GFWDHA presenting another educational program to meet your CE needs.
October 9, 2020

Don’t Let the Health of Your Mouth Break Your Heart
In the United States heart attack is the number one cause of death, while stroke is the number one most debilitating. A lesser-known fact is the important correlation shared between oral health and heart health. By understanding the role oral disease plays in the causation of heart attack and stroke, dental professional are better equipped to promote patient heart health, and ultimately, save lives.

·Oral pathogens and heart health
·Physiologic(airway) and heart health
·Diabetes and heart health
·High blood pressure and heart health
·Inflammatory testing and heart health
·Collaboration is key
Meet Your Professional Educator: Machell Hudson, RDH, is an expert on the oral-systemic connection and protocol implementation. She is a graduate of the BaleDoneen preceptorship, where she earned advanced training in heart attack, stroke and diabetes prevention. Machell is a full-time hygienist with Dr. Bruce Baird at Granbury Dental Center and is on faculty & consults with clients through Productive Dentist Academy. Machell has earned Fellowship and is on the marketing board for American Academy for Oral Systemic Health and co-hosts Facebook live events with AAOSH’s cofounder Dr. Chris Kammer. She is a co-host for Reflection Health podcast which is produced by A Tale of Two Hygienists founders/co-hosts, Michelle Strange and Andrew Johnston.  

She can be reached at or (817) 917-9032.
Meeting Location (Click below for Map)

Meeting Agenda
7:30 - 8:00 AM
Registration, Exhibits, Marketplace & Continental Breakfast
8:00 - 12 PM (noon)
Presentation with Breaks for Stretching, Exhibits & Marketplace

  • All guests entering the building must be wearing a mask.
  • Guests are to remain wearing mask at all times unless seated to eat or drink.
  • Guest temperatures are read with wello® machines after entering the building. If temperature reads high it automatically sends an email with the picture to all department heads. 
  • We also have someone at the front monitoring.
Register and Pay for your CE:

To pay by check:
             Early Bird  Regular
ADHA Member Hygienist  $55          $65
NON-Member Hygienist    $75          $85
Dentist and/or Staff           $75          $85
Student                             $25          $25
(Students must send copy of student ID)
Make checks payable to GFWDHA and mail to:
Cindy Crisler, RDH
8332 Thornhaven Ct.
NRH | TX | 76180

~ OR ~

By PayPal -
click button below
General Information:
Greater Fort Worth Dental Hygienists’ Association (GFWDHA) will award 4 hours of CE credit to attendees present for entire lecture. This course meets the TSBDE Rule 104.1~Continuing Education Requirements for ‘technical or scientific as related to clinical care’ or ‘risk management’.
Replacement Certificates:
GFWDHA will charge a $75.00 Auditable Document Replacement Fee for each certificate needing
replacement. As per TSBDE Rule 104.5~Auditable Documentation: Each licensee shall maintain in his/her possession auditable documentation of continuing education hours completed for a minimum of three years.
Please be on time. Attendees must be present for the entire course for full credit.
Early Bird Fee applies for those registration forms post marked by Friday, FEB 14, 2020 USPS postmark only
Confirmation of course registration will not be sent. Registrants will only be notified if the course is sold out or cancelled.
Refunds/Cancellation: Written refund requests must be received at least 7 days prior to the presentation, a $15 processing fee will apply. GFWDHA reserves the right to cancel this program if sufficient enrollment is not achieved.