See what is happening at Grace Lutheran!

November 10, 2022

This is a quick weekly reminder of what is happening at Grace
in worship and in ways to connect and serve.

If you missed worship this weekend join us on
Wednesday Night at 7pm in the sanctuary!

Pastor's Message

New Relationships and Sharing Space

Hello Grace Friends,

Over a month ago, I was greeted in the hallway by Brother Clement (see below) and he was wondering if we could meet. We set up a time and he came back with prayerful enthusiasm. For a long time, he has been leading a church out of his home and they have outgrown the space. He told me that he was praying for God to guide him to what is next, and he ended up at Grace.

Starting November 20th, Brother Clement and his church community will begin worshiping in portable 2 at 10:15am on Sunday mornings (10:15-12:30pm). They are a french speaking congregation. I hope that if you see members of their congregation you will greet and welcome them. Brother Clement should be at our worship this upcoming Sunday as well in order to say hi, and be present.

I have been clear that our portables will be going away and we will have to reevaluate how to move forward if this relationship works out especially during our building project and Brother Clement understands.

My first congregation in Faribault had a Sudanese congregation that worshipped in our space and over time we grew in relationship with the leaders and their people. It was a wonderful way that we expanded our understanding of what it is to be the church. We shared meals, and worship (periodically) and supported one another in prayer and in care. I don't know what the relationship will look like with this new congregation at Grace, but I am hopeful that God will continue to lead us in understanding and caring for our neighbors and growing together as people of God. If you have any questions about this, please reach out to me or Frances Fernandez or Brook Vander Leest, our congregational president.


Pastor Joanna Mitchell

The ordination of Wal Reat at Our Savior's in Faribault. I am in the first row, second to the right. Wal is directly behind me. In typical fashion, he was over one foot taller than me. He is on a step in this photo. PJM

Hello Grace Lutheran,

I am a father of 5 kids and have been married to my wife for 23 years. I am from the Democratic Republic of Congo and came to the United States in 2009 with my family. 

I am a Christian Pastor of a group of approximately 20 people. I have been in the ministry for about 14 years now just preaching to the group in our home. We have been looking to move out of our home into a bigger space for a while now so thank you for agreeing to give us this room to have our service. We love the Lord dearly and are exceedingly glad to have this opportunity to get out of our home into the place that this church has provided for us to serve God. 


I am happy to have meet Pastor Joanna and Administrator Frances Fernandez who have treated me kindly in welcoming me and talking with me concerning this matter. Not only that but they have accepted to work with me on this matter with open hearts. 


Thank you and God bless you 

Brother Clement Mutamba


Wednesday Night Schedule of Events:

5:15-5:45pm-Family Pizza- Fellowship Hall

5:45-6pm-Children's Choir Rehearsal-Nap Room

6-7pm Kids Night Out-Nap Room

6:00-6:30pm-Catechism Large Group- Fellowship Hall

6:30-7pm-Catechism Small Group

6-6:50pm-"Inspired" Adult Book Study-Room 105/107


Worship Times

-Sundays at 8:45am Traditional

-Sundays at 10:30am Contemporary

-Wednesdays at 7pm Contemporary


Fellowship is after Worship on Sundays. Coffee, water and treats will be available in the Narthex after worship.
Ministries News

Family Table

Sunday, November 20th


Imagine coming home and finding no food to prepare dinner for your family. Imagine being alone and never having friends to share a meal with. Imagine how you would feel and what you would do. Family Table is an outreach program sponsored by several churches in the area including Grace. It is an opportunity for us to help our neighbors, if even for only one meal. On the 3rd Sunday of each month, we are privileged to put together meals for our guests. As gas prices rise and inflation goes up, we see our numbers ticking up also. And for the first time since COVID, we have opened our doors so friends can grab their meal and share good conversation. If you are looking for a way to help, please check out the Sign Up Genius link. The calendar is posted thru December so you can do some planning. We know summer is a tough time, but imagine if you had no food on your table? Come help us help others! You are such an important part of our outreach programs! If you have questions, you can contact Lynda Wilde at or call/text 612.418.6444.

Click Here to Volunteer

Christmas Camp-Out

Sunday, November 27th

Fellowship Hall

4:00-6:00 PM


A family event, all ages are invited. Gather around the "campfire," friends! It’s time to celebrate the season with a fun camping trip. The best part is . . . you don't have to go anywhere! Bring the great outdoors to you with a cozy, indoor Christmas Campout. Twinkling lights, pop-up tents, camp-themed snacks, fun crafts, and exciting activities help families spend time together learning about the gift of Jesus. No need to sign up! We can't wait to see you there!


If you have made an advent wreath in the past and want to make one again, this event is for you. We will have kits available to pick up and we are making advent wreaths during this event only! If you want to come for your advent wreath supplies, you are invited.

Cost includes three meals, two nights lodging, fellowship and connection! 

Click Here To Register
Grace's Opportunities for Giving

Love of Grace Bazaar Volunteers

Grace Lutheran Church is hosting our annual Love of Grace Bazaar from 9:00AM - 3:00PM on Saturday, November 12, 2022 and we need your help to make it successful. Please consider donating food or volunteering your time so we can share a little bit of grace in the heart of Andover.

Click Here to Volunteer

Sand Creek Thanksgiving Baskets

The Sand Creek ministry team is putting together Thanksgiving Food Baskets. The team will be needing 10 frozen turkeys between 12-14 pounds to be delivered to the church by November 20th. Packing and delivery of the baskets will be on the morning of Nov 22nd.

Adopt a Family

Share God’s Grace this Christmas

Would you like to share God’s grace in a very tangible and REAL way this Christmas? Then please consider “adopting” a local family who will be truly blessed by your generosity. Through our Faith & Community Partnership with Sand Creek Elementary School, we will connect families from Grace Lutheran with families of students in need.

If you choose to adopt a family, you will receive a list of family members, with genders and ages, but no names. The school social worker will help each child prepare an appropriate wish list. It is totally up to you how much you spend. If you are interested in adopting a local family this Christmas, please contact Jan Margotto at 763-434-4617 or  

The Grace Giving Tree

Offering Grace upon Grace to Families in Need

The Grace Giving Tree (TGGT) assists families in need, who worship at Grace Lutheran, through donations. It is the intent of TGGT is the help relieve the financial strain on families through intentional support, confidentiality, and grace.

The Grace Giving Trees will be set up with ornaments starting November 20th. Gifts need to be back to Grace, unwrapped, by December 7th. Distribution to families will occur on or before Sunday , December 18, 2022.


Thank you for supporting families within our Grace Family with bringing joy to all this holiday season.

Noisy Offering

Noisy Offerings gathered in November will go to Hope 4 Youth and Stepping Stone Emergency Housing.

Go To GraceRealm Here
Give Electronically through GraceRealm
Consider electronic giving on GraceRealm. It’s a convenient way to give consistently throughout the year. If you have any questions, contact Frances or Marie in the Church Office or Click on the GraceRealm link below.

If you are wondering where your giving is for the year, please log in to GraceRealm. Find Giving on the tool bar. Then select My Giving History.  
Click Here for GraceRealm
Grace's Resources

Prayers of the Church 

We pray especially for: Rick O'Leary,Dylan Stanger, Terry Kalmi, Lisa Kalmi, Luke Bastian, Elaine Brown, Kristi Riley, Rose Spielman, Johnnie Tillery, Lisa Ritt, Shirley Jacobson and those in need of long-term prayer: Marty Lukaszewski, Clint Trousil, Lois Vadner, Diane Rosky, Shannan Gautschi, Harland Johnson, Shirley Fystrom, Kathy Beckman, Jason Beckman, Alison Husak, Juleen Klawiter, Carroll Potter, John Malecha, Stephanie and Samantha Fernandez, Julie Swedberg, Linda Christiansen, Judi Wold, and Ralph & Colleen Wernimont.

Comfort the grieving, especially Sally McPhillips & family mourning the death of Sally’s mother, Charlotte Montei; Gary & Rose Spielman mourning the death of Rose’s mother, Martha Wilde; Kevin & Chrissy Gast & family mourning the tragic death of Kevin’s Dad, Gene Gast

Administrator's Corner

Attention Ministry Leaders:


Hello Ministry Leaders! We cannot believe another year of outstanding ministry has come and gone! Thank you for your leadership! As you know, each year we draft and publish an annual report that reflects what God and Grace have done throughout the past year. It is our hope that all of our ministries might have an article that celebrates what ministry was done and was provided but also looks toward the future and the hopes the ministry will fulfill in the coming year. I’m hoping you are willing to contribute to our report. Please email me back answering 1) yes or no to writing, and 2) if you would like help. Hard deadlines for articles and pictures is Thursday, December 15th. Please email to at your earliest convenience so we can start the layout. Let us know if you have any questions!




December Grace Notes Article Deadline

If you would like to have an article in the December Grace Notes (in homes the first week of December) please have your article in Word format into Marie Kolar at by 5pm, Monday, Nov. 21st.
