The theme for the August Presbytery meeting focused on Scripture, Storytelling, and Siblings in Christ. The gathering offered times for learning, engaging, and self -reflecting.

B U S I N ES S R EC A P S i g n i f i c a n t  a c t i o n  i t e m s  a n d  r e p o r t s

• Attendance -60: 21 minister members; 1 commissioned pastor; 17 ruling elders; 4 corresponding members; 15 guests; 2 presbytery staff.

• TE Brad Rito, New Covenant Community Church, was welcomed into membership.

The Committee on Preparation for Ministry reported that candidates Remona Dowell and Sarah Bhatia have both been certified ready to receive a call. RE Payne Warner received a call from First Presbyterian Church, Youngstown, to serve as pastor. Payne shared his statement of faith and a brief sermon. Following examination and vote, Payne was approved to be ordained as a Minister of the Word and Sacrament.

 The Committee on Ministry reported on various actions taken by the committee under the commission powers granted to it. COM Moderator moved and the presbytery voted to increase minimum terms of call for full time Installed Ministry by 3% in 2024 from $46,600 to $48,000 and to recommend that all church employees be given 3% increase to their salaries.

 The Committee on Nominations and Representation invited members of the presbytery to apply to serve as commissioners and delegates to the 226th General Assembly. TE Brad Rito was elected to the Committee on Preparation for Ministry, Class of 2024.

 Report of the Resource Committee included the announcement that there will be another Pastors Retreat on Oct 4-5; the committee will be hosting a presbytery-wide Suicide Prevention workshop in 2024; the presbytery's peace pole is available to travel from church to church to highlight peace; and that Beaver Creek Camp has hired a new director for camping ministry for 2024.

• Chip Hardwick, Executive Synod of the Covenant, brought updates and news from the Synod.

• Luke Choi, Board of Pensions Church Consultant, brough greetings and updates from the Board of Pensions.

The presbytery then proceeded into worship lead by The HUB New Worshipping Community focusing on Mark 1:9-13. The designated offering was GLOW (Girls Leading our World), a ministry of the WayStation in Columbiana. We will continue to accept offering donations until August 25 through the Presbytery Payment Portal  (scroll to the Presbytery Meeting Offering giving line) OR Treasurers can send a check to Eastminster Presbytery / PO Box 14439 / Poland, OH 44514. Indicate "August 8 offering" or "GLOW" in the memo line.

• Following worship, the presbytery enjoyed, lunch, fellowship, and workshops highlighting The HUB (storytelling, walking the labyrinth, and a drum circle) in addition to conversations on the Board of Pensions and ministry in the midst of cultural change.

• The gathering concluded in the sanctuary where TE Meta Cramer presided over the Sacrament of the Lord's Table and Bryce lead the presbytery in song. TE Chris McCurdy pronounced the benediction and Moderator Paul Anderson adjourned the meeting.

The next meeting of Presbytery is November 14, 2023, via Zoom.

GLOW Brochure
The HUB Brochure