Dec. 9, 2021
Get Newsletters Right to Your Primary Inbox: Avoid Newsletters Going to Promotions Label
With the transition to Gmail, some team members' newsletters aren’t going to their main inbox and are instead going into the Promotions label only. Don't miss out! To make sure your newsletters are delivered to your primary Gmail inbox:

If you have questions, email
Welcome to Gmail: Getting Settled
Welcome to Gmail! We hope you are acclimating to the new email system. As a reminder, your Webmail inbox, calendar, and contact data have been fully migrated to Gmail, and you can now utilize your DPS Gmail as your primary DPS email account. 

To ensure you have what you need in your Gmail and Google Calendar, please make sure:
  • Your Gmail inbox contains the messages that were in your primary email account prior to the migration. Note: Webmail is available to view only until Feb. 1 at

  • Messages reside in the Gmail Labels that correspond to the appropriate Webmail folders you previously used. These might look a little different, so feel free to reorganize labels as you see fit.

  • Your meetings are now in Google Calendar. As a reminder, Calendar migrations are never perfect. If you are missing an event, please recreate it. Only contact the DoTS Help Desk if your entire Calendar is missing.

  • All personal contacts are present in your Contacts list in Gmail.

As you get settled into Gmail, here are a few guides to help optimize your inbox organization:

Need support? Check out the Gmail Transition page on The Commons for resources like How-To guides and FAQs. The Google Champion team is also available to help with any questions you may have.

The DPS Google Project Team would like to thank Team DPS for your patience during our transition to Gmail. We understand that there will be some adjustments as we all become accustomed to working in this new space -- and we remain excited about the collaboration opportunities this last phase of the Google Transition brings.
Top 5: How Team DPS Gives Back
Thank you to all members of Team DPS who shared how they give back to our community -- both during the holidays and year round! Looking for new ways to give back? Check out the Top 5 below for some inspiration.
5. “The past year and a half has taught each one of us all over the world a lot about taking care of each other and our community. There is so much we can do to give back to our communities in our own little way. Follow the advice given by our health professionals to keep yourself and your community safe by wearing a mask, social distancing when required and most importantly, getting fully vaccinated. In my opinion, this is the greatest give-back to humanity right now.” -- Rashmi Gaitonde, Green Valley
4. “I donate to several charities throughout the year such as: Wounded Warriors, Save the Children, Denver Rescue Mission and World Wildlife Federation.” -- Carole Lohr, Hamilton
3. “As a mama of two premature babies, our family gives back to the NICU at St. Joe's each year. We pack gift bags for families with clothes, socks, and books and also take self-care baskets with candles, chapstick, and soothing face masks to the nurses, doctors and NICU team. It's something small to thank them for how well they cared for both Norris babies around the clock.” -- Jenn Norris, Traylor
2. “Every year, I love adopting a family from Cheltenham Elementary School to shop for holiday presents. Seeing the joy on the families' faces and getting to be a part of that community is a true honor.” -- Kristin Cowgill, Occupational Therapy
1. “Over break, my family and I cooked up two extra turkeys, 25 lbs. of potatoes, lots of gravy and pies! We were able to distribute to almost 50 people in the Downtown/Five Points homeless community. It was amazing and everyone was so grateful! We plan on doing it on our winter break too with a goal of serving over 100 people.” -- Aaliyah Palma Sanchez, FACE | The Village
Top 5 Callout: Your Favorite First-Semester Memory
The 2021-22 school year is nearly halfway through -- and looking back, we want to hear your favorite memory from our first semester! Share your big wins, best pictures, funny stories and breakthroughs here for a feature in next week’s edition.
Reminder: COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shots Now Available
Booster shots of COVID-19 vaccines are now available for adults. We strongly encourage you to get a booster to help keep yourself, your family and all of Team DPS safe and healthy. Did you know that DPS staff can get a booster shot at any of our Denver Health School-Based Health Centers? Schedule an appointment today online or by calling 303-602-8958. You can also contact your healthcare provider or visit the state of Colorado’s vaccine website to find an appointment that works for you.
Participate in DPS' Go Red Day Campaign with the American Heart Association
The Employee Wellness Department is excited to partner with the American Heart Association (AHA) to launch Go Red Day, a national campaign aimed at promoting heart health and reducing heart disease and stroke. Team DPS is invited to “Go Red” on Feb. 4 to show your commitment to fighting heart disease and support AHA’s efforts toward heart disease prevention by wearing a red shirt or making a $25 donation to the AHA for a Go Red T-shirt. To order your Go Red T-shirt, text DHCDPS to 41444. Be sure to order by Jan. 13 to receive your shirt in time to wear it on Go Red Day! Watch the Go Red Challenge video to learn more.

Did you know the best way to prioritize your heart health is by getting your blood pressure checked? Learn more about steps you can take to ensure a healthy heart by visiting the AHA website.
Living Our DPS Honoree
Jeff Harper
Restorative Practice Coordinator, Samuels Elementary
Students First

"Jeff is always one to help out and lend a hand. Recently I saw him fixing a bike tire for one of our students. Jeff has also created a group to help and mentor struggling boys. He is always there to talk to the students no matter what the problems. He handles any and all issues with fairness and equality, and talks to students about accountability. Jeff has always put Students First as long as I have known him. He has been known to give up his lunch, or stay late to help a kid out. He keeps his promises to the students no matter what. 

Jeff works with other staff members to ensure that they are up-to-date on all that is happening with students so they can better help them. Students feel they can go to Jeff with anything because they are comfortable with him. No matter their background, race, religion, creed, or orientation, every student connects with Jeff.

Jeff has helped out in every department of this school by gathering trash, administering first aid, painting, helping out in the lunchroom, pushing kids on a swing, filling in as a sub when needed, fixing computers, putting together carts, volunteering for after school events, the list is endless. Jeff Harper is not only an asset to Samuels, he is an asset to all of DPS."

-- Misty Hazard, Samuels
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Denver Public Schools sends all district newsletters and critical employee communications through Constant Contact. Please do not unsubscribe your email address from any message; if you unsubscribe from one newsletter or one communication, you will be removed from all other district-managed email lists in Constant Contact. If you have any questions, please email