The Significant Benefits of Our Services
A Client Testimonial
This month I wanted to share with you the benefits of our services as described by one of our clients in her testimonial:

Severe Chronic Pain and Autoimmune Disorders:

"At one point, I felt like my health was spiraling out of control. I had chronic pain in my arms, back, neck and legs which limited my mobility. My functional doctor recommended Myofascial Release therapy, so I did some research, and I am so grateful that I found Izabela. She brought me hope from the very beginning and I always look forward to my sessions with her! Izabela is a kind and loving person who is very passionate about helping people heal not only by providing physical therapy and Myofascial Release therapy, but also self-healing techniques that have all helped me significantly.

​Izabela has inspired and empowered me with the mind-body-breath awareness. I learned that a changed outlook has a positive effect on our body and health. I now practice gratitude, mindfulness and always try to stay positive! I am feeling much better and able to enjoy life again! I am also sharing information that I learned from Izabela with others to help them with their health journeys. I appreciate and love Izabela and would highly recommend her!"

If you would like to read other clients' experiences with Wholistic Therapeutics - I am inviting you to click on this link.
We are here to serve you and help you to meet your goals and intentions. 

In love and health 

Izabela Adamus, PT