This Sunday, January 19, 2025

8:00 and 9:30 service of Holy Eucharist

The Nursery will be open during the 9:30 service and forum time.

Forum: 2025 Financial Plan presentation

We continue to Facebook Livestream the Sunday 9:30 service and upload to YouTube.

Sunday Bulletin

Worship Team Schedule

MLK Day Retreat – Monday, January 20th - cancelled

Due to low interest from youth of each of the 4 churches we have chosen to cancel this event. We hope everyone enjoys their day off from school and we will gather again soon!


Wednesday, January 22nd – Community Night!

6:00pm dinner – see more details in the Community Night section


Sunday, January 19th – The Peace Table – geared towards ages 7-11



Youth Led Sunday – March 2nd!


Here are the prep meetings for youth who want to be involved:


Sunday, Feb 2nd 11:45-1:15 - planning and learning about the liturgy – also counts as confirmation class #2 on worship and sacraments.


Wednesday, February 12th - 6:30-7:30pm - more planning - picking music

Planning forum and snacks 7:30-8:30pm


Wednesday, February 26th - 6:30-7:30 - music practice

               Any other prep needed – 7:30-8:30pm


ECMN programming registration is live for Pre-YEDYEYouth Camp, and Family Camp

Save the Date...

Two dates, to be exact!

First Date:     This Sunday, January 19th, 10:45 am in the Undercroft

Annual Meeting Prep               

Your chance to become better acquainted with important parish topics, namely the 2025 financial plan along with other timely items that the congregation must vote on at the next week’s annual meeting

Second Date:   Sunday January 26th, 10:45 am in the Undercroft

St. David’s Annual Meeting

Look for an in-depth article, with links to documents, in a future email regarding what exactly will be reviewed, discussed, and voted on at this most important congregational meeting. We will also celebrate the life of the church this past year 2024, along with a look forward to the days ahead-- St David’s 2025. 

Please come to both meetings to be better informed, and we especially encourage newcomers to take part. As always, it is not only about business………sharing stories, yummy treats, hot chocolate and coffee will be around the tables too!

Hope to see you all there.

Diane Curley, Senior Warden

David Niles, Junior Warden

Community Night


Our next community night is Wednesday, January 22, starting at 6pm. January's community night is in partnership with Mes Amis French School, who operates out of our church building. 


The dinner will be a Francophone Dinner celebrating various parts of the world where French is spoken. Main dishes will be provided: Red rice from Gabon, plantains, chicken, and Haitian spaghetti (both vegan and meat options).


Participants are encouraged to bring a side dish such as French bread, salads, vegetables, potatoes, or dessert. 


Programming will include learning about the Francophone (French-speaking) world and Mes Amis. The Mes Amis community is also joining us this evening.

As usual, we will conclude the evening with a brief worship service together. 


Nous espérons vous voir nombreux à la soirée communautaire!  

We hope to see many of you at the community evening!

January Vestry Meeting Update to the Parish


Your Vestry met this past Monday night with another busy agenda at hand! We started off the night with a delicious potluck meal prepared by all, in celebration of this past year’s Vestry and 4 departing members. As always, a special time of gathering around the table: talking, eating, and sharing. After an opening prayer we got down to business. 

First off, we reviewed the past year 2024. We asked ourselves where we succeeded in living into our mission, vision, and welcome statements. We then shared where we thought we fell short. It was a productive discussion, offering up ideas by which to improve in 2025.

Next, we got down to work on our task of Endowment Fund Disbursement. As you may recall, 2 months ago we charged teams to present our top 4 ideas (mission driven) for disbursement, selling the topic in a Shark Tank like fashion. What an exciting time hearing all the information these teams investigated and enthusiastically shared. Stay tuned and come to the Annual Meeting to hear where your Vestry has decided to spend the first Endowment gift to the parish.

The rest of the evening was filled with approving both the minutes/finances and reviewing the budget that will be presented and voted on at the Annual Meeting on January 26th. Updates were shared that the new Admin Assistant job posting is just around the corner. Plus, it was noted that the normal Monday night February Vestry meeting will be rolled into the 2025 February Vestry Retreat the following weekend. Gratitude and thank you notes to the parish were also assigned.

The meeting ended with prayer, and then we celebrated our outgoing vestry members with dessert. Those leaving are Diane Curley, Carol Johnson, Kristina Stokes, and Kay Turner. 

I hope to see all at this coming Sunday’s forum where the budget will be discussed and then again at the Annual Meeting the following Sunday, January 26th.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Curley, Senior Warden

Godsend Gathering at St. Mark’s Cathedral

January 25

Many people are spiritually curious, but church is not on their radar screens. They did not grow up in church, they’ve heard negative things about Christians, or they’ve had bad church experiences. It’s important for Episcopal churches to have spiritual pathways for these neighbors. Most of them will involve meeting people where they are, meaning where they live, work, and play. When we show up in our neighborhoods, workplaces, and the places we volunteer as trustworthy followers of Jesus -- as people who care about, listen well to, and love the people around us -- it’s not uncommon for them to ask us about our lives, priorities, and values. When people experience the light of Christ in others, they are drawn to it and want to know more.

On Saturday, January 25 (with a backup snow date of February 1) everyone interested is invited to meet at St. Mark’s Cathedral from 10 am to 3 pm to hear the Rev. Dr. Michael Moynagh speak about what he and others in the Church of England have learned these last twenty years as they’ve engaged in all kinds of experiments to learn how to love and share Jesus with neighbors who don’t go to church.

On January 25 participants will experience something called “Soul Space” recently developed in the UK, and learn more about “the Missional Journey of Fresh Expressions,” a pathway for those seeking to form what the ECMN is calling “New Christian Communities.”

The week following January 25 Mike and Blair Pogue will be traveling around the state meeting with groups of Episcopalians who want to continue the conversation. The dates, times, and places of these visits will be listed in the ECMN e-newsletter and on the ECMN calendar. If you want to learn more and/or have additional questions for Mike, you are welcome to attend any of these gatherings.

The formation approaches you will be introduced to on January 25 and in Mike’s handbook Godsend can also be used by institutional churches. Please RSVP to Blair Pogue at by Sunday, January 19 if you plan to come, and let her know if you have any dietary restrictions.

“Being Disciples”, by Rowan Williams… a short but powerful read 

In 2024 St. David’s offered a “congregational” read of the book, “The Truth at the Heart of the Lie,” by James Carroll, which was read and discussed by over twenty parishioners. This year’s book, “Being Disciples—Essentials of the Christian Life,” by the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, is intended to be a community-forming read inviting contemplation, sharing of stories, and transformation through active listening.

Our first discussion will be on Thursday, February 6th and will continue for the following three Thursday nights from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Kris Ferrario and Scott Clark will co-host the sessions and will develop questions for discussion. If you are planning to join this group, or have further questions, please contact Scott Clark. 

Australia: Seeing Beyond Kangaroos and Koalas

Tuesday, January 28 at 11:30


   In October of 2024 Marilyn and Scott Clark had the privilege of touring eastern Australia and Tasmania under the lens of seeing all forms of nature from birds, monotremes, marsupials, eucalypts to incredible landforms. Join us for a presentation of this tour that will be more than a travelogue, but instead a poetic endeavor to capture some of the essence experienced in a world of evolutionary wonders. The presentation will be at a potluck lunch on Tuesday, January 28 at 11:30, in the Jones Room of the ICA building.

In order to hear this incredible presentation, we ask that you sign up indicating what you would like to contribute to the potluck. Look for the signups in the Narthex or Undercroft. Hope to see you on the 28th!

 There’s no better way to learn about supportive housing

than to take a tour through a Beacon building! 

Building tour: Vista 44 in Hopkins 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

44 12th Ave S, Hopkins, MN 55343 

Sign up at this link to register:  

Hats and Mittens Update

We now are entering the coldest weeks of winter. Hats & Mittens works to keep every child in the greater metro area warm as they play, learn and grow by providing free hats, mittens and scarves to children in need during these cold winter months.

St. David’s is collecting all sizes of hats, mittens & scarves for infants through young adults. Do you have any of these items that you no longer use or your children have outgrown?

* new or gently used, clean items including hand-knitted or crocheted items

* waterproof mittens & gloves for elementary & teen-aged children

* scarves & neck-warmers

Please consider donating new or used items to children who have none. There are Hats & Mittens collection boxes at the two south entrances. Thank you for helping to keep these children warm this winter.

Our mission: To create a healthy and stable community for all

Our vision: A community where everyone has the resources to thrive

Our belief: ICA’s presence in our communities makes our neighborhoods more stable and secure

Loaves and Fishes

Pease join us as we prepare and serve delicious meals for those in need

January 27th

February 11th

February 24th

Please contact Sue or Basil Owen to sign up or sign up in the Undercroft. Sue’s cell is 612-716-1945. Basil’s cell is 612-716-0683 or email at

Have an announcement you would like to share in this weekly email?

Send it to before 9:00 am on Wednesday to be featured.

Saturday Morning Prayer at St. David's 7:45 AM
Monday Morning Meditation at Oratory Room 9:00 AM
Tuesday Bible Study at 11:00 AM
Compline held each night at 8:00 PM

What else is going on at St. David's?

Want to view the full calendar for the week? Click here to view the St. David's website complete with a calendar to keep you updated on events and offerings! Scroll all the way to the bottom to view it.

Pastoral Care Line: 952-767-0891

To add someone to the prayers, please contact

the office


The Rev. Katherine Lewis

We will include all individuals in the prayers list for four consecutive weeks, and then they will be removed from the list. If the prayer need is ongoing, please reach out and we will keep their names on the list. If anyone's prayer need is shorter than four weeks, please also note that. This way we will keep all prayer lists updated and recent.

Prayers and Passages

We pray for healing of body, mind or spirit for those we love, especially Bobbie (mother of Nancy Mark), Ron Brown, Carol Burchett, (sister of Sharon Engel), Kay Cady (friend of Joanne Allan, Maureen Golden and Susan Taylor), Jess Carter (friend of Vonnie Fiedler), Joanne Downs (friend of Virginia Haggart and Ned Sorley), Evren (friend of the Jurkovich-Handley family), Linda Halley (mother of Laura Hensley), Martha Hatcher, Sharon Herpers, Tom Lutz, David Maass (brother of Bill Jacobs), Gervaye Parent, David Pearson, Amy Phung (daughter of Jeff and Laura Ronbeck), Lisa Popp (daughter of LaMar Popp), Jon Prescott (friend of Virginia Haggart and Ned Sorley), Jean Scheu, BobTriebenbach, and Kay Turner..

We pray for those who have died, especially Gene Seaver (friend of the Harvala family), and Jean Stark (friend of Joanne Allan).

We pray for our country after the elections, for the people of Israel, Gaza and Ukraine and all impacted by war and strife. We pray for all affected by gun violence, climate change, tornadoes, earthquakes and other disasters. We pray for all first responders and for hospital staff and all who help in times of tragedy.

For the world and its leaders, our nation and its people.


We pray for an end to racism and all systems of oppression.


We pray for those serving in the military, especially Aprille Mulvaney.


COVID-19 Resources Available

The Episcopal Church Click here

ECMN COVID-19 Response Resources Page Click here


St. David's Episcopal Church:

St. David's Youtube Channel: 

The Episcopal Church in Minnesota:

The Lectionary Page-Lectionary Readings:

The Episcopal Church: