Chamber Names Holly Springs Food Cupboard Non-Profit of the Year | |
Thanks to the many supporters who donate food and time across our community. You make our service possible! | |
The Holly Springs Chamber of Commerce named the Food Cupboard its Nonprofit of the Year at an event last month. Cupboard volunteers accepted the recognition on behalf of all the many volunteers and supporters across our community who make the Holly Springs Food Cupboard's service to the community possible. Thank you! | |
Please Consider Donating Food
So far this year, Holly Springs Food Cupboard distributions have averaged 115 families and 140 student bags each week. This is an increase over last year, and the need is anticipated to continue to rise month over month.
The Holly Springs Food Cupboard must purchase all food items that aren't donated to ensure our service to the community continues. Your donations are the best way to combat food insecurity, and we could absolutely use your help.
Please consider hosting a food drive at your place of business, school, sports club, book club, bar or restaurant. We are thankful for any donations we can get!
Two Options for Getting Food Donations to Us
Drop off food donations directly at the Holly Springs Food Cupboard at 621 W Holly Springs Road:
- Preferred hours: Mondays 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
- Also: Thursdays 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Or, drop off food donations at one of the numerous businesses and organizations throughout our community that collect items on behalf of the Cupboard. View a full list of Community Food Drop-Off Sites on our website!
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Many Thanks to Our Community
The Holly Springs Food Cupboard is very thankful for partners in our community who support Cupboard efforts throughout the year.
Below are just a few of our community supporters recognized last month.
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Local Time Brewing
Drop Off Site
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Food Lion #938
Food Recovery
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Save the Date: Annual Plant Sale Saturday, April 12
One way Cupboard volunteers help meet clients' needs for a balanced diet is by growing fresh produce in the Holly Springs Food Cupboard Garden. Each spring, garden volunteers host a plant sale. Proceeds fund the Cupboard garden, supplying seeds, soil, and equipment needed for an abundant harvest of fresh produce for those in need in our community.
Save the date for this year's plant sale on Saturday, April 12, 9 a.m.-noon at the Food Cupboard, 621 W Holly Springs Road. Shop herb and vegetable seedlings ready to be planted in your own garden, and for perennials. Suggested prices are $3-$8, cash or check preferred.
Find more details on the website.
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Around the Cupboard Last Month | |
Our clients felt the love last month after one of the Cupboard's donation drop-off sites hosted a “design a Valentines Day card for someone in the community” event. Many thanks to Triangle Wine Company Holly Springs for thinking of our clients! | |
Bob Volpe and the team at Sterling Fox Financial Services brought a carload of donated food to the Cupboard! Thank you! | | |
Many thanks to Pine Springs Preparatory Academy for an amazing food drive last month! The first half of the year sees very few food drives, yet the demand continues, so we are very grateful to the students, staff, and parents who made this possible! | | |
Once again, the fantastic folks from Cornerstone Building Brands showed love for their community by hosting a "Souper Bowl" drive at their facility! Cornerstone Building Brands is a regular supporter of our community garden, they've hosted food drives when needed, and also provided donations towards gift cards at Thanksgiving. Thank you! | |
Many thanks to Positively Apex and The Enchanted Picnic Company for organizing a Bridgerton tea party to benefit the Cupboard and other local charities last month! Pictured above are Cupboard Marketing/Social Media Director Leigh Brantley, Executive Director Sara Haggar, and Cupboard Manager Kim Basden at the event. | | |
Say hello to our newest birthday hero, Arden! Instead of asking for gifts, she requested her guests bring donations so she could bring Cupboard clients gifts! You might recognize this sweet face as Arden and her sister (not pictured) have done this a time or two and we are so thankful for them!
Interested in being a birthday hero, also? Learn more about organizing a food drive on our website.
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We “cereal-ously” are thankful for the Sunrise United Methodist Church Women’s Day Group who donated cereal and packaged sample toiletries last month for clients. The Cupboard currently averages distributing just over 300 boxes of cereal a week so every bit helps! | |
Open work days are back for volunteers interested in serving in the Holly Springs Food Cupboard garden. Beginning at 9 a.m. and lasting for a couple of hours on open work days during the month, individuals and families can drop by and help. No need to bring any tools - just gloves and maybe water.
Last year, with 1,862 volunteer visits and 27 organized group work days, volunteers harvested more than 2,000 pounds of fruits and vegetables that were given directly to Food Cupboard clients! We are eternally grateful for all who volunteer their time to make our community garden so amazing!
See you in the garden! For more information, email
Organized groups like schools, student clubs, churches, and businesses should contact to schedule a special work day for their group.
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Getting Help & Helping Out | |
Do you need food assistance? Know someone who does?
Please visit us. The Holly Springs Food Cupboard is here to help. Drive through food distribution is every Thursday, 2-5 p.m. Shopping food distribution by appointment only is every Monday, 1-4 p.m. Deliveries are available to persons with compromised health or without transportation. Click here for more information or to sign up for an appointment to shop in person.
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Donating Food? How to Get Food to the Cupboard | |
The Cupboard can receive donated food on:
- Preferred hours: Mondays 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
- Also: Thursdays 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Bring donations to the delivery dock on the side of our facility and ring the doorbell for assistance. Or, give us a call and we can meet you to pick up food from your neighborhood.
If you have food that you want to deliver at other times, you can take it to one of our community drop-off sites listed below. If necessary, we can arrange a time for a pick-up. Please do not leave food outside the Cupboard.
Community Drop-Off Sites
- Bless Your Heart Boutique, 242 S. Main Street, Ste. 106
- Coastal Credit Union, Village Walk Drive
Coldwell Banker HPW, 5261 Sunset Lake Road
- Holly Springs Farmers Market, West Ballentine Street
- Holly Springs Town Hall, Main Street
Local Time Brewing, 300 S. Main St., Ste. 204
- Oak Village Academy Holly Springs, 160 Solaris Ln.
- Pet Mania, Sunset Lake Road
- Prana Yoga, 300 S. Main St., Suite 116 in Block on Main
- Sunrise United Methodist Church, 5420 Sunset Lake Road
SupaBowlz Cafe, 150 W Holly Springs Road
- The Block on Main, Corner of Main Street and Rogers Street
- Triangle Wine Company, 4204 Lassiter Road
- Wake FC, Ting Park
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More Information
Thank you, again, to our dedicated volunteers and generous community for making everything we do possible.
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