We are available Monday through Friday.
We encourage you to call or email us with any questions.
Connecticut's Individualized Education Program (IEP) Manual
The Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) has developed a new Individualized Education Program (IEP) document with input from a representative group of stakeholders. The CSDE has required the use of this document for all new IEPs written for students in the State of Connecticut beginning July 1, 2022.
October is Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Month
AAC is used by people who, some or all of the time, cannot rely on their speech. It is a form of assistive technology that aids in communication and incorporates the individual's full communication abilities, which may include any existing speech or vocalizations, gestures, manual signs, and aided communication. 

Presented by Nicole Natale and Edna-Jo Piccirillo, CREC
October is Bullying Prevention Month
5 Important Facts about
Students with Disabilities and Bullying:

Top five things for parents, educators, and students to know

1. The impact – Bullying affects a student’s ability to learn
Many students with disabilities are already addressing unique challenges in school. When they are bullied, it can directly impact their ability to learn and grow.

Bullying is not a harmless rite of childhood that everyone experiences. Research shows that bullying can negatively impact a child’s access to education and lead to:
  • School avoidance and higher rates of absenteeism
  • Lower grades
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Loss of interest in academic achievement
  • Increase in dropout rates
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month  
The Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) Toolkit has been developed as a Framework to assist State and local teams in collaboratively implementing transition services to improve
post-school employment outcomes for students with disabilities.
October is Dyslexia
Awareness Month
Do you suspect that your child may have dyslexia? It is Dyslexia Awareness Month, so check out this Frequently Asked Questions About Dyslexia from the International Dyslexia Association. 
Join CPAC's Parent Leaders Roundtable and the Special Education Division Director from the CT State Department of Education, Bryan Klimkiewicz, for a discussion on the new CT Special Education Data System (CT-SEDS) that generates the new Individualized Education Program (IEP).

Padres Líderes de la Mesa Redonda
de CPAC con Bryan Klimkiewicz
Únase a la Mesa Redonda de Padres Líderes de CPAC y al director de la División de Educación Especial del Departamento de Educación del Estado de CT, Bryan Klimkiewicz, para una discusión sobre el nuevo Sistema de Datos de Educación Especial de CT (conocido por sus siglas en inglés, CT-SEDS) que genera el nuevo Programa de Educación Individualizado (conocido por sus siglas en inglés, IEP).
Transition Tuesday
Webinar Series

Transition Tuesday webinars are interactive presentations on various topics that intersect with students with disabilities and their transition into adult life. Please join us to learn more about supporting students' success as they enter adulthood!

Backpack Training
Webinar Series

Backpack Series webinars focus on positive strategies for developing social-emotional skills in young children. Join us each month for a discussion on how to help young children learn, grow and thrive!

For more events visit
our website!

Please visit our YouTube channel where you will find recordings of online workshops and Zoom sessions in English and Spanish.
Address: 5 Shaws Cove, Suite 102
New London, CT 06320
Phone: (860) 739-3089