Helping you care for our land, water, soil, and wildlife
This Month's News
Program Spotlights
  • Join Us for Coastal Cleanup Day on September 18
News & Announcements
  • PG&E Will Remove Trees Cut by Emergency Crews
  • Call for Landowners: Acorn Planting Locations Sought in Napa County
  • It's Acorn Season in Napa County!
  • Wetland Communication Survey
  • Farm & Ranch Solid Waste Cleanup and Abatement Grant Program
In Case You Missed It
  • California Biodiversity Day at Bothe-Napa Valley State Park
  • Join the Napa Communities Firewise Foundation Newsletter
  • Pile Burning Video from Pepperwood Preserve
  • Bike Your Park Day is Sept 25!
Upcoming Programs
  • See below for details
Program Spotlight
Join Us for Coastal Cleanup Day 2021
September 18 • 9am-12pm
16 sites throughout Napa County are ready and waiting for our amazing volunteers!

Last year, the California Coastal Commission encouraged individual or household cleanups of neighborhoods, local parks, creeks, coastlines, or any place to which volunteers had safe access. Given the challenges, turnout for the month-long cleanup effort in 2020 was astounding: close to 17,000 volunteers removed over 150,000 pounds of trash, walking more than 3,000 miles while doing so. Those volunteers added to the cleanup’s ongoing record as the state’s largest volunteer event – since 1985, more than 1.6 million volunteers have removed over 26 million pounds of trash. 

2021 brings a more "normal" Coastal Cleanup Day- a one-day event with multiple locations throughout Napa County that are in need of a little bit of love. We are asking volunteers to please register in advance, wear masks when near others, and maintain safe distances when possible.

We've partnered with cities and organizations throughout the county to offer all of you a safe and impactful Coastal Cleanup Day. Please say thanks to your volunteer site captains and partner organizations- we couldn't do this without them! Sites are located in St Helena, Napa, American Canyon, and Lake Berryessa. You can find the full list of sites and register at:
If you have questions, please contact
News & Announcements
PG&E Will Remove Trees Cut by Emergency Crews During 2020 Wildfires
Deadline to Opt-In is Tuesday, September 14

During the 2020 fires, PG&E crews cut down hazardous trees that posed a safety risk to work crews or electric equipment. PG&E recently sent letters to landowners offering to remove and dispose of the large-diameter wood that was left behind. Wood must be safely accessible, and its removal must be approved by the landowner. The program opt-in deadline is September 14.

PG&E Customers who would like to Opt-In and have questions about the Wood Management Program in 2020 wildfire areas should call 1-877-295-4949.
Call for Landowners: Acorn Planting Locations Sought in Napa County
Napa RCD is looking for landowners interested in planting valley oaks on their property to help Re-Oak North Bay. We can also advise on planting other types of oaks.

Napa RCD and NRCS staff are available for site visits to evaluate whether your property is a good fit for oaks, and what (if any) species you should plant. We can also provide supplies to help you plant, like acorns, plant cages, and even volunteer crews for larger plantings.

If you're interested in planting oaks on your property, please contact to get started!
It's Acorn Season in Napa County!
Fall is almost upon us, and that means acorns! This year we hope to collect acorns from all areas of Napa County, from Berryessa to the Bay. So far we've seen a lot of green acorns, but few if any ripe and on the ground. As the seasons continue to change, keep your eyes on the ground for brown acorns and also on our social media pages for updates on when our acorns are ripening and ready for collecting.

You can learn more about our local oaks and what their acorns look like on our Acorn Collection page here.

With questions, please contact
UC Davis Looking for Input on Wetland Restoration Communications
Two researches at UC Davis are looking into what the public knows about restoration of wetland ecosystems in the California Delta. The purpose of this study is to investigate how to increase environmental literacy about wetland issues.

If you've got a little time, please help them out by taking their 20 minute survey HERE.
Farm and Ranch Solid Waste Cleanup & Abatement Grant Program
Next Deadline is November 11, 2021
The Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) administers this program to provide opportunities for the the cleanup of illegal disposal sites on farm and ranch property. Farm and Ranch property is defined as a piece of property, publicly or privately owned, that is used for rangeland or agricultural activities including but not limited to commercial livestock and crop production, horticulture, aquaculture, silviculture, floriculture, vermiculture, and viticulture.

Upcoming deadlines for the Fiscal Year 2021-22 application period are November 11, 2021, and February 10, 2022. $1,000,000 in funding is available during this fiscal year, with a max of $200,000 per grant award (max of $50,000 per site). Visit their program page here.
In Case You Missed It
California Biodiversity Day at Bothe-Napa Valley State Park
September 12 • 1-4 pm
For California Biodiversity Day, head to Bothe-Napa Valley State Park to help survey the park's biodiversity!

After an intro talk on the park's ecology and recent work to improve fish habitat, we will be splitting into small survey groups. The survey will consist of taking photos of different living things (for later identification on iNaturalist) as well as collecting soil samples for environmental DNA analysis by the CAL eDNA Program. This event is a collaboration between California State Parks and the CAL eDNA Program, and is aimed at adults and children ages 11+, though younger children and families are welcome.

For more info, please contact Rosa Schneider,

Registration is required. Please register and learn more here!
Join the Napa Communities Firewise Foundation Email List
If you live in Napa County, please consider adding your contact info to receive updates and information on many local fire-related topics and events from our partners at Napa Communities Firewise Foundation.

Quemando Pilas: Pepperwood Preserve Puts out Spanish Language Pile Burning Video
for Forested Lands
Pepperwood Preserve worked with Bodega Marine Reserve to put together a Spanish language video about burning piles in a forest setting.
Please share out to those you think would benefit!
Bike Your Park Day is Sept 25
The Napa County Bicycle Coalition is excited to be working with local Parks and Recreation teams to put on Bike Your Park Day on Saturday, September 25!

This worldwide event created by Adventure Cycling Association encourages folks to ride their bikes to, in, and around local parks and open spaces. Keep up with NCBC and your local Parks and Recreation team to learn how to celebrate Bike Your Park Day in your area. And don't forget to use the hashtag #BikeYourParkNapa to show us how you celebrate Bike Your Park Day!

Upcoming Programs
September WILD Napa - In Person, Location and Date TBD

For more watershed-related events, visit
Did you know that we have a separate email list for volunteers?
Help support Napa RCD - Donate Today!
Napa County Resource Conservation District | 707-252-4189 |