As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.

Luke 9:51

Dear Ministry Partner,

On June 3, I was honored to speak at a graduation for Bethel Academic Saigon International. The focus of my message, to approximately 100 attendees including parents, was on Isaiah 50:6-7. I started my message with the so-called "PAID" world where we are living.

P: Pressure

A: Always on

I: Information overloaded

D: Distracted

How can we continue to trust God in such a chaotic world? How can we focus forward, to complete our study, God-given mission?

This passage is about a servant of God who faced forward by faith. He decided to do God's will, even if it meant going to the cross (Luke 9:51) because He knew that God would help Him. The Servant was falsely accused, but He knew that God would defend Him and ultimately put His enemies to shame.

Remember that when Jesus Christ ministered on earth, He had to live by faith as we must live today. He did not selfishly use divine power for Himself, but trusted God and relied on the power of the Holy Spirit. In the end of my message, I focused on 3 main points to challenge graduates:

1.     Learn from experience: Our experiences prepare us for whatever lies ahead.

2.      Embrace change and growth: life is a series of ever-changing circumstances, and the ability to adapt and grow is essential to success.

3.     Keep learning and always remember to face forward with courage, determination, and an open heart.

"I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting. For the Lord God will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed."

Isaiah 50:6-7 (KJV)

Thank you for your prayers and support.

National Director/CCI Vietnam

Click here to help support the National Director in Vietnam

The story from Hmong South Coordinator

A new CCI class for Hmong church leaders started in the beginning of 2023. Most of the deacons and leaders in this area have never had biblical education because of their Vietnamese limitations. CCI training is the only education being offered in the Hmong language in remote places of Vietnam. It makes biblical education become accessible for them.

In 2022, one of our CCI teachers visited this area and promoted the CCI ministry, and they were excited to be trained by CCI. There were still some pastors who doubted CCI’s doctrine, however, we were allowed to start a new class with 20 students. I was so glad to visit and teach the class as I saw the hunger for learning the Word of God from our students. Not only have deacons and elders joined the class, but also their pastors who doubted CCI, are joining our training.

Pastor M

Hmong South Coordinator

Help Support Vietnam New Coordinators & Ministry Needs


"Being a pastor, I was trained in some biblical programs. However, joining with the CCI training was the biggest challenge that I have ever had. Praise the Lord! I finished well by God’s grace.  Preaching Biblical Messages & Pastoral Ministry (Book#4) helped me to improve my sermons every Sunday. Moreover, the training taught me self-discipline. Building a relationship with the Lord and improving godly character are essential for the minister. "

~ Pastor T

"I would like to give thanks to the Lord who gave me an opportunity to be trained by CCI. By God’s grace and the gracious instruction from our teachers, I finished all 10 books, and will graduate this August. All 10 subjects benefited me: Book#1 helped me handle the Bible correctly. Book#6 taught me to grow in the Lord. Book#9 inspired me with the examples of saints throughout church history. Other subjects prepared me for ministry. Personally, I am growing in Christ-like character, sharing the gospel and making disciples. May God bless the CCI teachers abundantly! "

~ Ms. L

Prayer Requests & Praises

  • Pray for travels to the USA for some CCI National Directors from our southeast Asia countries, who will be on the Fall Tour. Pray for our health during the trip and peace for our families at home.

  • Please continue to pray for CCI classes in the south and the north of Vietnam, especially for the many pastors who are not familiar with our curriculum and the geographical distance, which causes a lot of challenges. Pray for God to provide for their needs and protect them as they ride motorbikes on steep, rocky, curvy, and slippery roads.

  • The Vietnam National Director is planning to build a Bible training center, Christian book company, and a Christian library in central highlands of Vietnam. It is estimated to cost at least $52,000 for a two-floor building.
  • CCI Global Conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Pray that God provides more finances so there will be more teachers from Vietnam who can join this conference. Many would like to go, but do not have the money to buy plane tickets. Please pray for God’s provision for this. If you feel led to help, please click the button below. Thank you.
Help CCI Vietnam Attend the Global Conference in Thailand

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