Sept. 22, 2022

Dear Superintendents and School Leaders,

As you may have heard, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is adjusting its COVID-19 guidance on masking. Effective Friday, Sept. 23, the guidance will shift from a strong recommendation for masking in all indoor settings at all times to recommendations based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's COVID-19 Community Levels.


The updated masking guidance can be found on the CDPH website

Please note that the new guidance does not impact masking guidelines for students and staff in specific situations (such as having symptoms of COVID-19, being infected, or exposed); therefore there are no changes to the COVID-19 Decision Tree. In addition, employers and employees remain subject to CalOSHA’s COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards.

The San Diego County Office of Education's snapshot of state and county requirements around masking, testing, and notification has been updated to reflect the change to mask guidance, as well as the recent change removing the requirement for weekly COVID-19 testing for unvaccinated school employees. The Spanish version of the updated snapshot is available here.

Thank you for all that you do. Please reach out if you have any questions.



Dr. Paul Gothold

San Diego County Superintendent of Schools


phone: 858-295-6641

San Diego County Office of Education
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