Wherever you go, whatever you are doing and whoever you are with consider it
Sacred Ground

Our Full Moon on December 29th, 2020, @ 10:28 pm (EST) will be in the Nakshatra Arda, and in the zodiac sign of Gemini.
The last Full Moon of the Gregorian calendar hovers in the Moon Mansion of Arda, “The Star of Sorrow.” 

This Full Moon is the final chapter of volume 2020. It encapsulates our journey this year as we look back at what connected us so profoundly, and at the same time, separated us, allowing each one of us to come face to face with our own mortality. Separated from our mechanical ways of life that we rarely paid attention to, with the need to wake up to an inner and outer world that is in dire need of our attention. 

The presiding deity of Arda is Rudra, a fierce form of Shiva symbolized by a "teardrop." Shiva as Rudra destroys everything that does not belong or that which has reached a point of uselessness. From the standpoint of the ego, it is considered a loss. The human ego struggles with any change that it didn't choose voluntarily. Blind to the idea that tears shed over loss is falling upon a seed that sprouts new life.

A Hindu legend tells the story of Shiva, upon returning from a long period of meditation, opened his eyes, and saw humanity's suffering. His tears of compassion began to fall upon the earth and became seeds for Rudraksha trees. The tree's fruit contains the Rudrashka bead, which according to ancient Vedic texts, the beads are endowed with a cosmic vibration that elevates and protects the soul on its journey.(see below)

Humanity creating their own suffering is prevalent thought out history. Toiling under the Sun in cycles of birth and death, only to realize that there is nothing new under the Sun, only how it is measured. 

We ask for a long life, but 'tis deep life, or noble moments that signify. Let the measure of time be spiritual, not mechanical.-Ralph Waldo Emerson

How have you measured your life this year? 

What was lost? What was gained? 

Where you able to allow the tears to fall upon the seed of a new life?

I pray for us all that it is a new life worth taking responsibility for, a life worth sharing, a life worth living. 

Above and below the clouds

The Sun shines its light from Jysetha/Scorpio's Ancestral depths to his beloved Moon in Arda/Gemini. Mercury, the messenger of the Sun, asks that you listen for your grandmother/grandfather's advice or an elder you respect. They have the wisdom your heart needs right now.

Up until Jupiter and Saturn's conjunction, you may have noticed that it had been all work, structure, limitation, and you could have possibly wondered where your spiritual practice had gone. Jupiter and Saturn have been in planetary war. Jupiter is now winning the war, and as the two begin to separate, the guru within will also begin to emerge. Let the OM's begin again with renewed enlightenment and understanding.

Mars is coming out of the Gandanta zone of Pisces/Aries on a mission. He's headed straight for a conjunction with Uranus. The planet of action will be in conjunction with the planet of sudden and surprising turns of events. In or out of favor for someone or something. This transit will become exact on January 19th, 2020. One day before the Inauguration of the President of the United States. 

On December 30th, Pluto will move back into the Earth sign of Capricorn, where it will stay until January 15th, 2040. All that was unearthed earlier this year when Pluto first made its transit into Capricorn will now have to be addressed over the next 20 years. (see below)

In this coming New Year

May you be at peace, 
May your heart remain open. 
May you awaken to the light of your own true nature. 
May you be healed, 
May you be a source of healing for all beings. 

Love & Wisdom

Believe nothing you read, see or hear unless it feels right
and rings true within your soul."

Aligning with the energy of the
Full Moon in Arda/Gemini

I allow the tears to fall

Favorable: Quick-acting; good memory; skilled in physical work or work involving the body; good at getting support from the government or authorities; desires to help people who are hurting; often go through a catharsis or life conversion at some point wherein they drop many of their bad traits

Unfavorable: Arrogant; reckless; gets physically oriented jobs, often lower jobs of service and labour; self-serving, unscrupulous, ungrateful, stubborn, critical, impolite, untruthful or does not verify the facts before they speak; poor financial planning; weaken themselves through excessive indulgences; cause pain or agony to others

Beeja Mantra- "Om Aeem" 108 Times
Everything you need to know about Rudraksha - Tear of...

The origin of the word Rudraksha: Rudra and Aksha. 'Rudra' denotes Lord Shiva himself as it is also Shiva's another name, while 'Aksha' means Teardrops. It is said that Shiva ji once went into a deep meditation with an aim of bringing happiness...

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PLUTO AND PLUTO IN CAPRICORN AND SATURN/PLUTO: GLOBAL ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL CHANGE Yes Pluto is important and yes it is not a minor planet. It is very real as its influence Pluto moved into sidereal Capricorn on Feb. 24th and stays there until...

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Janell Sachi Renshaw
 is a Licensed Unity Teacher with Unity Worldwide Ministries. Vedic Astrologer, INT. E-RYT 500 trained specifically under the direction of Yogi Amrit Desai and Kamini Desai of the Amrit Yoga Institute. A certified Amrit Yoga Teacher Level 1, Amrit Conscious Crossover Level 2, Yoga Nidra Advanced Facilitator. Thousands of hours of deep integrative personal practice. Blending knowledge of metaphysics, spiritual teachings, Yoga & Astrology creating a deep integrative experience of profound
Love & Wisdom