Thank you to all who participated and prayed for the Fall Outreach Breakfast. We had 11 men make decisions for Christ, 31 guys interested in follow-up groups and programs, 160+ in attendance. Recording and pictures will be on website soon.
Great Parent & Teen Resource
Dads & Kids do this together!

Looking for an ON-LINE way to interact w/ your son or daughter? Trail Map For Life helps you and them focus on 10 topics to get right! Watch VIDEO | MORE INFO
When was your last relationship "Tune-Up or Check-Up"?

You do it for many other important items in your life such as your car and your health. The Couple Check-up is an online assessment tool designed to identify the unique relationship strengths and growth areas of dating, engaged, or married couples. An affordable investment in your relationship can pay huge dividends!
Our team of clergy/pastors will walk you through the book of Acts. Simply go to page and LISTEN based upon your schedule.
New Group: The Christian Man
No Man Succeeds By Accident

Boynton Beach (Fri. AM) before work group off Gateway & I-95. No man succeeds by accident. You need a plan. Interested? E-mail for details E-MAIL Watch VIDEO
New Groups: Conquer & Warpath
Winning the War for Sexual Integrity

Tequesta (Mon. PM) and Wellington (Thur. AM) groups starting soon. Solid way to develop a Sexual Purity Game Plan that you can use and share w/ others. Get answers, gain strength, help others, and stop being able to only say, "you'll grow out of it"! E-mail for details. SEND E-MAIL

Primetime Marketplace Study
(Schumacher Auto Northlake)

Join us before work 7:30AM-8:30AM Wed. @ Schumacher Auto Northlake Blvd. High- Impact, Low-Prep Bible Study led by team of local Clergy and Pastors. Studying the BOOK OF ACTS. INFO & DETAILS
GET CONNECTED - 16 COUNTY-WIDE Gathering-Affiliated Groups! FIND ONE
Engaging and Encouraging Men to be fully Alive in the Marketplace and beyond since 1989