Trinity Tidings

The Second Sunday

in Lent

March 16, 2025

 Click link for the Sunday Morning Scripture Readings

Recommended Names for Rector Search

Please click here for form LINK.

Food Pantry Sunday

This Sunday, March 16, is Food Pantry Sunday at Trinity.  Please leave your items at the Helping Center display in the Narthex. Here is a list of items needed this month: 


Canned Spinach


Mac & Cheese


Cash and checks are also welcome, since the Helping Center staff is able to buy in discounted bulk quantities. Please make checks payable to the Helping Center and place in the display envelope.

Thank you for your generous donations. 

You’re Invited!

An Online Quiet Day on Zoom in Preparation for a Holy Lent


Full-Spectrum Praying:

A 7-Fold Way of Getting it All Said before You Say Amen

Saturday, March 15, 2025 10:00-1:00 Central

Learn a way to pray that “gets it all said” – Everything...Everything... that’s in your heart and your mind before you say Amen.

Even things you did not know you were carrying in your heart.

When you say Amen at the end of Full Spectrum Praying, you can have the sense

that you have really prayed and that your heart has been washed clean.


Or to Register Now, click the link below

Register Here

Cost: $47.00

Presenter: The Rev. Dorothy Gremillion, Episcopal Priest in the Diocese of Texas

Sunday Schedule

8:15am . . . Holy Eucharist Rite II

9:00am . . . Nursery Opens

9:15am . . . Adult Education

10:30am . . Holy Eucharist Rite II

Weekday Schedule

Monday 9am - EfM

Tuesday NOON - Women's Bible/Book Study (1st & 3rd Tuesdays)

Wednesday 9am - Men's Bible Study

Lost and Found

Did you know that we have a lost and found area in the office? We currently have a few lost and found items. If you happen to find an item, please turn it in to the office. If you have lost an item, please give us a call or stop by to describe your item and claim it.

Directory Update

We are continuing the process of updating our Parish Directory. Are you a regular or seasonal worshiper, or a friend of Trinity? We want to include YOU in our pictorial directory! Whether you are new or simply want to update your photo, we invite you to have your picture taken by

Sr. Warden Greg Soechting between services on Sundays.  

Do you have a new email, a new home address, or new phone number? Please give us this update on the form in the Narthex table or email Georgia, 

Save the Date

April 5, 9am - Noon

Chores & Chow!

Spring cleaning and lunch

Women's Bible/Book Study 

Tuesday, March 18 Noon to 1:30pm in Parish Hall Classroom

Our Women's Bible/Book Study group continues the study of The Message of Jesus, by Adam Hamilton. In this six-week series, pastor and author Adam Hamilton, explores 6 of the most important themes in Jesus's teachings; why they matter and how they speak to us, today. It explores his teaching on the Kingdom of God, The Sermon on the Mount, the Parables, the "I Am" sayings from John's gospel and more. So often our attention is placed on the miracles, death and resurrection of Jesus. But, it is his message that gives his actions their meaning. Maybe we can renew our wonder at Jesus's words. While "the Kingdom of God" is not mentioned in the Old Testament, as such, it was the central focus of the message of Jesus of Nazareth. Lent is a 40 day time of self-examination. It is our prayer that this study will help us to do just that for the next 40 days. We meet the first and third Tuesdays of the month from noon to 1:30 p.m. It would be a good time to bring your lunch and join us.... Sincerely, Sally

Sunday Adult Education

9:15am - Parish Hall Classroom

 There will be NO Adult Ed this Sunday, March 16. Spring break.... and will resume March 23rd. 

Chores & Chow Date!

Calling all who would like to help with some spring cleaning at the church. Reserve your calendars for Saturday, April 5th, from 9am-12pm, with lunch served at noon. 

Weather and participant dependent, we'll do things like: 

-wash windows

-rake leaves

-deep clean the kitchen/appliances

-change light bulbs

-you name it! 

If you have seen an opportunity for maintenance or improvement, let me know and I'll add it to the list. 

This is another way to serve our church family; spend a little time preparing for Easter in service and fellowship. Just bring your appetite and good attitude, we'll supply the tools and materials.

  • Teresia Harwell, Jr. Warden


March 12 - Barbara Warden

March 15 - Remi MacHarg

On Line Services

This Sunday, we will livestream the service of Morning Prayer. It will be available on Trinity’s Youtube page beginning at 10:20am. Anytime after 10:20am click on the above YouTube link to go to Trinity’s YouTube channel. There you will see “Live” or “Live Now” and click on it to join the service. If it is not there, refresh the page after a couple of minutes. Look for the link to the Livestream bulletin in Saturday's email.

Lenten Opportunities

We have an abundance of opportunities to help you observe a Holy Lent.

Join us as you are led by the Holy Spirit.

Women’s Bible/Book Study – see details above

Sunday Adult Education – see details above

Choose your own Adventure with Lent Madness –

Lent Madness is an enjoyable, enlightening journey with holy men and women.

Lenten Soup Suppers

5 – 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall

Wednesday Evenings:

March 26, April 2, April 9

(Off for Spring Break on March 19)

Our Lenten Soup Suppers feature tasty homemade soups, good fellowship and conversation. This year’s devotional study which forms the basis of our conversation is C. S. Lewis and the Delightful, Diabolical Daring of Lent: A Lenten Companion to The Screwtape Letters.

With humor, wit, and imagination, Lewis explores an array of familiar, everyday struggles – and thereby charts a way forward.

Pick up your Devotional Study Booklet in the Narthex or Church Office.

The Screwtape Letters is readily available at your favorite place to get books, e-books, & audiobooks.

Enjoy having John Cleese read these letters to you HERE

Visit Trinity's Website

Trinity Church Office: 830.693.2822 | Office Hours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

  The Rev. Claire Field, Interim Rector

 The Rev. Robert Chambers, Assisting Supply Priest

Protect yourself from phishing. Trinity's clergy and staff will never ask for an urgent favor, the purchase of gift cards, or other financial instruments, or your personal information via email or text. Please delete these emails and texts without responding. Thank you.