Registration Open for FL/AL
May 18-19, 2022
Edgewater Beach & Golf Resort
11212 Front Beach Rd
Panama City FL 32407
Reservations 800.874.8686/Booking Code 1179q6
This year we return to the Edgewater in Panama City on May 18-19, 2022 to meet with friends from Alabama Rural Water to host the Florida/Alabama Joint Conference. This year’s Conference will be held at the beautiful Edgewater Beach and Golf Resort. To make your reservations now, contact 800.874.8686 and give them the booking code 1179q6 to take advantage of our discounted rates.
For only $100.00, you can register for the conference as an attendee to attend class and earn 1.0 CEUs as well participate in all the activities and meals during the Conference. If you would like to sign in early, you may come by on the afternoon of Tuesday, May 17th while the Exhibitors are setting up in the Exhibit Hall. If you can't make it on Monday afternoon, don't worry! We will be opened bright and early at 8:00 am on Wednesday, May 18th to give you plenty of time to sign in and enjoy a continental breakfast in the Exhibit Hall before class begins at 9:30 am.
Don’t miss this opportunity to network with your peers while enjoying the latest in training topics and earn 1.0 CEU. Our Exhibit Hall will offer a chance to see the latest technology that the industry has to offer. At the end of the day, you can relax with your friends and enjoy the Annual Seafood Boil. If you have family coming with you, you can purchase additional meal tickets for $30.00.
To register and for more information, click here.
This week's Focus on Change in central Florida had record breaking attendance. Next week will be the final two Focus on Change classes for this year. We are just about sold out at both locations so be sure to register so that you have a seat! There have been many changes in regulations over the last two years so don't miss your opportunity to catch up with the latest updates! See you there!
For more information or to register, click on the location nearest you.
FRWA Always Looking for Great People
The Latest on Topics of Interest
Below are links to articles on topics that we feel are of interest to the water and wastewater utilities in Florida.
USDA Report Shows A Decade Of Conservation Trends A new U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) report shows use of no-till, crop rotations, more efficient irrigation methods and advanced technologies have climbed in recent years. more
EPA publishes Resiliency and Natural Disaster Debris Workshop Report Report highlights actions needed to protect vulnerable communities and reduce disaster debris disposal, including along California’s Coasts. more
Microplastics fingerprinting project launches new website The Microplastics Fingerprinting research project team, led by Water Institute member Philippe Van Cappellen, principal investigator, professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Canada Excellence Research Chair Laureate in Ecohydrology, are excited to announce the launch of a new project website. more
Using Soap To Remove Micropollutants From Water MIT chemical engineers create affordable, sustainable soap-based system to eliminate emerging micropollutants in water. more
AWWA Launches Water 2050 Initiative To Prepare For Sustainable Water Future The American Water Works Association (AWWA) today announced its landmark Water 2050 initiative, a collaborative exploration to envision the future of water and chart a course for water community success and sustainability. more
USDA Under Secretary Opens Tuesday's House Rural Development Hearing With Testimony On The Necessity Of The Agency's Rural Water Loan & Grant Program more
DoD Announces Plans To Decommission Facility Responsible For Hawaii Drinking Water Contamination On Monday, March 7, 2022, the Pentagon announced its decision to shut down the World War II era 250 million gallon underground fuel storage facility that Hawaii state officials considered “a ticking time bomb.” more
Bay County Expected To Receive $53 Mil In State Funds | My Panhandle The county is receiving more than $53 million in appropriations from the state after this legislative session ended Monday. more
Florida Budget Conference: $100 Million To Go Toward Northern Water Storage The Legislature has agreed to budget $100 million for a storage reservoir north of Lake Okeechobee. more
Sarasota County Asks Residents To Limit Water Use | Your Observer Sarasota County’s Public Utilities Department has asked the community to conserve water as the area has entered its dry season but water demand has remained high. more
Protecting West Palm Beach Water Supply | WPTV It's hard to forget the frustration that led to so many, stocking up on bottled water, after blue-green algae tainted the drinking water supply last summer. more
Controversial Lake County Water Authority Bill Passes Legislature, Awaits Governor Review | Daily Commercial The Lake County Water Authority bill has passed. The Florida House passed House Bill 1105 on Feb. 24 and the Senate unanimously approved it. Now the controversial bill goes to Gov. Ron DeSantis for consideration. more
Boil Water Notice Issued For Bokeelia, St. James City | WINK A precautionary boil water notice has been lifted for the Bokeelia and St. James City communities. The notice was issued on Saturday. more
SJRWMD Plugs 62 Free-Flowing Wells, Saving 10.4 Million Gallons Per Day Of Water Since October, the St. Johns River Water Management District has plugged 62 free-flowing wells saving 10.4 million gallons of water a day. With about six months left in this fiscal year, the District is on track to plug more wells than any other year over the District’s 50-year history. more
Study: Florida's 76K Ponds Release More Carbon Than They Store - WTSP.Com A lot of the chemical element escapes into the atmosphere from the ponds. more
Miami-Dade Releases Year 1 Progress Update On Sea Level Rise Strategy; Florida House Targets Sea Level Rise Resiliency | South Dade News Leader The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group II released their report Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. This report underscores the urgency of preparing for and adapting to the changing climate now. more
This Week in Water History
Whipple recommended that the coagulant preceding the slow sand filter at Poughkeepsie be replaced with chloride of lime, which began as a test on February 1, 1909. On March 17, 1909, continuous chlorination was begun using a permanent chemical feeding apparatus.
To enjoy more opportunities to take a look at the past in water history, go to this link.
2970 Wellington Circle | Tallahassee FL 32309 | 850.668.8023 | Contact Us