IPUL Logo with Engage Educate Bridge Lead

IPUL's E-News for October 28, 2022

Here are the highlights of our recent activity online. Not everything is included due to timeliness. If an advertised event already took place, we've left it off.

Questions And Answers With You in 2022
Idaho Parents Unlimited
Engage + Educate + Bridge + Lead

For Question 42 we asked: 

 Let's Talk 1:1 support in schools. When is it appropriate?

week 42


Idaho Parents Unlimited

Engage + Educate + Bridge + Lead

Let's talk 1:1 support in schools. When is it appropriate?

1:1 Supports may be appropriate for when the student is

experiencing behavioral, instructional, or

health/medical challenges. 

Consider whether the student requires 1:1 support

for the duration of the school day or if providing 1:1

support in targeted environments, for specific content

areas, or around challenging times of day would meet

the student’s need.

 For the entire quick guide go to:


Facebook and Instagram: /IdahoParentsUnlimited

Twitter: /IPULIdaho


October's Youth Corner

Idaho Parents Unlimited

Engage + Educate + Bridge + Lead

Youth Corner

Oct. 2022 Vol.10

Bullying Prevention Month!

Bullying can include:

  • Teasing
  • Spreading rumors
  • Leaving kids out on purpose
  • Attacking someone by hitting them or yelling at them

Bullying does not always need to be in person. Cyberbullying happens online as well as through text messages/emails. It can include posting rumors, sharing embarrassing pictures/videos, or making fake profiles or websites with bad intentions.

  • How to safely stand up to bullying and how to get help:
  • Speak up to an adult if they are being bullied or see others being bullied. 
  • Stand up to kids who bully. If that doesn't work walk away.
  • Utilize strategies to stay safe, such as staying near adults or groups of other kids.
  • Help kids who are being bullied. Show kindness or get help.

Candy Corn Parfait


1 qt. nonfat plain yogurt

1 15-oz. can mandarin oranges

1 15-oz. can pineapple


Take one clear plastic cup and place 1/4 C of yogurt into the bottom of the cup.

Next take 1 scoop mandarin oranges and layer it on top.

Top with 1 scoop of pineapple.


Facebook and Instagram /IdahoParentsUnlimited

Twitter /IPULIdaho

Idaho Parents Unlimited


Idaho Parents Unlimited

Engage + Educate + Bridge + Lead

Rincón Juvenil

Oct. 2022 | Vol.10

Mes de la Prevención del Bullying!

El acoso puede incluir:

  • Broma
  • Esparciendo rumores
  • Dejar a los niños afuera a propósito
  • Atacar a alguien golpeándolo o gritándole

La intimidación no siempre tiene que ser en persona. El acoso cibernético ocurre tanto en línea como a través de mensajes de texto/correos electrónicos. Puede incluir publicar rumores, compartir fotos/videos vergonzosos o crear perfiles o sitios web falsos con malas intenciones.

Cómo hacer frente de forma segura al acoso y cómo obtener ayuda:

  • Hable con un adulto si está siendo acosado o ve a otros siendo acosados.
  • Enfréntate a los niños que intimidan. Si eso no funciona, aléjese.
  • Utilice estrategias para mantenerse a salvo, como permanecer cerca de adultos o grupos de otros niños.
  • Ayuda a los niños que están siendo intimidados. Muestre amabilidad u obtenga ayuda.

Parfait de Maíz Dulce


  • 1 cuarto yogur natural sin grasa
  • 1 15 oz. lata de mandarinas
  • 1 15 oz. lata de piña


  • Tome una taza de plástico transparente y coloque 1/4 taza de yogur en el fondo de la taza.
  • A continuación, tome 1 cucharada de mandarinas y colóquelas encima.
  • Cubra con 1 cucharada de piña.


Facebook y Instagram /IdahoParentsUnlimited

Twitter /IPULIdaho

Idaho Parents Unlimited


Tricks and Treats around Idaho!

tricks and treats

Idaho Parents Unlimited

Engage + Educate + Bridge + Lead

Tricks and Treats around Idaho!

  • - Coeur D'Alene - Lacrosse Health and Rehab, October 31st from 1:30 - 4:30pm
  • - Meridian - Ten Mile Church, October 31st from 6:30-8:00pm
  • - Idaho Falls - Memorial Drive, October 29th from 3:00-5:00pm
  • - Ammon- Brickyard Event Center, October 29th from 3:00-6:00pm

Facebook and Instagram: /IdahoParentsUnlimited

Twitter: /IPULIdaho


Things We Shared

event flyer

Person-Centered Thinking Training

This training is open to people who want to learn Person Centered Thinking skills for their work or in their personal lives. As Idaho moves forward to create a more person-centered service system, these skills will help in planning and providing services.  

To register, you must be able to commit to attending all six (6) VIRTUAL sessions. You will need a computer/tablet with a web camera and microphone to participate in this interactive training. A certificate of completion will be provided after you have finished all sessions of the training.

Sessions are held on: Mondays & Wednesdays, 12:30 - 3:30 pm Mountain Time, 11:30 am - 2:30 pm Pacific Time. Sessions begin: Monday, November 28 and wrap up on Wednesday, December 14.

determined iep mom

Determined IEP Mom

When you are in need of that last-minute costume, remember that you probably already have this in your closet! Haha!

[Image description - woman wearing a denim dress with a white jacket. Her hands are on her hips. Text has spoof Spirit costume bag stating Determined IEP Mom Includes: IEP Data Collection, Meaningful Participation, Knowledge of Parent Rights, Coffee and a Flattering Wrinkle Resistant Dress, Well Written Parent Concerns Letter. Not included: PWN. Adult Size Costume. One Size Fits Most].

East Idaho Parent Gathering

11/11/22 and 11/12/22

IPUL will be in Pocatello November 11 and 12 at A New Hope in Pocatello. 

Join us on the 11th for one - on - one IEP sessions with a Parent Education Coordinator, and Come for one or all of our trainings on the 12th! 

1 on 1 sessions

Hunting for information? Gather for answers!

IPUL Presents...

1 on 1 IEP Sessions with a Parent Education Coordinator

Friday, November 11th, 2022 1-4 PM

- Do you want help creating strengths-based goals for your child?

- Do you have questions about your child's Individualized Education Program?

- Do you have questions about something else? That's okay too, schedule to meet with us, we would love to help. 


A New Hope

150 N Main St #200

Pocatello, ID 83204

Reserve your spot now before they're gone.



Hunting for information? Gather for answers!

IPUL Presents...

East Idaho Parent Gathering

Saturday, November 12th, 2022

  • Understanding the IEP: Reading the Actual Document 10 AM-1 PM
  • Transition to Adulthood: Broad Overview 1-2 PM
  • Transition to Adulthood: Children to Adult Developmental Disabilities Services 2-3 PM
  • Q & A: Idaho's Medicaid Systems 3-4 PM
  • Lunch provided 12-1 PM


A New Hope

150 N Main St #200

Pocatello, ID 83204

Facebook and Instagram: /IdahoParentsUnlimited

Twitter: /IPULIdaho

RSVP Required Space is limited


November 2022's Workshops

Champions for Change:

The Power of a Personal Story

November workshops

Idaho Parents Unlimited

Engage + Educate + Bridge + Lead

November's Monthly Workshop is a two part series!

*Part 1 of 2*

Understanding Idaho Medicaid Services

Learn about how to access Medicaid services and what services are available

- Where to start?

- Children with special healthcare needs and disabilities.

- Mental health options for children and families.

November 8th, 2022 12:30-1:30 pm MST via Zoom 

*Part 2 of 2*

ABC’s of Katie Beckett and Children's DD Services

Learn about how to navigate the Katie Beckett pathway and Children's Developmental Disability Services

- What does the application process look like?

- What are some of the benefits of the program(s)?

- What is the criteria for eligibility?

November 15th, 2022 12:30-1:30 pm MST via Zoom 

Registration required:

Contact us:

Facebook and Instagram: /IdahoParentsUnlimited

Twitter: /IPULIdaho


#MonthlyWorkshops #IEP

Contact Idaho Parents Unlimited!

The best method to reach us for assistance is through our website: . You can also shoot us a question using the abbreviated version of that form at the bottom of every page on our website, although we may need to get more information from you.

We monitor our intake phone line (208-342-5884) during the workday, and will try to respond to any request there within 24 hours. We use an automated intake phone system, so you will be leaving a message. (Please be sure the number you are leaving us can accept text or voice messages.)

For questions that are not about something in our scope of work, you can still leave a phone message as above, send the question to the form on our website, or shoot us an email at

We keep our website updated with new news and events, and maintain a presence on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
IPUL's programs are funded in part through grants and contracts with the following:
logos for F2F Family Voices and Ideas that Work
Programs and services offered by Idaho Parents Unlimited are supported in part by the U.S. Department of Education (H328M200033) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) Affordable Care Act Family to Family Health Information Center (H84MC12896), opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the positions of either department, endorsement is not assumed