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Registration includes the live, online conference
AND all recordings for 90 days.
Gordon Neufeld
Bouncing Back:
From Stress to Strength

Reflections on the Recovery of Happiness

Trauma-Informed Care Through the Neufeld Lens

Bouncing Back
Through Music
Tamara Strijack
Back to Nature

Bouncing Back: Creating the Necessary Rituals & Routines

Helping Children Bounce Back from Divorce

Attachment Practices
in Education
Deborah MacNamara
Back to Nurturing
Through Food

Sliding Into Sleep

The Alarm Spectrum:
Anxiety, Attention Problems, and more

Getting Stuck in Pursuit
PLUS more than 40 sessions from Neufeld Institute Faculty and Facilitators
In order to give a taste of what is to come in the 2022 conference, we have decided to release a 2021 conference session of Gordon's, The Natural Roots of Empathy.

Session Description: Just as we all yearn to recover from stress and distress, we all want children who are caring and considerate. But how do we get there? The direct approach certainly doesn't work. Confronting a child on their lack of caring or consideration doesn't work. If we reward or compliment a child for caring, it threatens to turn it into instrumental behaviour which is the essence of selfishness or narcissism. There simply is no way to get to where we want to go, except by following Nature's developmental plan. The material on empathy is wonderfully illustrative of this. We can find parallels in our search for escaping stress as well as in our yearning for recovery and healing. Once we understand how recovery happens and the conditions required for this to occur, we are much more prepared to come alongside Nature towards this end, for ourselves and our loved ones. 

To view The Natural Roots of Empathy presentation, click on the image below.
In the upcoming 2022 conference, Gordon will present the anchor keynote on the keys to recovery and healing, including how we can foster this in ourselves, our children and our students. His anchor keynote will be followed by a host of other sessions which will all serve to unfold this material in a diverse array of applications. There is an elegance to the simplicity of how Nature works to bring us to our best selves. We hope you can join us in the 2022 conference devoted to making sense of stress and recovery.  
The theme of Neufeld Institute Conference 2022 is the recovery of well-being, especially during and after times of stress. Given the central role of play in this process, we asked some of our conference presenters to share stories that provide a glimpse of play at work. The following are three of the stories that were submitted. 
From Robin Brooks-Sheriff (Canada)
It was March 2020 and there was a growing sense of unease. Could this actually be happening? How serious is it? Surely, we have the technology, the political will, the military – something?! – to stop this tiny little virus? But, we didn’t, and the world came to a screeching halt. While we have all experienced trials, hardships and frustrations in the last two years, those first few weeks were unparalleled in terms of the fear and alarm. ... TO READ THE REST OF THIS EDITORIAL, CLICK HERE
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