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Social Justice is the unifying mandate of Reform Judaism, central to who we are and what we do in contributing to Tikkun Olam, repairing the world -- through direct service, Tzedakah (Righteous Giving), and advocacy.   

Join us by choosing one of our many volunteer opportunities!



General Election: Tuesday, November 8th

Early Voting through Nov. 6th (7am-7pm!)

(You can vote OR drop off your mail-in ballot

at any Early Voting location, but VOTE

only at your precinct location on Election Day – check your Voter Information Card!)


Miami-Dade Election Dept: 305-499-8683

“My greatest fear is that one day we may wake up and our democracy is gone.” ~ John Lewis

“Yad LaKashish Is Coming to Temple Israel!”


וְאָהַבְתָּ לְרֵעֲךָ כָּמוֹךָ

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“Seeing Overtown” on Yom Kippur 


48 congregants assembled in Gumenick Chapel as we refreshed our long-standing relationship to neighboring Overtown – the basis of our ongoing volunteer programs at Chapman Partnership (Empowering the Homeless), Overtown Optimist Club, Lotus House, and the Dunbar School. We were inspired by Dr. Dorothy Fields (Founder, Black Archives), Christopher Norwood (Curator, Historic Ward Rooming House) and Ieshia Haynie (ED, Overtown Optimist Club) – and we have new volunteers, but can always use more!  

This is our neighborhood,

 these are our neighbors.

The rescheduled “Pray with Your Feet” Mitzvah Project took place Tuesday, October 25th in partnership with the Overtown Optimist Club – as volunteers from Temple Israel and Unity on the Bay canvassed downtown Overtown with non-partisan information on voting and the amazing Optimist Club programs -- and prepared special snack packs for seniors and kids. We learned a lot!


Temple Israel TIFTY member Lara Shulman continues her service as an after-school tutor at the Optimist Club, and you, too, can help a child K-6th grades with their homework any day of the week from 4-6pm. Please contact Rebecca Stanier-Shulman at staniershulman@gmail.com to volunteer for our Optimist Club Team!

NOTE: On Thursday, November 10th we will be back in Overtown for “Harvest Day” (10am – 1 pm) – to help BRANCHES organize food items donated for its 22nd Annual Thanksgiving Meal Delivery. Send an email ASAP to socialjustice@templeisrael.net if you want to be part of that beautiful outreach program. (Only 4 spots left!)


“Let me not be content when others lack their daily bread, let me not be serene while some have no roof over their heads. Teach me to give thanks for what I have by sharing it with those who are in need. Then shall life be called good, and my name be remembered for blessing.” ~ Rabbi Chaim Stern z”l (Day by Day: Reflections on the Themes of the Torah)

The Temple Israel Food Drive is now in its 22nd month because 38 million people face HUNGER every day and depend on food pantries, including our friends and neighbors! During the High Holidays we collected for Buddy System Miami in support of its “Homebound Food Access Program” and exceeded all expectations – Thank You!

In November we are doubling down on our Overtown commitment by collecting HEALTHY SNACKS for the nearby Dunbar School where we have now begun to support the after-school T.A.L.E.N.T.S program. (Contact Allison Weinstein at aweinstein@bellsouth.net to join our Dunbar Team.) 

Too many kids are food deprived, needing nourishment to stay motivated and succeed. Energize them by providing: Fruit chews, juice boxes, nuts/raisins, individually wrapped breakfast bars, crackers w/peanut butter or cheese, cookies -- ALL snack-sized. (And please check the expiration dates; items that have expired cannot be distributed at the school.)


Contributions can be dropped off at Shabbat Services/any in-person event OR at the Temple office M-Th/9-5 PM, Friday until 4 PM. To give from the comfort and safety of your homes, use INSTACART. Select the non-perishable items, pay online, and have the groceries delivered directly to Temple Israel.

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We serve dinner every 4th Monday of the month at Chapman Partnership Empowering the Homeless – next on November 21st (4:45 -7:00 PM). Join our Chapman Team by contacting Elaine Litvak at elitvak273@aol.com for an extraordinary community experience!


(You can help underwrite that meal by making a contribution HERE to the Charles Held, Jr. Memorial Fund to Feed the Hungry. Thank you!)

SPOILER ALERT: In December, we will be collecting new/unwrapped toys for children 1-12 and gift cards for teens as we prepare for the 21st Annual Temple Israel Christmas Eve Carnival at Chapman Partnership…stay tuned! 

 Lotus House is the largest shelter for homeless women and children in the United States – offering amazing care/advocacy and other programmatic components for its 400-500 “guests,” including dining facilities that speak to every need. Temple Israel volunteers help serve lunch every 3rd Thursday from 11am-2pm (next on November 17th). Contact Alice Miller at alimiller3@gmail.com to join our Lotus House Team.

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November is National Family Caregivers Month encouraging us to pay tribute to those providing for the health and wellbeing of family members, friends and neighbors. About 34.2 million Americans provide unpaid care to an adult age 50 or older. If you know such a Caregiver, Thanksgiving would be a great time to say THANK YOU and provide some good cheer/relief. (Info/Assistance: CARING BRIDGE)

Social Justice Committee: Gary Brown, Jacqui Carmona (RAC-FL), Patty Craven, Elaine Litvak (Chapman Team), Aidan McAdams (TIFTY), Alice Miller (Lotus House), Julia Monk/Adam Roddy (Food Drive), Is Perlman, Julie Scheingoltz (Religious School), Rebecca Stanier-Shulman (Unity), Suzie Sponder (Chapman Xmas Eve Mitzvah Project), Judith Stopek (Homestead), Allison Weinstein (Dunbar School), Tom Wharton, Paula Xanthopoulou (Chair), Julia Zaias.

Please send your comments/suggestions for social action to: socialjustice@templeisrael.net