Happy Advent! Even though this is a truly penitential season, there is still joy! The whole point of it is to focus on Christ’s second Advent (and therefore our repentance) while celebrating his first (which brought about the means for God’s mercy, grace, and forgiveness). Bottom line, both Advents are cause for rejoicing! ‘Love came down at Christmas’ (clearly,I’ve been listening to Christmas carols a little early) and Love is coming back to us at a time of God’s choosing.
And remember, rejoicing doesn’t mean we’re always ‘happy’ necessarily. There is a good bit of trouble in the world right now, not to mention any trials that may be happening in our personal lives. A holy rejoicing is more about the consistent hope and peace that lies beneath the understandable changes that come in our circumstances, thoughts, and emotions from day to day. We consistently have hope and peace because of WHO is always with us, regardless of WHAT is happening. Whether in fear, grief or laughter, there is always Emmanuel, offering strength and comfort, joining us in our weeping and giggling as well.
…an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.’ All this took place to fulfil what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet:
‘Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
and they shall name him Emmanuel’,
which means, ‘God is with us.’ Matt 1:20-23 NRSV
Mother Nikki+
Adult Spiritual Formation Advent Program
This Advent season you are invited to join us in an Adult Spiritual Formation program of reflection on what the past two years have been like for us and our own Beloved Community at St. Gregory’s. Life has changed for each and all of us, and we hope that by offering some time together with selected Psalms and poems, readings from the Book of Lamentations, and a selection of traditional Spirituals, we will be inspired to embark on some honest conversation about our sadness, our anger and our hope for what lies ahead.
We will meet for the three session program at St. Gregory’s on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 in the library on December 1, 8, and 15. The same three session program will be offered on Sunday mornings (Dec 5, 12, 19) from 9:15 to 10:15. You can come to either, both, or a mix as your schedule permits. At both times there will be water and coffee available and feel free to bring along your dinner, breakfast or a snack as you need or desire.
As per St. Gregory’s current protocols, masks will be required by all participants.
Children's Christmas Pageant
Children and youth who would like to participate in the annual Christmas pageant on Christmas Eve at 5PM are encouraged to attend our theater group time from 9:30 - 10:15 each Sunday. We are playing games, learning Christmas carols, creating sets, and role playing in preparation for our Christmas Eve pageant. Everyone is masked. We will also practice after the 10:30 service on December 19th (quick lunch provided), and we'll likely have one more practice, date and time not yet set. Participants do not have to attend every practice or memorize any lines, but participating more helps them feel more relaxed and confident. Please contact Catherine Drewry to sign up or assist: 706-201-7241 cbdrewry@gmail.com
For those who have already pledged this year, thank you for your generosity. For those who are intending to pledge, no worries, there’s still time. For those who cannot pledge money at this time due to financial constraints, always remember God loves us, from the top of our heads to the tips of our toes, whether we give or don’t give.
Here is the pledge summary for years 2020 – 2022, updated every week as pledges come in!
Additional pledge revenue required to fund the
Strategic Visioning* Budget, = $109,381
Total revenue required to fund the Strategic Visioning Budget = $469,165
Projected all other Revenue = $39,000
(Loose Plate, Non-Pledge Trend, Other, & Building Use)
Total pledge required to fund Strategic Visioning Budget = $430,165
Calculation: $469,165 - $39,000 = $430,165
Total additional pledge required calculation: $430,165 - $320,784 = $109,381
The Strategic Visioning Budget includes the items listed below.
- Funding to pay for a person to operate the live streaming equipment
- Funding to pay a youth minister
- Fund the youth program ministry
- A 5.9% cost of living increase for all employees (they did not receive one last year)
- Increase the Local Outreach budget from $7,000 to $12,240 as requested.
- Increase other parish program budgets (many of which were cut in 2020) to meet the Strategic Visioning Plan.
*The Strategic Visioning Plan, also referred to as “Nourish, Grow, Go” comes directly from what we as a parish heard God dream for us at the parish-wide listening sessions in 2019. The Strategic Visioning/Nourish, Grow, Go Plan can be found on our website at Nourish, Grow, Go! — St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church
Thanks to generous donors and volunteers, Community Christmas has been able to help local children living in poverty, even as we weather the pandemic. We are continuing to carefully interview applicants for assistance to be sure all donations are used in a responsible way. Volunteers have planned another great toy distribution day in mid-December, and we are also assisting families who qualify with bills like rent or utilities. Our hope is this will help ensure children not only have toys under the tree, but also a roof over their heads, and water, lights, and heat. The needs our families are facing are greater than ever. Your prayers are needed. And, if you are able to give financially, know that any amount you can donate is appreciated and will help.
Community Christmas of Oglethorpe County, Inc.
143 Bowen Farm Rd.
Crawford, GA 30630
Gifts of new toys and other fun items for boys and girls ranging in age from infants to high schoolers can be dropped off before December 15th at the main office of the Oglethorpe County Recreation Department Monday – Friday, 9-5, at any of the area schools, at the Crawford branch of The Commercial Bank, or with Toys for Tots. If you would like to help with the toy collection and distribution, please contact me with a text at 706-201-7241 or email OglethorpeCommunityChristmas@gmail.com . If you know local families with children who need assistance this year, please ask them to consult our webpage for application information.
Your continued support is so appreciated. Thank you.
Catherine Bowen Drewry, Co-Chair, with Shirley Dillard
advent music
familiar hymns
are my delight
the tones i sing
are mostly right
and free me to
be more aware
of the words sent
into the air
by one who may
at times forget
the discipline
of waiting yet
remembers what
while singing out
his coming was
and is about
alice mohor
Athens Area Emergency Food Bank
Thank you for all of your recent donations to the AAEFB via the red wagon in the narthex!
The food bank now especially needs socks, gloves, and women's sanitary items.
Thank you for spreading Christmas joy!
Zoom Meeting Opportunities
Parish community offerings via Zoom:
Sunday yoga ! for fall (Aug-Dec), via Zoom, 4:00pm, 30-45 minutes. Chair Yoga taught on the first Sunday of each month. Contact Anna Hiers (aldhiers@gmail.com) for more information. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/97745366532 Meeting ID: 977 4536 6532 Passcode: 3195
Stacie Court hosts "Let's Chat!" for women of the parish. The days and time vary, and not everyone can join every time, but everyone is welcome to join whenever they can! Email Stacie!
Book Club first Friday of the month @ 7PM ongoing for the foreseeable future. Email Lois Alworth if you are interested in participating.
Lectionary Discussion Group via Zoom, every Thursday at 6:00pm. Email Ken Taylor if you are interested in participating.
** Threads of Prayer, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month @ 1PM. Email Annette Bates if you are interested in participating. All knitters and crocheters welcome!
** group(s) now meeting in person
Other groups have been meeting via Zoom as well, so if you've got a group already meeting in Zoom rooms, and want to widen your circle, let Kendall know so we can get the word out there!
See what's happening on our social sites: