Member-to-Member Deals
Business savings programs are shared with many member organizations, and our Chamber is no different. Assiniboia Chamber members have the option to pass down business savings to other Assiniboia Chamber members at any time. In fact, a member can create a discount for fellow members and a separate offer for the public.

If you are interested in marketing your products and services further, contact the Chamber office by email or phone (204) 774-4154, or upload the offer through your Member Information Centre login.*

This month's new offers:
Welcome New Members! (current membership = 410)
NOTICE: The 2023 Membership Directory & Buyers' Guide will be published in March. Please ensure your business listing is up-to-date. If you'd like to advertise in the annual publication, please email Kristi Meek, President | Executive Director for more information.
Upcoming Chamber Events
Tuesday, February 7
8:00 am - 9:30 am
@ St. James-Assiniboia 55+ Centre

Thursday, February 9
8:30 am - 10:30 am
@ Victoria Inn Hotel & Convention Centre
Sponsored by:

Tuesday, February 15
5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
@ Frankie's Italian Kitchen

Thursday, February 23
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
@ Silver Heights Restaurant
Share your event on ACC's Community Events Calendar for free! Ask us how.
Topics discussed at this morning's Community Connections breakfast with Marty Morantz, MP Charleswood-Tuxedo-Westwood-Headingley:
  • interest rates and inflation
  • federal debt
  • federal budget
  • public services
  • private contractors
  • gun control bill
  • online streaming bill
  • federal relationships with province and city
  • healthcare funding
  • workforce issues

Join us at our next Community Connections event with Scott Johnston, MLA-Assiniboia on February 7 at the St. James-Assiniboia 55+ Centre.
In the News
St. James Civic Centre Expansion - Public Engagement

We want to know which programs and recreation activities you want to see at the St. James Civic Centre. Feedback will help tailor the proposed addition and renovation to meet the community’s needs.

Take the survey or join us at an open house or to tell us what you think about the proposed addition and renovation:

Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Time: 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Location: St. James Civic Centre (Auditorium), 2055 Ness Ave.
Format: Drop-in (come and go)
Learn more: Proposed addition and renovation information available here

The online survey closes February 8, 2023
Inflation and Workforce Shortages Biggest Challenges to Economic Recovery According to Manitoba Business Outlook Survey

The Manitoba Chambers of Commerce is concerned that a new survey reveals that three out of four (74%) Manitoba business leaders say that increased costs and inflation are the biggest barriers to economic recovery. 
The Manitoba Business Outlook Survey (MBOS) commissioned by the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce (MCC) and conducted by Leger between November 29 to December 16, 2022, revealed that while 70% of Manitoba business leaders indicate they are near or have exceeded pre-pandemic revenues they are still facing significant challenges.
“It’s encouraging to see that most businesses have rebounded from the detrimental effects of the pandemic from a revenue standpoint,” said Manitoba Chambers of Commerce President and CEO Chuck Davidson. “Unfortunately, businesses are now being impacted by inflationary pressures and workforce shortages, both of which are impacting further recovery efforts."
Inflationary challenges have forced businesses to make some critical decisions, including 48% of respondents indicating they are reducing costs internally, and 45% telling us that they are passing on costs to consumers.
In addition to inflationary challenges, when we asked Manitoba’s business community what they anticipate their greatest challenge to be over the next 6-12 months, labour recruitment and retention challenges continue to be number one. “One out of every two business leaders feel that access to skilled labour in Manitoba has worsened over the past year,” added Davidson. “The problem is even more critical for small and medium sized businesses where that number increases to 65%.”
Delivered in conjunction with survey partner Leger, and supported by CPHR Manitoba, the Rural Manitoba Economic Development Corporation (RMED), and Digital Manitoba Initiative, when drilling down on the barriers to hire qualified employees the MBOS revealed that 27% of respondents indicated wages don’t meet expectation, 23% highlighted an inability to attract qualified candidates, and 21% indicated a lack of alignment between employee skills and organization needs.
Furthermore, business leaders expressed concern that the continued ongoing labour shortages are also having a considerable impact on their existing workforce and operations. Two out of every five (40%) business leaders indicated that their teams feel overworked, 36% have felt obligated to increase wages, and 30% indicated they are not able to expand their business or organization.
Manitoba Government Reducing More Barriers to Canadian Internal Trade
News Release: January 12, 2023

The Manitoba government is taking further action to reduce interprovincial trade barriers by removing more exemptions under the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) and the New West Partnership Trade Agreement (NWPTA).

“As part of our government’s ongoing focus on growing our economy and securing the good jobs so necessary for prosperity and expanding social services, Manitoba continues to be the national leader in reducing internal trade barriers within Canada,” said Cullen.

Reducing internal trade and mobility restrictions could increase Canada’s real gross domestic product by over 4 per cent, the equivalent of over $1,500 for every Canadian family. The Manitoba government’s earlier work in this area was recognized by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business in its 2022 report card, in which the province shared the top grade, the minister noted. Now the Manitoba government is removing additional exceptions under the CFTA including:

  • naming and business activity restrictions for corporations providing land-surveying services in Manitoba;
  • office and practice location requirements for inter-jurisdictional law firms; and
  • residency requirements for individuals applying for wild rice harvesting and export licences (also removed from NWPTA).
  • With the implementation of these latest trade barrier reductions, Manitoba will have the lowest remaining CFTA and labour mobility exceptions in Canada.

“As Canadians face ongoing affordability concerns and economic challenges, Manitoba continues to lead by example and will keep pushing for necessary progress across the country,” added Cullen.

The government of Canada and all provinces and territories are parties to the CFTA. It seeks to enhance trade, investment, and labour mobility within Canada through the free movement of persons, goods, services and investments within an open, efficient and stable domestic market. All trade in Canada falls within the CFTA and occurs without restriction unless specifically exempted by a general or specific government exception. Along with British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan, Manitoba is also part of NWPTA, to form the largest regional Canadian market dedicated to free trade with less restrictions.
Manitoba Government Announces Public Engagement for Budget 2023
News Release January 20, 2023

“As the upcoming budget is prepared, our government remains committed to making life more affordable to Manitobans, while focusing on the creation of local jobs and providing health-care accessible to all,” said Friesen. “We’re listening to Manitoban families and want to hear from them. To permit as many individuals to contribute as possible, we’re inviting all Manitobans to participate in telephone town halls or in-person engagement sessions.”

In Winnipeg: (pre-registration is required)
  • An in-person session will be held on January 30 at 6 p.m. at the Winnipeg Convention Centre, Pan Am Room, 375 York Ave.
  • A regional telephone town hall will be held on February 7 at 6 p.m.

To pre-register and reserve a spot:

The Manitoba government also invites Manitobans to participate in the online survey at
Grant Opportunities
Heritage Resources Conservation Grant Application Deadline Extended to February 15, 2023
Applications are assessed based on the following:
  • importance of the project to overall heritage conservation goals;
  • quality of the proposed work;
  • ability of the applicant to complete the project;
  • financial need of the applicant; and
  • community benefit of the project.

For more information on the Heritage Resources Conservation Grant visit: