All Saints' e-Bulletin • Sunday, October 10, 2021
Sunday, October 10
Here is the link for this coming Sunday’s live streamed service – Sunday, October 10th The Order of Service can be found on the website on Saturday through this link: Order of Service.
Senior Warden Corner- Stewardship
HELLO All Saints' Family!

For the month of October our Senior Warden, Brian Hunter, has graciously allowed the Stewardship Committee to perform a 'non-hostile' takeover of his weekly 'Corner'. Thank you Brian!

Contrary to popular belief - stewardship is not just about money and finances! I know - hard to believe, right? According to Oxford, it's "the job of supervising or taking CARE of something, such as an organization or property." You see, stewardship is about showing love and care for all of God's creation. It's no wonder you hear this word so often in church. Jesus is the great teacher of how to LOVE and by asking us to be good stewards, he wants us to learn from him. He wants us to understand how important it is for us all to SHOW our love for community and beyond.

All Saints' connects us - in body, mind, and spirit. We come together to be spiritually fed, to learn about God's great love for us and how we can live out our baptismal covenants each day. We spend time with one another (in person, by phone or even online), sharing part of our lives with each other. We serve our community, we support each other in times of joy and sadness. We have come to know that All Saints', the community, will always be there for us, and we want it to stay.

This connection, this love, is why stewardship is important. It's important to our life together. What I ask of you this week, is to think about how All Saints' has connected you to God, Jesus and your fellow man. How have you experienced God's greatness through our parish? Open yourself up to that deep feeling you get when you know someone cares for you. Christ loves YOU - and just as he does, so does your All Saints' family.

Over this month you will hear about the ways in which All Saints' touches our lives - through worship, education, and service. You will be asked to challenge yourself, and show your faith in new ways. There will be messages of love and strength, and yes - we will also talk about money & finances.
It's my opinion that All Saints' is a community worth investing in, worth fighting for, worth showing our love and care in every way possible. I hope that by the end of this month (if you don't already), you will feel the same! I AM ALL SAINTS', YOU ARE ALL SAINTS', WE ARE ALL SAINTS' and together we serve Christ in ways we never thought possible alone.

Peace & Blessings,
Laura Barry, Stewardship Chair
Rector Search Committee
Dear All Saints' Family,
The time is getting short for you to participate in the Rector Search small group meetings. There are two more Sunday meetings scheduled - the 10th and 17th, and one more Wednesday Zoom possibility on the 13th.
If you have not yet done so, please consider registering for a meeting by going to SignUpGenius. The link is as follows:

If you have problems, please contact Margie in the church office.
Connie Pawelczak
Search Committee Chair
Music This Week
I don’t know about you, but when I’m faced with any sort of problem, I find it so much easier to cope with it if I am able to take some positive, straightforward action to alleviate/cure/fix the problem. I suspect many of you have similar feelings.  While I can’t do much to fix the rest of the world, I can do things to fix the organ. Thank you to those who have volunteered to help with the little project on Saturday, October 16. If you goes well, you won’t notice anything, but one of the most called-for sets of pipes in the organ will again be useable.
This past Sunday, three of our older youth choir (B-Sharps) members sang with the Parish Choir. We currently have five in this group, but one had an injury and surgery to recover from, and another had a cold. I’m very much hoping that the group will be ready to sing again soon. Thank you to all of them for their work in rehearsals, and to the parents who drive them! Having done a great deal of “dad taxi,” I know how crucial the parents are. 

Music this coming week will include chorale preludes on Brother James’ Air (Harold Darke); St. Anne (Thomas Attwood); and Slane (my own little contribution). It will be a week of comforting music. Sometimes we need challenge, but sometimes we need soothing and comfort. 

And thank you to the many of you who have told me how much you enjoy the psalm with the bells. This format seems to be working well for now, so let’s stay with it a while. I am very pleased that the ringers are willing to do this each week! 

Musically yours,
Church School
Dear All Saints' Parishioners-

I wanted to take a minute to update you all on our current Church School activities. We are blessed to have wonderful kids and youth in our community- and fantastic church school leaders- all volunteers who make this program meaningful and lively!

Due to current levels of Covid in the surrounding towns, from which we all come to worship at All Saints, we have moved all our classes, including chapel service, to the outside. This not only mitigates the risk of spread, but it also removes the threat of being named a close contact by the Board of Health if someone does test positive- which parents of school aged kids know can be very complicated for parents and children if that happens. 

I want to thank you all for your patience as we respond to current conditions and come together in person safely to learn, worship and have fun!

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.

In Peace,
That's right! The Gingerbread Village is making a comeback this year! We are planning a socially safe fundraising event to be held in the Parish Hall and we would LOVE your help! Currently in the planning stages we have the following:
Theme: Love & Care
Date: Sat. Dec. 4 & Sunday Dec. 5 - (4-7pm)
Location: Parish Hall
Areas we need help:
  • Decorating: a few folks to help us create a decorating plan for the hall
  • Food: We would like to serve simple 'to go' style food and need help planning the menu
  • Marketing: These people will help invite folks to the event as well as bakers to create houses
  • Bakers/Decorators: If you know of anyone that we should invite to participate in creations please share!
  • Day-of Volunteers: More to come as we get closer to the date
We hope this event will be a fun & safe way to invite the community of All Saints' and the surrounding towns to share our love.
If you're interested in helping out in any way, please email All Saints' Gingerbread.
COVID and the pie workshop
Typically around this time of year an announcement is made about the date for the upcoming fall pie-baking workshop, when we make dozens of delicious, frozen apple and blueberry pies to be sold for the holidays. Needless to say, the ongoing pandemic is going to be a major factor in whether or not this fellowship/fundraising event is held this year.

Working the way we typically do, elbow to elbow in assembly line style, in the parish hall kitchen, even with masks on, is not without some risk and, above all, we want to keep our community as safe and healthy as possible.

Therefore, the date for the pie-baking workshop, if it takes place, will be either Saturday, November 6th or Saturday, November 13th. Stay tuned for further updates. And please feel free to share your thoughts and opinions with Liz Landers or Bruce Bray.
Calling all knitters and crocheters! We have an abundance of donated yarn which has been packed into grab and go mystery yarn bags. Please stop by the church on Sunday 10/10 from 9:30 am - noon to grab as many of these grab and go yarn bags as you'd like for church related gifts. There should be enough in each mystery yarn bag for a lap or baby blanket or a prayer shawl. Questions? Please contact Deb Forsberg. Completed projects may be dropped off at the office.
The Cathedral Church of St. Paul will host a Multicultural Celebration of Gratitude on October 16 from 4-7 pm. Join with friends both near and far to celebrate God’s gift of gratitude through food, music, worship, prayers, and story sharing. We will honor three United Thank Offering grant recipients in the Diocese of Massachusetts: ProGente Connections in Framingham, St. Stephen’s Youth Programs in the South End of Boston, and the MANNA community in our very own St. Paul’s Cathedral. Register with link below! All proceeds from this event will be donated to UTO to be redistributed as part of next year’s grant awards.
COVID note: This event is currently designed to be a hybrid event, offering both in-person attendance and online streaming access. We are paying close attention to all state, local and diocesan guidance regarding COVID-19 protocols and health recommendations as it evolves and will update the event format accordingly.
Rev. Rowan Larson 
Parish Administrator & Curate for Christian Formation
Grace Episcopal Church
76 Eldredge Street
Newton, MA 02458
(617) 244-3221 x300

Assisting with this Week’s Service


Chalice 1

Laura Geary

Aly Moore

Chalice 1

Rachel Moore

Chalice 2

Maya Barry

Lector 1
James Scoville

Lois Freeman

Lector 2
Michael O’Laughlin


Lynne McSheehy, Alison Sandoval

Steve Sullivan,
Robert Strain

Altar Guild
Liz Landers,
Virginia Jengo

Rose Felzani,
Kate Blount


8:00-8:20 AM
Zoom Kid’s Prayer Breakfast
8:00 AM
Worship Service
10:00-11:15 AM
Discover Class
Weavers Class
Wonder Class
10:00 AM
Worship Service
11:15 AM
Coffee Hour
11:20 AM-12:00 PM
Connect Class
Journey/Confirmation Class

Office Closed - Holiday
6:30-7:00 PM
Book Club

6:30-7:00 PM
Kid’s Fun Night

Room opens at 7:45 AM, prayer starts at 8:00 AM
Zoom Morning Prayer
12:00 PM
6:30-9:00 PM
Zoom Game Night

6:00-6:30 PM
Disco Penguins rehearsal
6:30-7:25 PM
B Sharp Choir rehearsal
6:30-7:30 PM
7:30-9:00 PM
Parish Choir rehearsal

Cunha family April & Zoe testing positive for COVID
Kate Friesner recovering from hip replacement surgery
Bob West health concerns, undergoing tests
Al Thomas ongoing health concerns and treatment for cancer
Molly Loder brain cancer
Nate Barrow medical concerns
Garrett Burgess recovery of his sight

Linda Gilbert friend of Ann Gilbert - cancer
Charlotte Parsons mother of Deb Psilopolous – sick with COVID
Hannah granddaughter of Esther Davenport –
recovering from a bad accident
Susan sister of Karen Kowalski - grieving the unexpected loss of her son
Rosalie Utley family friend of the Forsbergs - battling lymphoma
Kristin Klaas family friend of the Forsbergs - battling ovarian cancer
Ellie Mendes family friend of the Forsbergs - heart problems
CHS Jr. Nik Sperounis & family neighbors
of Janet Redman - Angiosarcoma
Dan Willman son of Barbara Willman – being treated for multiple myeloma
Malcolm Frazier father of Holly Ballard - cancer
Julian Ramirez brother of Mirna Cunha – recovering from COVID

Terry Hunter, Brian Hunter’s brother, Chaz Freeman, Lois Freeman’s son, Ken Lager, twin brother of Kate Friesner, Katherine Luetters, Garrett Burgess, Ginny Wright DYouville, Lowell, Linda Webb
Sunday’s Online Readings: 20th Sunday after Pentecost – October 10
First Lesson: Amos 5:6-7, 10-15
Psalm 90:12-17
Second Lesson: Hebrews 4:12-16
Gospel: Mark 10:17-31