Volume 55 | October 2022

Caspersen Rowing Center Happenings
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Providing a venue where athletes of all ages, talents and backgrounds have the opportunity to develop their rowing ability to their highest potential.

Buy your Tickets for the PNRA Fall Fundraiser


12-2:30 pm at Conte's


Online Auction bidding starts Today, Nov 4!

Get a jump on all your Holiday Shopping while supporting a good cause!

Auction items are top notch with themed gift baskets, professional consultations, private lessons with Mercer coaches and MORE!

CLICK HERE to check out the items and start your bidding. Final bids will be in person at the event on November 19th.

Head Of The Charles and

Schuylkill Results 

Congratulations to all the rowers from the Caspersen Rowing Center who raced at Head of the Charles:

Mercer Juniors

MY8+ 7th place

WY8+ 17th place

MY4+ 6th place


MY4+ 22nd place


MY4+ 36th place


WY4+ 54th place

Mercer Masters

Women's Senior 4+ 22nd place

Men's Senior 4+ 27th place

Mercer Junior Alumni

Club 4+ 38th place

PJ Kaputa

Senior Men's 1X 12th place

Coach Jamie Hamp

Alumni 8+ 5th place

Hilary Gehman

Women's Masters 2x 4th place

Directors Challenge Women's 4X 9th place

Coach Brian Price

Masters 50+ 8+ with Cornell Alumni 17th

Women's National Team

Won the Champ 4+

Finished 2nd, 4th, and 6th in the Champ 2x

Men's National Team

Won the Champ 8+

Head of the Schuylkill Results:

Mercer Juniors

Novice Boys: 16th and 28th out of 42 boats

Novice Girls: 11th and 24th out of 29 boats

Varsity Boys: 5th and 21st out of 59 boats

Varsity Girls: 5th out of 48 boats

JV Boys: 16th, 18th, and 49th out of 55 boats

JV Girls: 10th, 24th and 36th out of 39 boats

We are thrilled to announce that STEM to Stern and USRowing received the DEI Choice Award from the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee. PNRA's STEM to Stern was one of the first of the 25 programs in the USA.

The award goes to the top diversity, equity, and inclusion effort across all USA sports in 2022! 

Help us make a difference in the lives of the underserved youth in the Trenton area by supporting PNRA's Outreach activities directly or through Rowers for Change

Give to PNRA's Outreach

Give to Rowers for Change

From the Boat: Charles and Schuylkill Regatta Updates

Sophomore Charles Huckel, 2 seat in the Boys Varsity 8, shared his thoughts on racing at Head of the Charles (HOCR) and Head of the Schuylkill (HOSR)


Being in Boston was a great experience for everyone; it made us more familiar with what it is like to race at a high level with a large audience. Being together the whole weekend, the crews became closer off the water, which translates to how we do on the water. The race was very interesting, with all its turns and bridges to go under. The crowds all around the course kept us locked in and driven to finish it with all we have, especially around Eliot Bridge, where the bulk of the spectators was. Overall it was a great weekend for all the rowers and coxswains, making us more comfortable in these racing conditions.


Racing at the Schuylkill after being in Buffalo and Boston the past two weeks was nice because most of the boys were pretty familiar with the environment. Something that I think most of us liked was being able to sleep in a little more than usual due to our races being in the afternoon. Hearing cheers and motivation going up to the start and during the race is always great because it gives you an extra drive to keep going. It was also nice to be the one to motivate the other Mercer boats during their race.

Sophomore Rhea Kaycee, Coxswain for the Novice Boys 8 on Head of the Schuylkill

The Head of Schuylkill was filled with emotions, but it was a great way for our team to come together. In my boat, starting from the time we all got to the trailer, we made a race plan while rigging and prepared to get on the water. As it came time for hands-on, the crew was nervous as it was only their second race of the season. Getting up to the start was a challenge for everyone, but once we reached the start, everyone was ready to make this their best regatta yet!

We started off strong and powerful, approaching the crews in front of us. The team did an amazing job persevering through the entire thing and pushing themselves past their limits. We passed two boats towards the middle, and the crew stayed motivated throughout the race. The coaches did an awesome job supporting and helping us through all the hardships throughout the day. Even though we didn’t place as high as we wanted to, we were proud of ourselves in the end because we remained consistent and stayed below our goal split. This regatta was an excellent learning experience for all of us, and we are excited for the next ones to come!

Meet Michelle Peng: Mercer Varsity Boys Tri-Captain

Michelle has been coxing for 3 years with Mercer and was elected as one of the captains for the Men's varsity team! Congratulations Michelle!

Below are some of the answers Michelle provided to questions about her rowing experience!

Biggest Achievements in Rowing: 3rd place in the 2022 Youth National Championships Mens Youth 4+ event, 5th place in 2022 Canadian Henley Mens U19 8+

What does rowing mean to you: To me, rowing is so much more than just boat speed. Behind a strong crew, there is communication, trust, and grit. It's how a team works toward a common goal and persists through the hard times.

How has rowing impacted your life: Rowing has taught me how to communicate and work with a team. I am so grateful for all my teammates and coaches, and every day I am inspired by their hard work and dedication to the team. Becoming a coxswain has taught me what it means to be a leader, specifically how to learn from my mistakes. 

What are you most looking forward to as Captain: In past years, we missed out on many team bonding events due to the pandemic, so I look forward to organizing more activities and getting to know the team better.

Click Here to Read More! 

Upcoming Regattas

PNRA will be hosting the following regattas on Mercer Lake over the next 2 weeks:

Nov 6 Mercer Fall Classic: Combined Head Race & 2000 Meter Race

Nov 8-12 PanAm Games Trials and USRowing Speed Order

Nov 12 Philadelphia Frostbite Regatta

Nov 13 Braxton Regatta

Good Luck to everyone who is racing!

We are looking for volunteers to help at the USRowing Speed Order and Trials for the PanAm Games!

Click Here to Sign up to Volunteer

Mercer Alumni at the Schuylkill!

(from L to R: Coach Brian, Jake Shannon, Alex Guilbot, Julius Boucke, Lina Feldman, Erich Sands, Josh Chang, Chris Engelbert).

Winter Registration is now live. More information will be available soon! 


Mercer Fall Colors


The TCNJ Crew team is a club rowing team that is completely self-funded and is looking for opportunities to fundraise. They are participating in Rent-a-Rower and can send their rowers to help with any tasks around the house. Some examples include moving furniture or yard work.

For any and all inquiries or questions please email

For more information, CLICK HERE FOR THE FLIER

Host A National Team Rower

Interested in hosting a National Team athlete and being a part of an athlete's Olympic journey? The Caspersen Rowing Center is the USRowing National Training Site and athletes who come here to train are often looking for low or no rent housing options as they pursue their Olympic dreams. Click HERE to learn more about this great opportunity. Please reach out to Hilary if you are interested.

It is prime time for beautiful sunsets over Mercer Lake. 

Do you have a favorite Mercer Sunset picture?

Send it to for inclusion in a future issue of the Caspersen Rowing Center Happenings.

(Photo courtesy of Gudi Bigga)

Does your employer have a matching gift program?
Check out the Matching Gift finder feature on our website. Click here to find if your employer has a program.
We're all in this together!!
Your support today will make a difference.

Thank you.

Mercer Team gear is still available - face masks, hats, scarves, umbrellas, shirts . . .

Show your Mercer Spirit!

Contact Hilary Gehman

PNRA is a 501 (c)3 nonprofit corporation. We are grateful to all who support our mission and could not do it without you! We gladly accept gifts of appreciated stock and corporate matching gifts. Have questions? Contact Kris at
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Through your support you make a difference at PNRA!