Note From Principal Atkins


We did it! We made it through the first week of CMAS and Spring Break is here! I am so proud of the GRIT shown by our students and team members this month.

I want to thank everyone who was able to make it out to our student-led open house this week. It filled my bucket to see all the joy and smiles filling our halls. Students shared about their classrooms and school spaces with so much pride, and it was a joy getting to speak with so many of you. Thank you for showing up and supporting your children and our staff in this way!

We have big goals for next year as our school continues to grow. Part of this involves the financial support of our community through PTA's annual fundraiser. They are working hard to help us provide a full time art teacher along with additional mental health supports. Please help us out by spreading the word! Direct your friends, family, neighbors to our fundraiser here.

Before you check out for awhile, please make sure you're up to date on everything coming up. We've got a few items we don't want you to miss.

  • CMAS - these assessments for 3rd-5th Graders will resume on April 12th
  • City Wide Art Show - be sure to see the info below about our student work that was selected for the City Wide Art Show at the Denver Art Museum next month! Everyone is invited to attend!
  • Chopper Topper - if your 1st-4th Grade child has not had a dental exam recently, please send your form back after Spring Break so they can receive a FREE screening and sealant (if needed). This is particularly valuable for our families who may not have dental insurance. Please take advantage of this! Screenings take place April 11.
  • Bones & Tones - We are eagerly awaiting the return of our Spring Carnival, Bones & Tones. Please make sure you have the date marked on your calendar for this fun community event on April 23rd, 12-3pm.
  • Field Day - Make sure you save the dates of May 3rd (K-3) and May 4th (ECE, 4/5)! PTA is providing a FREE t-shirt for all students this year, your child's teacher may be in touch to collect your child's size.

I hope everyone has a chance for rest and relaxation at some point over our Spring Break. Please remember that Stedman students do not return to school until Wednesday, April 6th.

Enjoy this weekend's sunshine!

Love you all to LIFE,

Michael Atkins