche for Prosperity, Fulfillment, and Success

This kriya works through movement and mantra to attract the vibration of prosperity, fulfillment, and success. If you do this meditation correctly, you may experience the rising of your own consciousness. To begin, sit in Easy Pose with your weight balanced equally on both hips. Keep your spine tall. Your elbows are bent with your arms close to your sides. The Jupiter (index) finger is extended straight up and the rest of the fingers are curled into a fist, locked down with the thumb.

Find the Full Practice Here

Ganpati Kriya

This meditation is said to redeem all negativity of the past and present, smooth out your day-to-day problems, and create a positive tomorrow. It can change your luck and allow prosperity to flow. It allows you to let go of attachments to the mind and to the impact of past actions, so you can create and live a fulfilled life.

Find the Full Practice Here

Meditation to Bring Prosperity to Your Life

This is a 3-part kriya that uses breath, mantra, and meditation to open the heart center. According to Kundalini Yoga, it is through the awakened heart that we attract what’s in our highest good. To begin, sit in Easy Pose (or in a chair) with a tall spine. Raise the right hand to the level of the right ear, with the fingers pointing straight up and the elbow out about 10 inches from the ribs (like you are taking an oath). The left-hand covers the navel point, with the fingers straight and the palm laid flat over the navel.

Find the Full Practice Here

Ayurveda, Self-Care, and Seasonal Change

At this auspicious time of year, we invite you to join us in global community for The September eEquinox: The Seasonal Soul. Our all-day program — taking place September 17th — includes morning sadhana, Kundalini Yoga classes, workshops, and an evening program that explore Ayurveda and self-care during seasonal change. Nurture yourself with ancient wisdom and soul family that’s stood the test of time as we usher in the new season!  

Learn More & Register Here

Numerology for September 2022: Dispelling the Veils of Illusion

The month of September is a time of adjusting our life strategies and expectations of others and ourselves for the remainder of the year. The number 9 of September speaks to the issues of refinement, completion, self-mastery, and an intuitive awareness of our deepest emotional needs.

As we are longing for the fulfillment of these needs, we must still safely navigate the chaos of the world. It is our Subtle Body, combined with the self-sensory system, which will give us the guidance and support necessary at this time.

Yes, the number 9 is the Subtle Body, which is the most powerful of the 10 Light Bodies. It is above time and space and has the ability to sense another person’s energetic space by simply tuning into them. We need to have our wits about us as we travel a sometimes tricky terrain throughout this month.

Read the Full Forecast Here

Your Contribution Matters

Maybe a new teacher in Thailand is looking for a particular kriya. Or a lifelong student in Chicago wants a recipe for the weekend. Or someone who’s struggling in Australia and needi to hear about Seva and the solstice celebration. 3HO is for everyone, everywhere looking for connections to resources, inspiration, and community events as they engage in the path of Kundalini Yoga in their life.

Every day, someone gets on a yoga mat for the first or the thousandth time and uses 3HO resources — videos, posts, lives — to guide their practice. We are grateful for your support, as we expand our digital resources.

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