September 3, 2021
Hello friends,

I hope you enjoy this Labor Day Weekend!
Over my nearly fifteen years of being a union organizer, one of the most common talking points I hear is:

Unions were good in the past like to fight for child labor laws, but we don’t need them anymore.”

This is always surprising to me because I feel like we’re living in a new gilded age, except now our robber barons are trying to launch themselves into space. Frankly, I feel us regular people should be worried when the super-rich are all trying to leave the planet.

Joking aside, it’s important to focus on how far we’ve come and recognize everything organized labor has accomplished. My coworker, Dave Campshure, recently showed me a contract from 1969 in which women were expected to RESIGN when they got pregnant. Don’t worry, they could reapply “one year from the termination of the pregnancy.” First off, choice of language, wow it's all wrong. The language is intended to mean after a mother HAS HAD the child she can reapply for a position in the district. I find it hard to believe any mothers were part of that clause creation. Reflecting on our past contracts, the living documents of the union, show how we have grown to include more voices at the table and the importance of that inclusion.

I am very proud to work with Region 3 educators to fight for public education and each other. Happy Labor Day everyone!

Kristin Lytie
Regional Director
WEAC Region 3
Upcoming Events:

September 22, Wednesday, Zone B Meeting, 6PM

October 6, Wednesday, The Balanced Life Webinar, 6PM

October 13, Wednesday, Region 3 Executive Committee Meeting, 6PM

October 18, Monday, Zone A Meeting, 6PM

The Ten Minute Meeting
You have an opportunity to keep members in the loop AND respect their time by holding 10-minute meetings! It's also a great time to get feedback from people in the building.

Get out there and BE VISIBLE!

How can we have 10-minute meetings during the pandemic? Now is probably the BEST time to reach out to your members! Facebook live, Google hangouts, Zoom...
The September 10-Minute Meeting topic:

Updating Your Building Information

Frequently, when I meet with locals to go over their rosters, the data on potential members is inconsistent. Your 10 minute meetings are a great opportunity to delegate who will get contact information from who within your building. For large reaching issues, it's important to have potential member's information already at hand before a crisis hits. You can send this information on to your director so we can update the Region 3 databases as well.

Getting people's contact information is also a great opportunity to build union visibility and introduce yourself with your union role.
For more details about how the 10-minute meeting works, click here.
Wisconsin Needs Fair Maps and You Can Help!

New electoral maps will soon be drawn in Wisconsin based on the 2020 Census data. How our district lines are drawn will impact voters and representation for the next decade. That’s why we must stop partisan politicians from drawing rigged maps to further entrench those in power & silence the voice of voters.

In Wisconsin, our currently elected officials have abused their control of the redistricting process and have drawn gerrymandered maps. This is not how our democracy is supposed to work. Voters should choose their elected officials, not the other way around.

Mapmakers need to hear loud and clear that We the People of Wisconsin will not be excluded from the redistricting process or silenced by gerrymandering.
Sign the petition to support non-partisan redistricting legislation HERE. Want to host an event in your district to help get the word out? Reach out to your Director at Region 3!
Photo above: Former State Senator, Dave Hansen, speaking on the importance of competitive districts at the Pack the Park for Fair Maps event on Saturday August 28.
Change of email, mailing address, phone number, or banking info?

If you have recently moved, gotten a new phone number or email address, changed schools or banking information, please contact Region 3 staff assistant Debbie Armitages or Sue Clauss. They will be able to make any changes to your records. This information helps us ensure that we are able to stay connected with you.
They can both be reached by phone at 920-496-2440. 
Debbie can be reached through email at
Sue can be reached at


We're stronger
every day!

NEA Blended Learning Course offering: Social Emotional Learning: Self-Awareness

This FREE NEA course is open to ANY and ALL in the education profession and knows that working with students involves more than just subject matter and teaching methods. With the current pandemic, we are reminded that educators need care and reflection time, too. This class offers tools for any educator to take time for self-awareness, tools for reflections, relevant articles and the opportunity to connect with other educators. With the addition of Advisory time in many buildings, the strategies that you learn for yourself can also be used with students as you teach social emotional learning.   

The Green Bay Education Association (GBEA) will be starting the course the week of September 27th, 2021, and has invited Region 3 education professionals to attend. To register, click here by September 24th, 2021. The course is both synchronous and asynchronous to accommodate the busy lives of educators. Virtual meetings facilitated by Heather Strayer Course dates are September 29, 2021- November 17, 2021.
Please contact Rachael Poppe ( with any questions about this NEA Blended Learning Course.  
7:30 - 4:30, M-F
Live Webinars Scheduled for SEPTEMBER 2021

ETF is offering a series of 30-minute, live, interactive webinars designed to increase your understanding of Wisconsin Retirement System benefits. Individuals can also ask questions at the end of these sessions. Visit their webinar page to learn more. Here is what others have said about their webinars:

  • My participation in the webinar was a first for me, and I just want to compliment you on how easy it was to connect, follow along, and provide questions or requests. Excellent job!"
  • "Thanks for having these valuable webinars. The professional but conversational style helped me to understand the presentation as easily as an "in office" meeting. Really appreciate that the presenter fully understands the subject. Wonderful job."

Attention Teachers!

The process to elect members to the Teachers Retirement Board has begun! There are two seats available. Terms run from May 2022 to May 2027.
Self-nominations are the first step in the process. If you’re interested in serving on the TR Board and are an active WRS covered teacher* download the nomination materials from the ETF website or contact the Department of Employee Trust Funds as soon as possible. The deadline to return your paperwork, including at least 25 signatures from fellow teachers, is October 15.

*(excluding those employed by the Milwaukee Public School District)

ETF supports a diverse and inclusive environment for staff and board members and seeks a diverse pool of nominees for board vacancies. People identifying with traditionally underrepresented groups, particularly women, people of color, and persons with disabilities, are encouraged to submit their nominations.

How to declare candidacy:

  • Nominate yourself. Download nomination materials now or request ETF mail them to you. Email or write to ETF, Retirement Board Liaison, P.O. Box 7931, Madison, WI 53707-7931.
  • Gather a minimum of 25 signatures from other teachers qualified to vote in this election. 
  • Send completed nomination materials to ETF or use our convenient drop box. Details here. Materials must be received by October 15.

Find more information on the Teachers Retirement Board, including current board roster, board member responsibilities, meeting schedules, and agendas.
This is an 11.0101(10)(b)(1) communication with WEAC members