I'm thinking a lot about 2025 right now, Christine.
Most of us admittedly have this "better," fantasy version of ourselves and how we show up in our day-to-day lives that we think will somehow materialize in the future, once we [whatever].
Once we have more money. Once we have more time. Once we have some of these big stressors off our plates. THEN the path will be cleared to being our best selves.
Look at how that imaginary version of yourself shows up.
Some of those things will be ideas you got from somewhere else, that are totally not you (hello, fellow non-morning-people who can't stick to a journaling practice!).
But some of them you can do⏤NOW.
Not "when." Now.
Don't wait for the new year. Don't wait for the holidays to be over. Be one step closer to that person today, in whatever small ways you can.
Because all that less-good stuff that you do right now, that that person wouldn't be doing?
That's the stuff that's holding you back and dulling your shine.