Trinity Tidings

This Coming Sunday: April 10, 2022

Sunday of the Passion
Palm Sunday

 Click here for the Sunday Scripture Readings
Walking through Holy Week
This coming Sunday begins one of most sacred times in the Christian calendar, Holy Week.  In Holy Week, we walk with Christ from his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, through the Last Supper he shares with his disciples & friends, into the agony of the Garden and his Good Friday execution on the cross, and on to his triumphant resurrection from the dead on Easter morning.  You will find our service days & times for these holy days near the end of this newsletter.  Come walk with us as we accompany Christ and one another through this sacred time.  You will find the joy of Easter Sunday to be even more deeply meaningful & lively.   
Ukraine Donations
This week we are gathering donations for our former seminarian Christine Brunson’s trip to Poland. She will provide crisis ministry through a disaster relief group she knows well & which has asked for her expertise. Christine leaves on this 11-day mission on Easter Sunday. Please write your checks to Trinity Church and write UKRAINE in the memo, and please deliver your donations to the church by this Sunday, April 10.   

Here is a beautiful article on Christine’s upcoming mission LINK

You can follow Christine’s mission on St. Aidan’s Facebook page 

Lenten Soup Suppers
The last of our relaxed, enjoyable evenings is this Wednesday, April 6 at 5:30pm. We will hear a brief summary of our Holy Cow survey data, and use these findings as a springboard for discussion.  Enjoy delicious soup, good conversation, fellowship, and night-time prayers. 

Donations Collected at Soup Suppers
 Thank you Trinity for your generous cash donations given during the Lenten Soup Suppers (and one lunch on March 30th.) This year’s donations will go to St. Joseph’s Food Pantry in Granite Shoals and LaCare Food Pantry in Burnet.

Online Compline
Want to keep the Compline devotional practice going beyond our Lenten Soup Suppers? The Episcopal Society of St. John the Evangelist Brothers (an order of Monks based in the Boston area) invite you to join them for nightly Compline - the ancient monastic service of bedtime prayers - Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 8:30pm EST.

As you prepare for Compline, you might consider lighting a candle. To follow the service, use the Book of Common Prayer (pages 127-135) or the Order of Service below.

Sunday Schedule
8:30am . . . . Holy Eucharist in .....................Person
9:15am . . . . Adult Education in .....................the.Parish Hall Classroom
10:30am . . . Children's Chapel in Person
10:30am . . . Holy Eucharist in Person and
Weekday Worship 
9:00am . . . . Tuesdays in the Courtyard..

On-line Worship
Each Sunday, we livestream the 10:30am service of Holy Eucharist. 
It will be available on Trinity’s Youtube page beginning at 10:20. Anytime after 10:20am click on the above YouTube link to go to Trinity’s YouTube channel. There you will see “ Live” or “Live Now” and click on it to join the service. If it is not there, refresh the page after a couple of minutes. The link to the worship bulletin will also be sent in our Saturday email.

Come help with Palms
this Saturday, April 9 at 10:00AM
Altar guild work party to decorate the Altar and Nave for Palm Sunday. You do not need to be a member of the Altar Guild to help assemble the Palm arrangements Call Ellen Miller for additional Information.
Candy Donations needed for Easter Eggs

Seeking candy donations! We need individually wrapped, small, GLUTEN FREE AND NUT FREE candy that will fit in our Easter eggs the children will hunt for on Easter morning. Between now and Palm Sunday, please drop off your donations at the front desk, in Claire’s office, or by her office door.
The children will help us welcome our Easter Alleluia's with a hymn at the 10:30 worship service. It's not too late to join the children's singing practice! Come this Sunday for a 15-minute practice after 10:30 worship.
Adult Christian Education
Sunday Adult Education will be taking a break for Palm Sunday & Easter, and we will return on April 24, the day the Orthodox Church celebrates Easter.

Looking Ahead
Hillary Houle will lead this class April 24 on how our Orthodox Christian neighbors observe Easter; her class will be richly informed by her own friendships & experiences with Orthodox Easter.

Looking Back
Here are links both to last Sunday’s class and to the brief, helpful article Claire referenced on the history of Good Friday violence against Jews and how that changed for the better. LINK

April 8 . . . . Pam Rodgers
April 8 . . . . Kim Soechting
April 10. . . .King Hoermann
April 10 . . . Frank Reilly
Save the Date
Apr 6 - ..Last Lenten Supper
Apr 10 - Palm Sunday
Apr 14 - Maundy Thursday
Apr 15 - Good Friday
Apr 17 - Easter Sunday
Food Pantry Sunday
This month Food Pantry Sunday falls on Easter Sunday so we are moving it to April 24th and will have an updated list of foods needed in next week's Tiidings.

Trinity Church Office: 830.693.2822 | Office Hours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Rev. David S. Sugeno, Rector | The Rev. Claire Field, Associate Rector